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Total: 234


 08:00, 5th  August 2022 -08:00, 6th August 2022




1. At 02:10, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Al-Ram, and conducted the patrol until 03:30.
2. At 04:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided Qalandia camp, and detained 3 civilians.


The 3 detainees in Qalandia camp are: Fares Aslan, Musa Jahjouh, and Issam Younes Abu Asba.


On 08/05/2022, the Israeli occupation authorities in the city of Jerusalem issued a decision to deport the citizen: Ahmed Jaabis - a resident of the city of Jerusalem, for a period of 6 months from Al-Aqsa Mosque, as a condition for his release after he was detained earlier.


1. On the evening of 08/05/2022, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the village of Al-Isawiya fired stun and tear gas canisters toward citizens for alleged stoning.
2. On the evening of 08/05/2022, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the vicinity of Shuafat Checkpoint in Jerusalem fired stun and tear gas canisters toward citizens for alleged stoning.



1. At 24:00, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Beituniya, clashed with the citizens, while they were on patrol, and withdrew at 05:15.
2. At 02:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Beit Sira, detained 6 civilians, and withdrew at 05:25.


The six detainees in the village of Beit Sira are: Muhammad Hamid Wawi, Muhammad Munir Hamdan, Muhammad Arafat Hamdan, Mujahid Alqam, Ibrahim Mashhour Abu Safiya, and Ibrahim Saeb Abu Safiya.


1. At 17:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the entrance to the settlement of “Psagot” located on the eastern outskirts of the city of Al-Bireh fired stun and tear gas canisters toward the citizens for alleged stoning
2. At 24:00, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning during their raid into the town of Beituniya.



1. At 03:00, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Kafr Rai, and detained 3 citizens (including 2 brothers) and also handed the citizen: Bassam Diab, a notice to refer to the Israeli intelligence.
2. At 03:20, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Sanur, and detained a citizen.
3. At 03:20, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Bir al-Basha and detained a citizen.
4. At 03:20, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Anza and detained a citizen.


1. The 3 detainees in the town of Kafr Ra'i are: Jamal Munib Muhammad al-Sayed, Allam Nabil Said Diab, and his brother Bilal.
2. The detainee in the village of Sanur is: Najeh Hassan Habayba.
3. The detainee in the village of Bir al-Basha is: Imran Gwadra.


On the evening of 08/05/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the vicinity of Al-Jalama checkpoint, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens participating in a demonstration against the aggression on the Gaza Strip.



1. At 10:30, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Baqa al-Sharqiya, and conducted the patrol until 12:20.
2. At 04:20, the Israeli occupation forces raided Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm, detained a citizen, and withdrew at 04:55.


The detainee in Noor Shams camp in Tulkarm is: Alaa Yousef Shabrawi.



At 23:15, the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Qalqilya and conducted a patrol.


1. At 13:45, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the (closed) eastern entrance in Kafr Qaddoum village, fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas towards demonstrators protesting against the closure of the entrance to the village for alleged stoning injuring 9 civilians and as a result left a number of citizens suffered from suffocation due to tear gas inhalation.
2. At 13:50, the Israeli occupation forces, located in the military watchtower, northwest of Azzun town, fired indiscriminately towards the citizens.


9 unidentified civilians were injured during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces near the (closed) eastern entrance in the village of Kafr Qaddoum.



At 22:45, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at Hawara checkpoint detained the citizen: Muhannad Abu Salha.

Settlers Attacks

1. At 13:40, a group of Israeli settlers stormed Al-Khan area in Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya village during which the Israeli occupation forces also intervened and fired stun and tear gas canisters toward citizens, while they were trying to confront the Israeli settlers, as a result of which a number of citizens suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. .
2. At 02:00, a group of Israeli settlers in a private car stormed the city of Nablus, in an attempt to enter (Joseph's Tomb), and fled as soon as they saw the Palestinian Civil Police patrol charged with guarding the tomb.


1. At 13:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the vicinity of Jabal Sabih area in the town of Beita, fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens participating in a demonstration against settlers’ attacks and land confiscation for settlement projects, and as a result left a number of citizens suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
2. At 13:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the village of Beit Dajan, fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens participating in a demonstration against settlers’ attacks and land confiscation for settlement projects, and as a result injured a citizen, and 6 civilians suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
3. At 13:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in Al-Khan area in Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya village fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens, while they were trying to confront a group of Israeli settlers while storming the area and as a result left a number of citizens suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


A unidentified civilian was injured during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces in the village of Beit Dajan.



At 20:10, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Kifl Hares and the village of Hares, and they patrolled until 22:45.


Flying Checkpoints

At 23:20, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the southern entrance to the city of Jericho, to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 23:55.


At 18:15, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning during their raid into Aqabat Jabr camp in Jericho.

Settlers Attacks

At 13:00, a group of Israeli settlers severely assaulted 2 civilians:Ezz El-Din Mahmoud Al-Akhras and Jibril Fathi Nimer - (both of them are residents of Qalandia refugee camp in Jerusalem governorate). near the town of Al-Auja and as a result left them hospitalized with contusions.



