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Daily Report September 20, 2016

Total: 106


Flying Checkpoints

At 18:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint in Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem city then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 13:30, Israeli forces raided Qalandiya village and served military orders for the demolition of a building {consisting of 10 floors} owned by Ra'fat Awadallah for allegedly being built with out a license , fined him 4000.000 NIS and gave him 24 hours warning before implementing the order.
2. At 18:00, Israeli forces raided Al-Issawiya village and clashed with residents as they stormed a home.


1. At dawn on September 19th 2016, Israeli forces detained Salah Al-Sabbah {A resident of Shu'fat camp in Jerusalem city}.
2. At dawn on September 19th 2016, Israeli forces detained Ashraf Faris Burqan {A resident of Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem}.
3. On September 19th 2016, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Alaa Hassan Al-Qurd and Ammar Hassan Al-Qurd {both residents of Ras Al-Amoud neighborhood}.


On September 19th 2016, Israeli authorities served a sentence banning Shadi Amtour from entering Al-Aqsa mosque compound for a period of 6 months.


1. At 18:00, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning as they stormed 18 homes during their raid into Al-Issawiya village.
2. At 19:00, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Al-Tur neighborhood in Jerusalem city.
3. At 03:30, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Kafr Aqab.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 08:30, Israeli settlers under the protection of Israeli Military and Police forces stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound in the old city of Jerusalem and provoked worshipers.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 16:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Shuqba village then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 24:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Ras Kar Kar village then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 03:30, Israeli forces raided Qarwat Bani Zied village, detained a resident then withdrew at 06:10.
2. At 04:15, Israeli forces raided Beitunia town until 06:00.
3. At 04:15, Israeli forces raided Al-Jalazoun camp, detained 6 residents {including 3 children} then withdrew at 04:20.


1.Israeli forces detained Thaqer Azziz Arrar in Qarwat Bani Zied village.
2. Israeli forces detained 6 residents {including 3 children}: Yusef Sami Muslih (13 years old), Osama Mustafa Hattab (15 years old), Majed Salah Aliyan (16 years old), Oday Majed Qatawi, Ali Omar Orabi and Oday Mustafa Nakhlah in Al-Jalazoun camp.


Flying Checkpoints

At 08:20 on September 19th 2016 and again at 07:40 on September 20th 2016, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Zubaba village then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At dawn on September 20th 2016, Israeli forces raided Ti'ninnik village, detained a journalists after storming and searching his home.
2. At dawn on September 20th 2016, Israeli forces raided Jenin city then stormed and searched a home.


Israeli forces detained Mus'ab Qassim Al-Zayoud {A journalist} during their raid into Ti'ninnik village .



At 02:00, Israeli forces raided Attil town, detained 2 residents then withdrew at 04:50.


Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Raed Rasheed Ali Khirbat {A resident of Attil town} and Mohammad Rawhi Abu Al-Harathin {A resident of Kafr Ra'i town} during their raid into Attil town.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 10:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Hajja village then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 15:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Immatin village junction then searched residents and vehicles.
3. At 21:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Azzun town then searched residents and vehicles.

Temporary Detention

At 18:45, Israeli forces positioned in Khilat Al-Natsheh area located near Kafr Qaddum village temporarily detained 7 residents {including 4 children and a National Security Force officer}: Miqdad Riyad Al-Ashqar (17 years old), Mohammad Imad Ishtewi (17 years old), Saber Anis Ishtewi (17 years old), Abdallah Karam Ali (17 years old), Akram Abdel-Kareem Ishtewi {a National Security Force officer}, Mohammad Basam Barham and Abdallah Maher Ishtewi then released them at a later time.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 15:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Osarin village then searched residents and vehicles until 17:20.
2. At 20:35, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near "Yitzhar" settlement junction located in North Huwara town then searched residents and vehicles


1. At 02:05, Israeli forces raided Nablus city, detained a University student then withdrew at 05:35.
2. At 02:25, Israeli forces raided Osarin village and detained a resident.


1. At 21:30, Israeli forces detained Al-Qaman Al-Sa'er {A resident of Sabastiya village}.
2. Israeli forces detained Omar Khader Al-Shakhsheer {A University student } in Nablus city.
3. Israeli forces detained Nafez Mohammad Adeli in Osarin village.

Closure of main Roads

]At 22:00, Israeli forces closed the main entrances of Beita town, Einbuis, Awarta and Burin villages, the by pass road leading to Huwara and Beita towns with cement blocks and dirt mounds.


Flying Checkpoints

At 11:40, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Salfit city then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 01:00, Israeli forces raided Salfit city, summoned Ibrahim Nathmi Saleem to report to Israeli Intelligence for questioning then withdrew at 03:10.
2. At 07:00, Israeli forces raided Kafr Al-Dik town.


Flying Checkpoints

At 14:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the West entrance of Beit Fajjar town then searched residents and vehicles.


