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Daily Report October 28, 2016

Total: 64



1. At 03:50 on October 27th 2016, Israeli forces raided Hizma town.
2. At 11:20, Israeli forces raided Al-Eisawiya village and detained a resident.
3. At 14:00, Israeli forces raided Shu'fat camp in Jerusalem city and clashed with several residents and as a result injured a child.
4. At 01:30, Israeli forces raided Al-Eizariya and Abu Dis towns until 06:00.


1. At dawn on October 27th 2016, Israeli forces detained Yaser Aliyan in Shufat neighborhood in Jerusalem city.
2. On October 27th 2016, Israeli forces detained the child Abed Nidal Abbassi (16 years old) in Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem city.
3. On October 27th 2016, Israeli forces detained Tarik Al-Tamimi and Mohammad Al-Ajlouni in the old city of Jerusalem.
4. At dawn on October 28th 2016, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Abdallah Afanah and Ishaq Affaneh in Sur Baher village.
5. Israeli forces detained Ayoub Obied in Al-Eisawiya village.


1. At 09:50, Israeli forces positioned in Ein Al-Louza area in Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem city and fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.
2. At 14:00, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Shu'fat camp in Jerusalem city and as a result injured a child and left several residents suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


Israeli forces injured a unidentified child during confrontations in Shu'fat camp in Jerusalem city.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 09:00, Israeli settlers under the protection of Israeli Military and Police forces stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound in the old city of Jerusalem and provoked worshipers.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 18:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Ein Sinya village then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 21:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Al-Taybeh town junction {located along the main road connecting Ramallah and Jericho} and detained a child.
3. At 21:25, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Deir Ibzi' village then searched residents and vehicles until 22:30.


1. At 03:00 on October 27th 2016, Israeli forces raided Deir Abu Mash'al village and detained 2 residents.
2. At 19:15, Israeli forces raided Deir Nathim village, clashed with several residents, temporarily detained 3 children: Jaber Ahmad Faraj Mizhir (17 years old), Ayoub Ahmad Salah Assaf (16 years old) and Iyas Mahmoud Yahya Al-Tamimi (17 year old) and released them at a later time then withdrew at 20:20.
3. At dawn on October 28th 2016, Israeli forces raided Khirbithat Al-Misbah village and detained a resident.


1. On October 27th 2016, Israeli forces positioned at Beit Sira checkpoint detained Ma'moun Ribhi Al-Assi {A resident of Beit Liqya town}.
2. Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Al-Taybeh town junction {located along the main road connecting Ramallah and Jericho} detained Antar Eyad Majid (16 years old) {A resident of Silwad town}.
3. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Fayiz Mohammad Atta and Mahmoud Ibrahim Barghouthi in Deir Abu Mash'al village.
4. Israeli forces detained Yazen Kayed Sa'di Muslih in Khirbithat Al-Misbah village.


On the evening of October 27th 2016, Israeli forces fired live ammunition and rubber coated steel bullets towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Deir Nathim village.


Flying Checkpoints

At 22:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the west entrance of Tammoun town, detained 2 residents then withdrew at 23:20.


Israeli forces positioned at the west entrance of Tamoun town detained 2 residents: Obada Ma'moun Hussien Abu Muh'sien and Salah Jamal Yusef Masa'id.



At 01:30, Israeli forces raided Tulkarem city and clashed with several residents then withdrew at 02:20.


At 01:30, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Tulkarem city.


Flying Checkpoints

At 09:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint beneath Azzun town bridge {located along the main road connecting Qalqilya and Tulkarem} then searched residents and vehicles.


At 19:00, Israeli forces raided Jayyous town, clashed with several residents then withdrew at 21:00.


At 19:00, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Jayyous town.


Military Checkpoints

At 23:40, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at Huwwara checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic until 00:30.

Flying Checkpoints

At 12:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Deir Sharaf village {along the main road connecting Nablus and Tulkarem} then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 18:30, Israeli forces raided Beit Dajjan village.
2. At 02:30, Israeli forces raided Orif village, detained a resident after storming and searching his home then withdrew at 03:45.


1. At 02:25 on October 27th 2016, Israeli forces detained Abdel-Rahman Waleed Daoud Salah {A resident of Ein Beit Al-Ma' camp in Nablus city} during their raid into Nablus city.
2. Israeli forces detained Salah Kayed Abdel-Lattif Sabah in Orif village.


Military Checkpoints

At 23:50, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at Za'tara junction checkpoint and detained a resident as they impeded the free flow of traffic.


Israeli forces positioned at Za'tara junction checkpoint detained Abdallah Abu Shalal {A resident of Balata camp in Nablus city}.



At 09:30, Israeli forces raided Al-Khader town and occupied Mansour Issa's home and converted its rooftop into a military post then withdrew at 11:35.

House Occupation

At 10:25, Israeli forces occupied Mansour Issa's home and converted its rooftop into a military post during their raid into Al-Khader town.

Physical Assault

At 22:15, Israeli forces positioned in the vicinity of "Kafr Itsiyon" settlement junction assaulted Ahmad Issa Arfan {A he was driving his taxi cab} and as s result left him hospitalized with contusions.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 19:35, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Al-Fuwar camp then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 19:45, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Al-Samou' town then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 03:45 on October 27th 2016, Israeli forces raided Hebron city and detained a resident.
2. At dawn on October 28th 2016, Israeli forces raided Beit Ummar town then stormed and searched 5 homes.


Israeli forces detained Ayman Abdel-Hameed Yasseen Taha in Hebron city.


At 12:05, Israeli forces positioned near Al-Ibrahimi mosque in the old city of Hebron opened fire towards a vehicle , temporarily detained 3 residents: Ayash Hussien Awaja {A resident of Al-Samou' town}, Abdel-Rahman Yunis Abu Arqoub {A resident of Dura Town} and Nour Al-Din Yunis Abu Arqoub {A resident of Dura Town} then released them after questioning them at a Israeli Police station.

Temporary Detention

Israeli forces temporarily detained 3 residents: Ayash Hussien Awaja {A resident of Al-Samou' town}, Abdel-Rahman Yunis Abu Arqoub {A resident of Dura Town} and Nour Al-Din Yunis Abu Arqoub {A resident of Dura Town} then released them after questioning them at a Israeli Police station near Al-Ibrahimi mosque in the old city of Hebron .



• Since 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the sea port and airports in the coming month.
• Israeli forces broke the ceasefire agreement by raiding and opening fire from their positions behind the Green Line towards Central Gaza and Khan Yunis Districts.
•Israeli Naval vessels broke the cease fire agreement by opening fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of North Gaza district.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanun (Erez) is partially open for humanitarian cases, international journalists, employees working for humanitarian agencies, businessmen and passengers traveling though Al-Karama Crossing.


At 10:00 on October 27th 2016, Israeli Naval vessels opened fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of Al-Sudaniya area located in west Beit Lahiya town.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.



At 07:15 on October 27th 2016, Israeli forces escorting Military bulldozers stormed 200m in east Al-Buriej camp then opened fire as they levelled a plot of agricultural land then withdrew at 13:50.



At 14:00 on October 27th 2016, Israeli forces escorting Military bulldozers stormed 100m in east Al-Qarara town then opened fire as they levelled a plot of agricultural land then withdrew at 16:00.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
* Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is closed.
* Sufa Crossing is closed.
* Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is partially open for the entry of goods, fuel, construction material for the private sector and internationally funded projects.

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