التقارير اليومية كانون الثاني 25, 2016

مجموع: 124
الضفة الغربية


  • On January 27th 2016, the Israeli army, intensified their restrictions at the entrance to Jerusalem city, set up several flying checkpoints on the main road leading to the city and prevented worshipers under the age of 50 from conducting prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque compound which forced residents to conduct prayers near checkpoints located outside Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
  • The Israeli army continues to close the ‘demarcation area’ along the Wall in the area surrounding occupied East Jerusalem and restricts access to local residents as well as to civilians holding special permits.
  • The Israeli army continues to impose a blockade and deny civilian access to a hill between Biddu and Beit Iksa villages.
إغلاق مناطق
  • On January 27th 2016, the Israeli army, intensified their restrictions at the entrance to Jerusalem city, set up several flying checkpoints on the main road leading to the city and prevented worshipers under the age of 50 from conducting prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque compound which forced residents to conduct prayers near checkpoints located outside Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
  • The Israeli army continues to close the ‘demarcation area’ along the Wall in the area surrounding occupied East Jerusalem and restricts access to local residents as well as to civilians holding special permits.
  • The Israeli army continues to impose a blockade and deny civilian access to a hill between Biddu and Beit Iksa villages.

رام الله

منع تجول
  • On January 27th 2016, the Israeli army, intensified their restrictions at the entrance to Jerusalem city, set up several flying checkpoints on the main road leading to the city and prevented worshipers under the age of 50 from conducting prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque compound which forced residents to conduct prayers near checkpoints located outside Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
  • The Israeli army continues to close the ‘demarcation area’ along the Wall in the area surrounding occupied East Jerusalem and restricts access to local residents as well as to civilians holding special permits.
  • The Israeli army continues to impose a blockade and deny civilian access to a hill between Biddu and Beit Iksa villages.
  • On January 27th 2016, the Israeli army, intensified their restrictions at the entrance to Jerusalem city, set up several flying checkpoints on the main road leading to the city and prevented worshipers under the age of 50 from conducting prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque compound which forced residents to conduct prayers near checkpoints located outside Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
  • The Israeli army continues to close the ‘demarcation area’ along the Wall in the area surrounding occupied East Jerusalem and restricts access to local residents as well as to civilians holding special permits.
  • The Israeli army continues to impose a blockade and deny civilian access to a hill between Biddu and Beit Iksa villages.


إغلاق طرق
  • The Israeli army continues to close with dirt mounds the road leading to the town of ‘Arraba east of the illegal settlement Dotan.
  • Since the evening of November 25th 2012, Israeli forces closed the western entrance of Ya’bad
حواجز عسكرية مفاجئة

At 13:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Araba junction, detained 2 residents then withdrew at 17:00.

(ii) At 20:40, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Qad village then searched residents and vehicles until 21:00.

  •  At 16:15, Israeli forces raided Ya’bad, clashed with several residents then withdrew at 17:00.
  • Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Anis Mahmoud Issa (A resident of Jenin) and Yusef Husni Abu Jaloush (A resident of Araba) near Araba junction.
إغلاق بوابات الجدار
  • Israeli forces continue too close the wall gate and only allow those holding special permits to enter through it.


حواجز عسكرية
  • At 15:55, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at “Eniv” checkpoint located along the main road connecting Tulkarem and Nablus and impeded the free flow of traffic.
حواجز عسكرية مفاجئة
  • At 19:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Allarjunction then searched residents and vehicles until 21:00.
  • On the morning of January 30th 2016, Israeli forces detained  Abdel-Hafith Mustafa Jaber (A resident of Baqa Al-Sharqiya.


إغلاق طرق
  • (i) Israeli forces continue to close with cement blocks agricultural roads east of Azzun town.

    (ii) In addition to closing the gate installed since the outbreak the second Intifada, the Israeli army continues to close with dirt mounds the eastern entrance to Kafr Qaddum village.

