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Daily Report July 29, 2017

Total: 211


Closure (per District)

On July 28th 2017, Israeli Military forces intensified their restrictions around the old city of Jerusalem and especially Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and set up checkpoints at the entrances thus preventing men under the age of 50 from entering the mosque.

Flying Checkpoints

On the evening of July 28th 2017, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint beneath Bir Babalah town bridge then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 20:40, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Baha Al-Kiswani and Amir Abu Al-Humus {both are residents of Al-Eisawiya village}.
2. At 03:00, Israeli forces positioned at Qalandiya Military checkpoint detained Azzam Hassan Khalil Rabi' {A resident of Abu Dis town}.


1. At 16:00, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning in Al-Eizariya town and as a result injured 11 residents {including a journalist} and left 23 others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
2. At 16:20, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning near Bab Hatta gate {A Main gate entrance leading to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound} in the old city of Jerusalem and as a result injured a resident.
3. At 16:30, Israeli forces positioned at Al-Ram town junction fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured a resident.
4. At 17:05, Israeli forces positioned near the entrance of Hizma town fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 2 residents including 1 critically injured after being struck in the eye}.
5. At 21:00, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning in Al-Eisawiya town.
6. On July 28th 2017,Israeli forces positioned at Qalandiya Military checkpoint fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 6 residents and left 4 others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


1. Israeli forces injured 11 residents{Those identified are}: Rami Al-Alari {A journalist} during clashes in Al-Eizariya town.
2. Israeli forces injured a unidentified residents during clashes near Bab Hatta gate {A Main gate entrance leading to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound} in the old city of Jerusalem.
3. Israeli forces injured a unidentified residents during clashes in Al-Ram town.
4. Israeli forces injured 2 residents: Ammar Abd Rabbo Al-Khatib {with a serious eye Injury} and Ammar Sukar during clashes near Hizma town.
5. Israeli forces injured 6 unidentified residents during clashes at Qalandiya Military checkpoint

Physical Assault

At 02:40 on July 28th 2017, Israeli forces assaulted 4 unidentified residents in the old city of Jerusalem leaving them hospitalized with contusions.


On July 28th 2017, Israeli Military courts in Jerusalem city ordered for 37 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem city :
Salem Abu Kharma, Mohammed Mahmoud, Tarek Kadah, Muslim Baraka, Amir Mahmud, Muhannad Mahmoud, Ibrahim Mohammed, Mujahid Muhammad Awaisat, Khalil Nasser, Nader Abdo, Moatasem Al-Julani, Mohammad Abu Gharbia, Usama Abu Saleh Khalaf, Heikal temple, Mohammed Zaidan, Mohammed Jaber, Ihab Shalabi, Mohamed Nasser, Mohammed Jolani, Ahmed Shweiki, Mohamed Abu Riala, Mohamed Mahameed, Mohamed Azzam, Mansour Nasser, Mohamed Ibrahim, Mustafa Abdeen, Mohammed Abu Qaddous, Mohamed Hatab Bani Nemra, Hassan Zahran, Hassan Sobeih, Ali Shaheen and Murad Abdullah preventing them from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound for a period of 15 days.



At 03:30, Israeli forces raided Ramallah and Al-Bireh cities, clashed with several residents as they stormed and searched Pal-Media {Production Company} located on the 9th floor of Palestine Trade Center then withdrew at 04:00.


1. At 14:30, Israeli forces detained 3 residents: Karam Falah Ramadan Abd-Rabbo {A National Security Force Officer},Yazan Abu Odeh and Suliman Ahmad Al-Qatari during clashes near "A Mahkama" Military checkpoint located near "Bet El" settlement in North Al-Bireh city.
2. At 03:30, Israeli forces detained Ala Al-Tammimi during their raid into Ramallah and Al-Bireh cities.


