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Daily Report March 26, 2019

Total: 158


Flying Checkpoints

At 11:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Biddu town then searched residents and vehicles.


At dawn on March 26th 2019, Israeli forces raided Hizma town and detained 2 children.


1. At 12:50, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Shadad Al-Awar and Mahmoud Najib {both are residents of Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem city}.
2. At dawn on March 26th 2019, Israeli forces detained Ahmad Abdel-Rahman Abu Ghanam in Al-Tur neighborhood in Jerusalem city.
3. Israeli forces detained 2 children: Mahmoud Ghalib Salahadin {16 years old} and Mohammad Abdel-Hameed Al-Khatib {16 years old} in Hizma town.


1. On March 25th 2019, Israeli authorities in Jerusalem city issued orders banning Arin Al-Za'anin {a resident of Jerusalem city} from entering Al-Aqsa mosque for a period of 1 week.
2. On March 25th 2019, Israeli authorities in Jerusalem city issued orders banning Jihad Nassar Qaws {a resident of Jerusalem city} from entering Al-Aqsa mosque until March 31st 2019.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

1. At 10:30, a group of Israeli settlers under the protection of Israeli Military and Police officers stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound and provoked worshipers.
2. On the evening of March 25th 2019, Israeli Police officers stormed Bab Al-Rahma area in Al-Aqsa mosque and took photographs of several employees of the Al Aqsa mosque construction committee.


Military Checkpoints

On March 25th 2019, the Israeli occupation forces reopened Al-Mahkama" military checkpoint located near "Beit El" settlement in North Al-Bireh city for all civilians for 24 hours daily except for Saturdays during which the checkpoint will be open from 22:00 until 10:00 on Sunday.

Flying Checkpoints

1. At 11:45, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at "Halamish" settlement junction then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 13:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Silwad town then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 02:50 on March 25th 2019, Israeli forces raided Jifna town, stormed and searched a home and confiscated 5000 NIS.
2. At 21:45, Israeli forces raided Al-Jalazoun camp and confiscated surveillance camera footage from a merchant shop.

Assault on Educational sector

At 05:00, Israeli forces raided Bir Ziet University campus and stormed the student dormitories then detained 3 University students.


Israeli forces detained 3 University students: Tawfiq Abu Arqub {A resident of Bir Ziet town}, Hamza Abu Qara {A resident of Al-Mazra'a Al-Gharbiya village} and Uday Nakhlat {A resident of Al-Jalazoun camp} as they stormed the student dormitories during their raid into Bir Ziet University campus.


At 17:55, Israeli forces positioned at the North entrance of Al-Bireh city fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured a resident.


Israeli forces injured Izaddin Issa {A resident of Atara town} during clashes in North Al-Bireh city.

Confiscation of Property

At 02:50 on March 25th 2019, Israeli forces confiscated 5000 NIS from the home of Taysir Al-Khatib during their raid into Jifna town.

Closure of main Roads

1. At 21:45, Israeli forces closed the steel gate entrance along the main road leading to Al-Jalazoun camp near "Bet El" settlement and impeded the free flow of traffic.
2. At 21:45, Israeli forces closed the steel gate located at the entrance of Abboud town and impeded the free flow of traffic.



On the evening of March 25th 2019, Israeli forces raided Kafrit village, detained 2 residents and confiscated a Motorcycle.


1. On the evening of March 25th 2019, Israeli forces positioned at the entrance of Zubaba village detained Matein Dabiya {a resident of Jenin camp}.
2. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Nadim Turkman {a resident of Jenin camp} and Yazan Hamarsha {a resident of Ya'bad town}.


Assaults on Property

On March 25th 2019, Israeli forces positioned in the North Jordan valley served a military order to halt construction of a storage den and water well owned by Khier Al-Din Mohammad Saleh Talib {owner of the water well} and Mo'ayad Ahmad Abdel-Rahman Subieh {owner of the storage den} for allegedly being built without licences.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 15;20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the east entrance of Qalqiliya city then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 15:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the tunnel entrance of Hablat town {located at the south entrance of Qalqiliya city} then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 17:25, Israeli forces raided Azzun town, clashed with several residents , temporarily detained 4 residents and released them at a later time then withdrew at 21:35.
2. At dawn on March 26th 2019, Israeli forces raided Qalqiliya city then stormed and searched a home.

Temporary Detention

At 17:25, Israeli forces temporarily detained 4 residents: Moath Isla m Radwan, Hassan Issam Hatshat, Ahmad Nour Rayan and Amee Nour Rayan during their raid into Azzun town then released them at a later time.