    (iii) Since 16:55 on December 18th 2014, Israeli forces closed an agricultural road leading to Far’ata village which is located near “Gillad” settlement with dirt mounds

    (iiii) Since 10:40 on September 1st 2015, Israeli forces closed an agricultural road leading to Far’ata village which is located near “Gillad” settlement with a steel Gate.

حواجز عسكرية مفاجئة
  • At 18:50, Israeli forces set up 2 checkpoints at the entrance of Azzun and Immatin village then searched residents and vehicles.
إغلاق بوابات الجدار
  •  The Israeli army continues to restrict access at ‘Azzun ‘Atma Wall gateand impeded the free flow of traffic. The Israeli army continues to close with an iron gate the entrance to the village of Wadi Al- Rasha and to deny civilian access. 

    (ii) The Israeli army allows residents to access the village through Gate #109. Having removed the gate at the entrance to the village of Ras Atiya; the Israeli army only allows students to cross to their schools outside the village through the Habla gate.


  • Since December 17th 2013, Israeli forces ordered the closure 500 dunumes of land in Qusra village as a closed military area.
إغلاق طرق
  • (i) The Israeli army continues to close the roads of Til-Burin and Beit Furik-Salem; the settler bypass road connecting the village of Deir al Hatab to the settlement of Alon Moreh; the road connecting the town of ‘Aqraba to the village of Osrin; and the detour road between the town of Qabalan and the village of Osrin. 

    (ii) The Israeli army continues to close the northern entrance to Qabalan town; the southern entrances to the town of Jamma’in and the villages of Duma and Qaryut.

    (iii) At 06:30 on November 22nd 2015, Israeli forces closed the main road connecting Aqraba and Yanoun village with dirt mounds.

    (iiii) On November 29th 2015, Israeli forces closed the entrance of Burin, Awarta and Osirin as well as the agricultural bypass road connecting Aqraba and Qabalan village with dirt mounds.

    (v) At 13:00 on December 1st 2015, Israeli forces closed the main road connecting Tel village and the bypass road near “Yitsahar” settlement and installed a steel gate in the area.

    (vi) At 18:30 on January 19th 2016, Israeli forces closed the main road connecting Huwara and Walada village with dirt mounds.

حواجز عسكرية مفاجئة
  •  At 09:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Yatma village junction then searched residents and vehicles until 11:50.

    (ii) At 23:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint beneath Duma village bridge then searched residents and vehicles.

  • At 21:35, Israeli forces raided Duma village and fired stun grenades towards a merchant shop for alleged stoning from the area.
إعتداء على ممتلكات
  • At 12:00, Israeli forces prevented several  residents from accessing their agricultural land located along the main road connecting Aqraba and Yanoun village and forcibly removed them after ordering them to obtain a security clearance in order to access their land on January 31st 2016.
إعتداء على ممتلكات
  •  At 12:00, Israeli forces prevented several  residents from accessing their agricultural land located along the main road connecting Aqraba and Yanoun village and forcibly removed them after ordering them to obtain a security clearance in order to access their land on January 31st 2016.
اعتداء مستوطنين
  • At 15:30, a group of Israeli settlers from “Yitsahar” settlement stormed a public park located in east Huwara and assaulted several residents who were in the area during which local residents were able to chase away the settlers from the area.


إغلاق طرق
  • The Israeli army continues to close with dirt mounds the entrance to two detour roads connecting Marda village to its farmland. 

    (ii) On 15.04.2012, the Israeli army has opened the northern entrance to Salfit city to civilian which was closed since the year 2000 and prevented access from 08:00 until 09:20.

    (iii) Since 11:00 on July 30th 2012, Israeli forces have closed two roads leading to Abu Nasar and Qatan Al-Jama’ located in western area of Deir Istiya with cement blocks.

حواجز عسكرية
  • Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at Za’tara checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic.
حواجز عسكرية مفاجئة
  • w of traffic.

    • Flying Checkpoint: At 18:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near the entrance of Qarwat Bani Hassan then searched residents and vehi


At 14:20, Israeli forces raided Al-Janayin area  in Yasuf village  until 15:30.

 At 01:05, Israeli forces raided Deir Istiya village, stormed several homes then withdrew at 01:55.


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