1. At 13:30, a demonstration took place in Al-Nabi Saleh village protesting against land confiscation for the purpose of settlement construction during which Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets. stun and tear gas grenades towards several demonstrators and as a result injured a resident.
2. At 13:30, a demonstration took place in Ni'lin town protesting against the construction of the wall during which Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets. stun and tear gas grenades towards several demonstrators and as a result injured a International Peace Activist and left several others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
3. At 13:30, a demonstration took place in Bi'lin town protesting against the construction of the wall during which Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets and as a result left several others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


1. At 13:30, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets. stun and tear gas grenades towards several demonstrators in Al-Nabi Saleh village and as a result injured a resident.
2. At 13:30,Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets. stun and tear gas grenades towards several demonstrators in Ni'lin town and as a result injured a International Peace Activist and left several others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
3. At 13:30,Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets towards demonstrators in Bi'lin village and as a result left several others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
4. At 14:30, Israeli forces positioned at "Al-Mahkama" Military checkpoint located near "Bet El" settlement in North Al-Bireh city fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 10 residents {including 2 children} and left 5 others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
5. At 17:35, Israeli forces positioned at the entrance of Kafr Malik village fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.
6. At 21:30, Israeli forces positioned near the entrance of Deir Jareer village fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.
7. At 03:30, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning as they stormed and searched Pal-Media {Production Company} located on the 9th floor of Palestine Trade Center during their raid into Ramallah and Al-Bireh cities. .


1. Israeli forces injured 10 residents { of those identified are}: Yahya Jamal Hussien Muslih {14 years old}, Mohammad Razaq Jarradat {15 years old}, Raed Adnan Sarsour and Mujahid Hassan Al-Shini during clashes near "Al-Mahkama" Military checkpoint located near "Bet El" settlement in North Al-Bireh city.
2. Israeli forces injured Isam Salah Ayoub Dar Salah as they clashed with residents during demonstrations in Al-Nabi Saleh village.

Closure of main Roads

At 01:30, Israeli forces closed the main road leading to Al-Jalazoun camp near "Bet El" settlement with cement blocks.


Flying Checkpoints

At 17:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near "Movo Dotan" settlement then searched residents and vehicles.


Military Checkpoints

At 17:10 and again at 22:40, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at "Enav" military checkpoint and as a result impeded the free flow of traffic.


1. At 17:45, Israeli forces raided Tulkarem city.
2. At 15:35, Israeli forces raided Beit Lid town.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 18:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near the entrance of Hajja village then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 22:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Azzun town then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 08:40 and again at 18:00, Israeli forces raided Qalqilya city.
2. At 20:00, Israeli forces raided Jayyous town.


At 13:30, a demonstration took place in Kafr Qaddum village against the closure of the east entrance during which they clashed with Israeli forces tried to disrupt the demonstration by firing rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards demonstrators who attempted to reach the demonstration site and as a result injured 8 residents and left several others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


1. At 13:30,Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents who were participating in demonstrations against the closure of the east entrance of Kafr Qaddum village and as a result injured 8 residents and left several others suffocated from tear gas inhalation..
2. At 13:40, Israeli forces positioned at the Wall gate in Jayyous town fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured a resident.
3. At 17:15, Israeli forces positioned at "Ayal" Military checkpoint located in North Qalqilya city fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.


1. Israeli forces injured 8 unidentified residents as they clashed with demonstrators in Kafr Qaddum village.
2. Israeli forces injured a unidentified residents during clashes near the wall gate in Jayyous town.


Flying Checkpoints

At 16:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at "Yitzhar" settlement junction located in North Huwara town then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 01:00, Israeli forces raided the east neighborhoods of Nablus city, stormed and searched a building and steel milll then withdrew at 05:00.
2. At 02:15, Israeli forces raided Kafr Qalil village then stormed and searched a home.


At 13:25, Israeli forces positioned near "Barghat" settlement junction near Huwara Military checkpoint in south Nablus city fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 12 residents {including a journalist and 2 children} and left 34 others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


Israeli forces injured 12 residents {of those identified are}: Ayman Amin Nubani, Omar Ahmad Yusef Dweikat {16 years old} and Mohammad Salamah Mohammad Hanini {16 years old} during clashes near "Barghat" settlement junction near Huwara Military checkpoint in south Nablus city


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 19:25, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Kafil Harris town then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 19:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the west entrance of Deir Istiya town then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 18:30, Israeli forces raided Masaha village until 19:00.
2. At 21:40, Israeli forces raided Kafil Harris village.


At 19:50, Israeli forces opened fire towards several laborers as they were chasing them in west Deir Ballut town and as a result injured a resident leaving him hospitalized in Salfit city.


Israeli forces injured Fa'ed Salah Odah as they opened fire towards him near west Deir Ballut town.