At 17:25, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Azzun town.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 08:45, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Deir Sharaf village junction {located along the main road connecting Nablus and Tulkarem} then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 11:40 and again at 21:30 , Israeli forces set up a checkpoint in Al-Muraba'a area located near Tel village, temporarily detained 3 residents and released then at a later time Bir Ziet University campus
3. At 17:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Sarah village junction {located along the main road connecting Nablus and Qalqiliya} then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 11:15, Israeli forces raided Iraq Burin village.
2. At 16:50, Israeli forces raided Huwara town,served a military order for the removal a used car lot owned by Ehab Ahmad Hamad, Ayed Mahmoud Muharib, Majid Al-Aqrabani and Firas Kassab.

Temporary Detention

At 11:40, Israeli forces positioned at a flying checkpoint in in Al-Muraba'a area located near Tel village, temporarily detained 3 residents: Mohammad Haza' Ramadan, Sufiyan Ibrahim Ishtaya and Fadil Abdel-Fattah Ishtaya {all are residents of tel village} then released them at a later time.


Flying Checkpoints

At 09:15 on March 25th 2019 and again at 07:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Deir Istiya town then searched residents and vehicles.


At 02:30, Israeli forces raided Al-Zawiya town and served a military order for the demolition of the home owned by the family of Omar Abu Liela and gave the family until March 31st 2019 to remove their belongings from inside the home.



At 00;15, Israeli forces raided Al-Shawarat village then stormed and searched a home.


At 10:35, Israeli forces positioned near the entrance "Bitar Aliyat" settlement detained Yusef Fathi Yusef Issa {A resident of Al-Khader town}.

Confiscation of Property

At 11:35, Israeli forces stormed Al-Ju'ba village and confiscated a tractor owned by Jamal Ahmad Al-Turk as he was working on agricultural land.


Flying Checkpoints

At 16:55, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Tarqumiya town then searched residents and vehicles.


At 14:15, Israeli forces raided Ithna town, served a military order to halt construction on 2 homes owned by Shihada Wajih Al-Jiyawi and Mahmoud Wajih Al-Jiyawi for allegdly being built without a licence.


At dawn on March 26th 2019, Israeli forces detained the child: Ammar Nathmi Al-Ajlouni {17 years old} after storming his home in Jabal Juhar area in the old city of Hebron.

Settlers Attacks

On March 25th 2019, a group of Israeli settlers from "Kiryat Arba" and "Kharsana" settlements located in east Hebron city stormed agricultural land in Buwirat area and chopped off the limbs of several Olive and Almond trees owned by Khalifa Da'ana.



• Since 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the seaport and airports and on May 4th 2017, Israeli authorities increased the fishing limit to 9 nautical miles from Wadi Gaza until the south border of the Gaza strip and on June 26th 2017 Israeli forces decreased the fishing limit back to 6 nautical miles and on October 17th 2017, Israeli forces increased the fishing limit back to 9 nautical miles and on December 12th 2017 reduced fishing area from 9 nautical miles to 6 nautical miles south of Wadi Gaza and opposite to Rafah and on July 17th 2018, Israeli forces reduced the fishing area from 6 nautical miles to 3 nautical miles, On August 15th 2018, Israeli forces increased the fishing area from 3 nautical miles up to 9 nautical miles from the coast of Al-Badeir area located in Central Gaza up to Rafah district located South of the Gaza strip and on October 6th 2018, Israeli forces decreased the fishing limit to 3 nautical miles to the all Gaza strip coasts and on October 23rd 2018 increased the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles to the all Gaza strip.

• The Israeli Military broke the ceasefire agreement by launching 6 tank artillery shells and opening fire from their positions behind the Green Line towards North Gaza, Central Gaza and Khan Yunis districts.
• Israeli Air force broke the ceasefire agreement by launching 75 missiles {in 41 consecutive air strikes} towards North Gaza, Central Gaza, Khan Yunis and Rafah districts and as a result injured 7 residents and demolished 3 buildings.
• Israeli Naval vessels broke the ceasefire agreement by opening fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of North Gaza and Khan Yunis districts.

• Palestinian Gunmen broke the ceasefire agreement by opening fire and launching projectiles towards the Green Line.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanun (Erez) crossing is closed.


1. At 22:20 on March 25th 2019, ,Israeli Naval vessels opened fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of Al-Sudaniya area located in west Beit Lahiya town.
2. At 03:10 on March 26th 2019, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green line launched tank artillery shells towards open area's in North Beit Lahiya town.

Air Strike

1. At 17:00 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 3 missiles towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in Al-Waha area located in North west Beit Lahiya town.
2. At 18:05 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in west Beit Lahiya town.
3. At 19:05 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Jabaliya town.
4. At 19:15 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Beit Hanoun town.
5. At 19:55 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 5 missiles towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in east Beit Hanoun town.
6. At 20:35 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in east Jabaliya town.
7. At 20:35 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Beit Hanoun town.
8. At 21:25 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards a target in Beit Lahiya town and as a result injured 5 residents.
9. At 22:20 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Jabaliya town.
10. At 22:30 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 3 missiles towards an open area in east Jabaliya town.
11. At 00:40 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in east Beit Lahiya town.
12. At 01:40 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 2 missiles towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in West Beit Lahiya town.
13. At 02:30 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 3 missiles towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in Beit Hanoun town.
14. At 03:05 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in West Beit Lahiya town.