At 18:10, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the settlement of "Daniel", which is located south of the town of Al-Khader detained the citizen: Hassan Muhammad Salahat - a resident of the town of Tekoa.


1. At 21:25, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the entrance to the village of Husan fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.
2. At 22:55, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the town of Al-Khaderfired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.
3. At 23:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the vicinity of the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque (the Dome), fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.



1. At 15:10, the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Hebron, and patrolled until 02:30.
2. At 01:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Ithna, and detained 3 civilians.
3. At 01:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Kharas and detained a citizen.
4. At dawn on 08/06/2022,the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Beit Ummar, and detained a citizen.


1. At 15:30, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at a military checkpoint detained the citizen: Othman Yasser Othman Abu Aram - a resident of Yatta town, while he was returning from Ramallah.
2. At 22:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned on Al-Shuhada Street in the old city of Hebron detained the citizen: Yahya Abu Eisha.
3. At 23:15, the Israeli occupation forces positioned on Al-Shuhada Street in the Old City of Hebron detained 3 citizens: Nizar Nidal Salhab, Thaer Adnan Salhab, and Ahmed Iyad Salhab.
4. The 3 detainees in the town of Ithna are: Nidal Muhammad Hassan Al-Jiawi, Muhammad Youssef Al-Fisisi, and Tamer Aslima.
5. The detainee in the town of Kharas is: Rami Zeidan Khalil Katsar.
6. The detainee in the town of Beit Ummar is: Suleiman Bahr.


1. At 21:25, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the entrance to the town of Beit Ummar fired stun and tear gas canisters toward citizens for alleged stoning.
2. At 00:15, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the entrance to Al-Aroub camp fired stun and tear gas canisters toward citizens for alleged stoning.

Settlers Attacks

At 11:50, a group of Israeli settlers in Wadi al-Rahm area in Susiya village, east of Yatta town, threw stones at citizens participating in a march against settlers' attacks, in which the participants managed to remove a tent set up by settlers in the place.



• At 02:00 on 05/21/ 2021, the comprehensive ceasefire entered into force at the initiative and sponsorship of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
• On the morning of 07/30/ 2021, the Israeli occupation forces allowed the expansion of the marine fishing area from 9 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles.
• The Israeli occupation forces violated the ceasefire agreement by firing a number of artillary shells from their positions on the Green Line towards the governorates of Gaza and Khan Yunis, and Israeli military aircrafts launched 69 missiles in (33 consecutive air strikes) towards the governorates of North Gaza, Gaza, Central Gaza, Khan Younis and Rafah, and as a result killed 10 civilians (including a girl and a female citizen), and left 73 civilians injured (including 23 children and 13 female citizens), and an apartment was destroyed.
• Palestinian armed groups violated the ceasefire agreement by firing 157 projectiles towards the Green Line.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanoun crossing - “Erez”: On 08/05/ 2022 is closed.

Air Strike

1. At 16:15 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles, targeting a site belonging to one of the armed Palestinian groups north of Beit Lahia, killing a citizen and injuring 4 others.
2. At 16:15 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles, targeting a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group east of Beit Hanoun, injured 3 civilians.
3. At 16:20 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, targeting agricultural land west of Jabalia town, injuring a citizen.
4. At 21:20 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile towards agricultural land in the town of Beit Hanoun.
5. At 00:15 on 08/06/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups in the town of Beit Hanoun.
6. At 00:50 on 08/06/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, an agricultural land in the town of Beit Lahia, injured 3 civilians.
7. At 01:15 on 08/06/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, targeting agricultural land in the town of Jabalia.
8. At 02:40 on 08/06/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, targeting agricultural land in the town of Jabalia, injured a citizen.


The civilian: Muhammad Ahmad Abd al-Fattah Nasrallah al-Madhoun, 25 years old was killed after Israeli aircrafts launched missiles during air strikes towards a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups north of the town of Beit Lahia.


12 unidentified civilians were injured as a result of Israeli airstrikes towards the North Gaza Governorate.

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 20:55 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 18 projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 21:10 on 08/05/2022, members of Palestinian armed groups fired 17 projectiles towards the Green Line.
3. At 21:50 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
4. At 21:55 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired a projectile towards the Green Line.
5. At 22:15 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 11 projectiles towards the Green Line.
6. At 23:00 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
7. At 23:20 on 08/05/2022, members of Palestinian armed groups fired 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
8. At 23:25 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired a projectile towards the Green Line.
9. At 00:15 on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 9 shells (of unknown type) towards the Green Line.
10. At 00:45 on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
11. At 00:50 on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
12. At 01:05 on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
13. At 02:50on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired a projectiles towards the Green Line.
14. At 06:15 on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar-Karni crossing: closed since 02/03/2011, permanently and by a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shejaiya Crossing - “Nahal Oz” for fuel: closed since 04. 01. 2010, by unilateral Israeli decision.


At 19:15 on 08/05/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired 6 artillery shells from their positions on the Green Line, towards a target east of Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, and as a result injured 4 civilians.

