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Daily Report May 26 2021

Total: 61


 08:00,  25th   May  2021 -08:00, 26th  May  2021




1. At dawn on 05/25/2021, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Bado and detained a citizen.
2. At dawn on 05/25/2021,the Israeli occupation forces raided Beit Duqqu town and detained a citizen.
3. At dawn on 26/05/2021,the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Al-Zaim, stormed and searched a number of homes, and detained a citizen.


1. At 10:20, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the Bab al-Amud area in Jerusalem detained the citizen: Mahdi Abu Asab.
2. At 17:00, the Israeli occupation forces detained 3 citizens: Hani Imad Dwayyat, Issa Abu Ta'a, and Khaled Abu Mayaleh in Jerusalem.
3. At 18:30, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the settlement of "Modein" detained the citizen: Rashid Muhammad Darwish - a resident of Al-Isawiya village.
4. At 19:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the city of Jerusalem detained the citizen: Muhammad Al-Amouri.
5. At 19:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at Al-Aqsa Mosque detained the citizen: Wissam Sidr.
6. At 20:00, the Israeli occupation forces detained the citizen: Majd Fikri Hamid - a resident of the town of Beit Anan, while he was reporting to the Israeli intelligence, based on a prior notification.
7. The detainee in the town of Bedouin is: Yazan Issa Mansour.
8. The detainee in the town of Beit Duqo is: Muhammad Mustafa Daoud.
9. The detainee in the town of Al-Zaim is: Izz Al-Din Qabaja.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 08:00, a group of extremist settlers, under the protection of the Israeli occupation police, stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and conducted provocative tours in its courtyards and facilities.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 09:00, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the entrance to Ras Karkar village, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.
2. At 20:45, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the entrance to the town of Beit Ur al-Tahta, to search cars and check the identities of the citizens.


At 03:10, the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Al-Bireh, detained 2 citizens (brothers), and withdrew at 06:00.


1. At 03:40 on the 25/ 05/2021, the Israeli occupation forces detained the citizen: Hani Taha Atta during their raid the village of Deir Abu Mishaal (as mentioned in the previous report).
2. The two detainees in the city of Al-Bireh are: Ihab Iyad Hassouna, and his brother Aziz.


At 22:50, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the settlement of "Ofra" near the town of Silwad, opened fire towards a citizen's vehicle after it stopped suddenly, as its driver was surprised by the presence of the Israeli occupation soldiers on the road adjacent to the settlement, and allowed its passage after inspecting it at a later time.

Closure of main Roads

At dawn 05/26/2021, the Israeli occupation forces closed the iron gate at the entrance to the town of Aboud, in front of traffic.



At 20:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Bir al-Basha and detained a citizen.


1. On the evening of 25/05/2021, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near Al-Yamoun town detained the child: Ahmed Muhammad Hammad, 16 years old.
2. The detainee in Bir al-Basha village is: Saddam Bassem Zaidan Ghawadrah.



1. At 03:00, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Tayasir, detained 2 citizens (a citizen and his son), and withdrew at 06:15.
2. At 03:15,the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Tubas, where clashes took place with citizens as they stormed a number of houses, detained a citizen, and withdrew at 06:10.


1. The two detainees in Tayasir village are: Zahi Ahmad Muhammad Abu Ali and his son Yazid.
2. The detainee in the city of Tubas is: Ghassan Ghaleb Daraghmeh.


Flying Checkpoints

At 10:40, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Shoufah, to search cars and verify citizens' identities until 15:00.


At 04:00,the Israeli occupation forces raided the suburb of Shweika in Tulkarm, arrested 2 children, and withdrew at 05:00.


The two detainees in the Shweika suburb of Tulkarm are: Amer Mahmoud Daoud, 17, and Karim Mahmoud Daoud, 15.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 17:00, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Ezbet El-Tabib, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.
2. At 17:05, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to Azzun town, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.
3. At 19:35, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint under the Azzun bridge (on the main road Qalqilya - Tulkarm), to search cars and verify citizens' identities.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 10:35 and again at 17:30, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint in the Al-Murabaa area near the entrance to the village of Tal to search cars and verify citizens' identities.
2. At 10:35, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the town of Beita, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.



At 23:30,the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Deir Istia, where clashes took place with the citizens and as a result left several citizens suffocated from tear gas inhalation then withdrew at 23:55.