Israeli airstrikes injured 5 unidentified residents in Beit Lahiya town.

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 21:05 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 21:10 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 10 projectiles towards the Green Line.
3. At 21:15 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
4. At 21:25 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
5. At 21:40 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
6. At 22:50 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
7. At 23:20 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
8. At 01:30 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
9. At 01:55 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 1 projectile towards the Green Line.
10. At 02:35 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 1 projectile towards the Green Line.
11. At 02:40 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 1 projectile towards the Green Line.
12. At 03:15 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.

Air Strike

1. At 18:30 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 2 missiles towards targets in east Gaza city.
2. At 18:30 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in West Gaza city.
3. At 18:40 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 2 missiles towards targets in east Gaza city.
4. At 18:45 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 4 missiles towards Al-Multtazem Insurance Company Building in east Gaza city.
5. At 18:50 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards targets in east Gaza city.
6. At 19:20 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards an open area in Al-Tufah neighborhood located in North east Gaza city.
7. At 18:45 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 7 missiles towards a building west Gaza city.
8. At 19:40 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards a target in Al-Shija'iya neighborhood located in east Gaza city and as a result injured a resident.
9. At 20:30 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 7 missiles towards a office building in Gaza city and as a result injured a resident.
10. At 20:45 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards a target in Al-Tufah neighborhood located in east Gaza city.
11. At 22:10 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards a target in Al-Shija'iya neighborhood located in east Gaza city.
12. At 22:35 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards a target in Al-Shija'iya neighborhood located in east Gaza city.
13. At 22:45 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards a target west Gaza city.
14. At 05:15 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in South West Gaza city.
15. At 05:50 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft launched 1 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in South West Gaza city.


1.Israeli airstrikes towards Al-Shija'iya neighborhood located in east Gaza city injured a unidentified resident.
2. Israeli airstrikes towards a office building in east Gaza city injured a unidentified resident.

House Demolition

1.At 18:45 on March 25th 2019, Israeli airstrikes destroyed Al-Multtazem Insurance Company Building in east Gaza city.
2. At 19:30 on March 25th 2019, Israeli airstrikes destroyed a building west Gaza city.
3. At 20:30 on March 25th 2019, Israeli airstrikes destroyed a office building in Gaza city

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 21:15 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 21:25 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
3. At 21:30 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
4. At 21:45 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
5. At 22:00 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
6. At 22:50 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
7. At 22:55 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
8. At 23:15 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
9. At 23:20 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.



1. At 02:05 on March 26th 2019, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line launched tank artillery shells towards an open area in east Deir Al-Balah city.
2. At 02:25 on March 26th 2019, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line launched tank artillery shells towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in east Deir Al-Balah city.

Air Strike

1. At 18:15 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 3 missiles towards an open area in east Deir Al-Balah city.
2. At 23:15 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in east Deir Al-Balah city.
3. At 01:20 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Deir Al-Balah city.
4. At 04:20 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 3 missiles towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in West Deir Al-Balah city.

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 18:15 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 21:30 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 5 projectiles towards the Green Line.
3. At 22:50 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
4. At 23:05 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
5. At 23:20 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
6. At 00:25 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 1 projectile towards the Green Line.



1. At 20:35 on March 25th 2019, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line launched tank artillery shells towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in east Khan Yunis city.
2. At 22:30 on March 25th 2019, ,Israeli Naval vessels opened fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of Khan Yunis city.
3. At 02:10 on March 26th 2019, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line launched tank artillery shells towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in east Khan Yunis city.

Air Strike

1. At 18:15 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Khan Yunis city.
2. At 18:30 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Khan Yunis city.
3.At 18:50 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 2 missiles towards targets in east Khan Yunis city.
4. At 22:00 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 4 missile towards Palestinian Gunmen sites in east Khan Yunis city.
5. At 22:50 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Al-Qarara town located in North east Khan Yunis city.
6. At 01:20 on March 26th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Khan Yunis city.

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 21:30 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 4 projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 00:20 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
3.At 01:05 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
*Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is open for the exit and entry of residents.
* Sufa Crossing is closed.
* Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is closed.

Air Strike

1. At 18:05 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Rafah city.
2. At 19:05 on March 25th 2019, Israeli aircraft's launched 1 missile towards an open area in east Rafah city.

Palestinian Attacks

1. At 20:10 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
2. At 23:15 on March 25th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 4 projectiles towards the Green Line.
3. At 00:55 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
4. At 01:05 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 3 projectiles towards the Green Line.
5. At 01:30 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 2 projectiles towards the Green Line.
6. At 03:25 on March 26th 2019, Palestinian Gunmen launched 1 projectile towards the Green Line.

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