1.At dawn on September 19th 2016, Israeli forces raided Al-Ju'ba village and detained a resident.
2. At 01:50, Israeli forces raided Al-Duhisheh camp in Bethlehem city, clashed with several residents as they stormed and searched several homes and as a result injured 3 residents including 2 children: Yusef Izzat Abu Daya (17 years old), Omar Ali Abu Ajamiya (17 years old) and Mohammad Adnan Mizher then detained a child and withdrew at 02:45.
3. At 02:55, Israeli forces raided Ayda camp in Bethlehem city, clashed with several residents as they stormed and searched several homes, detained 2 residents including a child then withdrew at 03:50.
4. At 03:00, Israeli forces raided Al-Diha town and detained a resident.


1. Israeli forces detained Haytham Na'im Ahmad Hamdan in Al-Ju'ba village.
2. Israeli forces detained Ramzi Nasser Hassan Abu Ajamiya (15 years old) during their raid into Al-Duhisheh camp in Bethlehem city.
3. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Yassin Ma'moun Abdel-Qadder Badeer (17 years old) and Ibrahim Mohamamd Abu Sarour in Ayda camp.
4. Israeli forces detained Mohammad Faris Fararjah in Al-Doha town.


1. At 15:20, Israeli forces positioned in Al-Ayda camp in Bethlehem city fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.
2. At 01:50, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning as they stormed and searched several homes during their raid into Al-Duhisheh camp in Bethlehem city result injured 3 residents including 2 children.
3. At 02:55, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning as they stormed and searched several homes during their raid into Ayda camp in Bethlehem city.


Israeli forces injured 3 resiednts including 2 children: Yusef Izzat Abu Daya (17 years old), Omar Ali Abu Ajamiya (17 years old) and Mohammad Adnan Mizher as they clashed with residents during their raid into Al-Duhisheh camp in Bethlehem city .


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 08:40 and again at 19:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Zif village junction then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 08:40, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Al-Fuwar junction then searched residents and vehicles.
3.At 10:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Ithna town junction then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 09:50, Israeli forces raided Khursa village, summoned 2 residents: Adham Ghalib Abu Arqoub and Hussien Ghalib Abu Arqoub to report to Israeli Intelligence for questioning.
2. At 18:05, Israeli forces raided Hebron city, stormed and searched 6 homes, detained 3 residents and confiscated 10000 NIS from the home of Rashed Al-Atrash.
3. At 01:05, Israeli forces raided Al-Thahriya town, clashed with several residents the withdrew at 05:00.


Israeli forces detained 3 residents: Hamza Rashid Al-Atrash, Mohammad Sameer Hassan and Mohammad Arafat Abu Sabieh in Hebron city.

Temporary Detention

At 19:20, Israeli forces temporarily detained the child Diya' Faysal Al-Rajabi (15 years old) in the old city of Hebron then released him at a later time.


1. At 13:55, Israeli forces positioned in the south area of the old city of Hebron fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.
2. At 16:55, Israeli forces positioned near Al-Ibrahimi mosque in the old city of Hebron opened fire towards and killed 2 residents {including a child}: Ameer Jamal Al-Rajabi (17 years old) and Muhanad Jameel Ahmad Al-Rajabi (21 years old).
3. At 18:10, Israeli forces positioned near Bab Al-Zawiya area in Hebron city fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 2 residents: Sa'di Ehab Salhab and Hamdi Raja'i Al-Sha'rawi.
4. At 01:05, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Al-Thahriya town.
5.On the morning of September 20th 2016, Israeli forces positioned near the entrance of Bani Na'im town opened fire towards and kill ed the child : Issa Salem Mahmoud Tariya (16 years old).


1. Israeli forces opened fire towards and killed 2 residents {including a child}: Ameer Jamal Al-Rajabi (17 years old) and Muhanad Jameel Ahmad Al-Rajabi (21 years old) near Al-Ibrahimi mosque in the old city of Hebron.
2. Israeli forces opened fire towards and kill ed the child : Issa Salem Mahmoud Tariya (16 years old) near the entrance of Bani Na'im town.


The residents injured during confrontations with Israeli forces near Bab Al-Zawiya area in Hebron city are: Sa'di Ehab Salhab and Hamdi Raja'i Al-Sha'rawi.

Confiscation of Property

At 18:05, Israeli forces confiscated a financial amount of 1000 NIS after storming the home of Rashed Al-Atrash during their arid into Hebron city.

Settlers Attacks

At 13:55, Israeli settlers stormed Susiya village located in east Yatta town and verbally abused several residents.



* Since 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the sea port and airports in the coming month.
•Israeli navy vessels broke the ceasefire agreement by opening fire towards fishing boats in Northern Gaza and as a result injured a Palestinian Fisherman.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanun (Erez) is partially open for humanitarian cases, international journalists, employees working for humanitarian agencies, businessmen and passengers traveling though Al-Karama Crossing.


1.At 08:00 on September 19th 2016, Israeli Naval vessels opened fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of Al-Sudaniya area located in West Beit Lahiya town.
2. At 19:45 on September 19th 2016, Israeli Naval vessels opened fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of Al-Sudaniya area located in West Beit Lahiya town and as a result injured a Palestinian fisherman.


The Palestinian fisherman : Ahmad Ziyad was injured after Israeli Naval vessels opened fir towards his fishing boats off the shores of Al-Sudaniya area in west Beit Lahiya town.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
* Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is closed.
* Sufa Crossing is closed.
* Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is partially open for the entry of goods, fuel, construction material for the private sector and internationally funded projects.

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