At 11:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at the Zaatarah Junction checkpoint, Murad Ibrahim Shalash Hammour (from the Presidential Guard) - a resident of the town of Jabaa in the city of Jenin.


At 23:30, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens, during their raid into the town of Deir Istia, under the pretext that they had been thrown with stones while on the patrol and as a result left Ali Jamal Dhiab - suffocated due to inhaling tear gas.

Land Confiscation

On 05/25/2021, the Israeli occupation forces issued a military order requiring the confiscation of hundreds of dunams of agricultural lands belonging to the towns of Bidya and Burqin and the villages of Masha, Sarata and Haris, in order to lay a water pipeline that connects the settlements of "Al-Kana" and "Borkan Al-Sinaiyah".

Settlement Activities

At 14:50, a group of settlers from the settlement outpost "Neve Anaya", which is built on the lands of Iskaka village, razed Palestinian lands near the settlement, with the aim of expanding the outpost.


Flying Checkpoints

At 20:00, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the northern entrance to Jericho, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.


At 11:05, the Israeli occupation forces, present at the Hamra checkpoint, severely beat the citizen: Hussam Amin Bazour - resident of Raba village in Jenin governorate, and as a result left him hospitalized with contusions.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 09:50, the Israeli occupation forces set up a roadblock at the entrance to the town of Janata, to search cars and verify citizens' identities until 10:50.
2. At 20:30, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the western entrance to the town of Tuqu ', to search cars and verify citizens' identities until 21:00.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 18:30, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the entrance to Al-Fawwar camp, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.
2. At 18:35, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the town of Al-Samou, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.


At dawn on 05/26/2021,the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Hebron, and stormed and searched 5 homes.


At 08:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in front of Al-Arroub camp, fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens near the entrance to the camp, under the pretext that they had been thrown with stones.

Settlers Attacks

At 15:15, a group of settlers attacked a number of citizens in the village of Khirbet Zanuta, south of Yatta.



• At 19:00 on 26/08/2014, the permanent and comprehensive ceasefire came into effect with the initiative and patronage of the Arab Republic of Egypt, after reaching understandings to open the crossings, the introduction of humanitarian and relief aid and reconstruction requirements, and expanding the fishing area to a distance of 6 miles with the increase in distance Up to 12 miles by the end of this year, reducing the "security buffer" zone from 300 meters to 100 meters, freedom of movement and preventing assassinations. Other issues, including the airport and the port, will be negotiated within a month of the ceasefire.

• On the morning of June 28, 2019, the occupation forces allowed the expansion of the fishing distance from opposite the Al-Waha area northwest of the town of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza governorate and up to the Gaza port by a distance of 6 nautical miles, and from opposite the Gaza port to the south of the coast of Rafah to 15 nautical miles.
• On 01/09/2020, the occupation forces re-expanded the fishing distance from the front of the Al-Waha area northwest of the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza governorate and up to the Gaza port by a distance of 6 nautical miles, and from opposite the Gaza port to the south of the coast of Rafah to 15 nautical miles. After it imposed on 08/16/2020 a complete closure on the maritime domain in front of the fishermen's boats in front of the Gaza Strip.
• On 10/05/2021, the Israeli occupation forces closed the sea of ​​the Gaza Strip, in front of fishermen until further notice.
• At 02:00 on 21/05/2021, the comprehensive ceasefire came into effect with the initiative and patronage of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
• The Israeli occupation forces violated the ceasefire, when the gunboats opened fire towards the fishermen's boats while chasing them at sea off the shore of Gaza City.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanoun Crossing - "Erez": On 05/05/2021, it is partially open (for the entry of staff of international organizations, foreign journalists, and critical medical cases).


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar-Karni crossing: closed since 02/03/2011, permanently and by a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shejaiya Crossing - “Nahal Oz” for fuel: closed since 04. 01. 2010, by unilateral Israeli decision.


At 22:15 on 05/25/2021, Israeli gunboats opened fire at the fishermen's boats while chasing them at sea off the shore of Gaza City.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser Arafat International Airport: closed.
* Sufa Crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom Crossing - “Kerem Shalom”: 05/25/2021 is partially open (for the entry of medical equipment, medicines, foodstuffs, and limited quantities of fuel).
* Al-Awda- Rafah crossing: On 05/25/2021, it is open in both directions (for entry and departure of citizens).

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