Air Strike

1. At 16:15 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched missiles towards a site belonging to one of the armed Palestinian groups, east of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, and as a result killed a citizen and injured 2 others.
2. At 16:15 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched 4 missiles, targeting an apartment in Al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City, killing 3 civilians and injured 15 others.
3. At 16:10 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, targeting a vehicle in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City and a as a result killed a citizen and injured of another.
4. At 19:20 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, targeting a motorcycle in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, and a as a result killed a citizen.
5. At 19:45 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, targeting a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups in Gaza City.
6. At 20:00 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, targeting agricultural land south of Gaza City.
7. At 20:15 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile towards a site belonging to one of the armed Palestinian groups, east of Al-Shojaeya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with a missile, and as a result injured a citizen.
8. At 21:20 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles, targeting a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups south of Gaza City.
9. At 21:25 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched 5 missiles, targeting a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group southwest of Gaza City.
10. At 21:35on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, targeting targets east of Al-Tuffah neighborhood, northeast of Gaza City.
11. At 21:40 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, targeting a target in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, and as a result injured 5 civilians.
12. At 22:50 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, targeting a target west of Gaza City.
13. At 23:20on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles, targeting agricultural land south of Gaza City, and as a result injured 5 civilians.


6 civilians {including a infant girl} were killed result of Israeli airstrikes towards Gaza governorate are: Alaa Abdullah Riyad Qaddoum, 5 years old, Tayseer Mahmoud Muhammad al-Jabari, 50 years old, Salama Muharib Abdullah Abed, 39 years old, Imad Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Shalah, 50 years old, and Yousef Salman Muhammad Qaddoum 24 years old. Ahmed Mazen Mahmoud Azzam, 25 years old.


33 unidentified civilians were injured as a result of artillery and air strikes in Gaza Governorate.

House Demolition

An apartment was destroyed by air strikes in Al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City.

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 21:05 on 08/05/2022, members of Palestinian armed groups fired 6 projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 21:15 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 30 projectiles towards the Green Line.
3. At 22:15 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
4. At 22:30 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired a projectiles towards the Green Line.
5. At 22:55 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
6. At 23:10 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired a projectiles towards the Green Line.
7. At 23:30 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
8. At 00:10 on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
9. At 02:05 on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.


Air Strike

1. At 03:00 on 08/06/2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group, south of Deir al-Balah.
2. At 04:30 on 08/06/2022, Israeli warplanes launched a missile, a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups, southwest of Deir al-Balah.

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 19:55 on 08/05/ 2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired four projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 22:50 on 08/05/ 2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
3. At 23:05 on 08/05/ 2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
4. At 04:35 on 08/06/ 2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired three projectiles towards the Green Line.



At 17:00 on 08/05/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired 5 artillery shells from their positions on the Green Line, towards areas east of Al-Fukhari town, southeast of Khan Yunis and as a result killed a citizen and injured 7 other citizens.

Air Strike

1. At 16:20 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles, targeting a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group east of Al-Fukhari town, southeast of Khan Yunis and as a result injured 4 civilians.
2. At 19:15 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles towards agricultural land east of Khan Yunis, and as a result killed 2 civilians and injured 5 others.
3. At 21:45 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups, west of Khan Yunis.

4. At 23:20 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles, targeting a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group in the town of Qarara, northeast of Khan Yunis.
5. At 23:40 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched 3 missiles, targeting a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group, west of Khan Yunis and as a result injured 2 civilians.
6. At 23:45 on 08/05/ 2022, Israeli warplanes launched 4 missiles, targeting a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group west of Khan Yunis and as a result injured 2 civilians.


The civilians: Doniyana Adnan Attia Al-Amour, 22 years old, Fadel Mustafa Zorob, 29 years old, and Muhammad Hassan Musa Al-Bayouk, 35 years old were killed as a result of Israeli artillery and air strikes towards Khan Yunis governorate


20 unidentified civilians were injured as a result of Israeli artillery and air strikes towards Khan Yunis governorate.

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 18:30 on 08/05/2022, members of Palestinian armed groups fired a projectile towards the Green Line (it fell inside the Gaza Strip).
2. At 22:40 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired two projectiles towards the Green Line.
3. At 00:10 on 08/05/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
4. At 03:00 on 08/06/2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired a projectiles towards the Green Line.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser Arafat International Airport: closed.
* Sofa crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom crossing - “Kerem Shalom”: on 08/05/ 2022 is closed.
* Al-Awda- Rafah crossing: on 08/05/ 2022 is open in both directions (for citizens to leave and enter).

Air Strike

1. At 16:40 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group east of Rafah, and as a result injured 7 civilians.
2. At 18:45 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, targeting agricultural land west of Rafah city, and as a result injured a citizen.
3. At 21:45 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, a site belonging to a Palestinian armed group, west of Rafah.
4. At 23:05 on 08/05/2022, Israeli warplanes launched two missiles, targeting an empty area west of Rafah.


8 unidentified civilians were injured as a result of Israeli air strikes towards Rafah governorate

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 00:50 on 08/06/ 2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 04:30 on 08/06/ 2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups fired 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.

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