Military Checkpoints

At 20:40, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at Al-Hamra checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic.

Flying Checkpoints

At 14:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the North entrance of Salfit city then searched residents and vehicles until 16:00.


At 14:10, Israeli forces positioned at the south entrance of Jericho city fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 6 residents.


Israeli forces injured 6 unidentified residents during clashes near the south entrance of Jericho city.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 16:55, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the west entrance of Teqou' town then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 16:55, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Marah Rabah village then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 01:45 and again at 02:05, Israeli forces raided Bethlehem city and detained a resident.
2. At 02:00, Israeli forces raided Beit Fajjar town then stormed and searched 2 homes.
3. At 02:30, Israeli forces raided Al-Doha town, clashed with several residents , injured a residents and detained another.


1. Israeli forces detained Ahmad Anwar Ghanimat {A resident of Surif town in Hebron city} in Bethlehem city.
2. Israeli forces detained Hamza Abdallah Al-Affifi {A special needs patient} in Al-Doha town.


1. At 13:00, Israeli forces positioned at the vicinity of Billal Bin Rabah mosque located in North Bethlehem city fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 11 residents and left 25 others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
2. At 14:40, Israeli forces positioned near "Kafr Itsiyon" settlement junction opened fire towards Abdallah Ali Mahmoud Taqatqa {24 years old}{A resident of Marah Rabah village} and as a result killed him.
3. At 02:30, Israeli forces fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured a resident.


Israeli forces positioned nea "Kafr Itsiyon" settlement junction opened fire towards and killed bdallah Ali Mahmoud Taqatqa {24 years old}{A resident of Marah Rabah village}


1. Israeli forces injured 11 unidentified residents during clashes in the vicinity of Billal Bin Rabah mosque located in North Bethlehem city.
2. Israeli forces injured Mohammad Ismail Al-Teti during clashes in Al-Doha town.



At 13:50 and again at 19:10, Israeli forces raided Hebron city, detained 2 residents {including a child} and summoned Mohammad Ameen Al-Za'ir to report to Israeli Intelligence for questioning.


Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Abdallah Mohammad Sa'id {16 years old} and Majdi Radi Al-Juneidi in Hebron city.


1. At 13:50, Israeli forces positioned at Bab Al-Zawiya area in Hebron city fired live ammunition, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 4 residents.
2. At 13:50, Israeli forces positioned at the entrance of Beit Ummar town fired rubber coated steel bullets stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 4 residents and left 15 others suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
3. At 16:00, Israeli forces positioned near Halhul town bridge fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result left 1 resident suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


1. Israeli forces injured 4 residents: Abdel-Hakeem Ibrahim Qafshiya {17 years old}, Ala Abu Rajab, Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Qaraqi and Shadi Judah Al-Qawaseh during clashes in Bab Al-Zawiya area in Hebron city.
2. Israeli forces injured 4 unidentified residents during clashes in Beit Ummar town.

Temporary Detention

At 19:10, Israeli forces positioned at the entrance of temporarily detained the child Mohammad Tariq Jawabrah {13 years old} then released him at 23:55.



• Since 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the seaport and airports and on May 3rd 2017, Israeli authorities increased the fishing limit to 9 nautical miles from Wadi Gaza until the south border of the Gaza strip.

• Israeli Military forces broke the ceasefire agreement by opening fire from their positions behind the Green Line towards North Gaza, Gaza, Central Gaza, Khan Yunis and Rafah districts and as a result killed a child injured 6 residents.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanun (Erez) crossing is partially open for the passage of critical patients, journalists, NGO staff, businesspersons and passengers travelling abroad through Al-Karama crossing with previous coordination.


At 15:30 on July 28th 2017, Israeli forces opened fire and launched stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents participating in demonstrations in east Jabaliya town and as a result injured 4 residents.


Israeli forces injured 4 unidentified residents in east Jabaliya town.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision


At 15:00 on July 28th 2017, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green line opened fire towards several demonstrators located in the vicinity Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing located in east Al-Shija’iya neighborhood in east Gaza city.



At 15:00 on July 28th 2017, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line opened fire and launched tear gas grenades towards several demonstrators in east Al-Buriej camp and as a result killed a child and injured 2 residents.


Israeli forces killed the child Abdel-Rahman Hassan Abu Hamshiya {16 years old} in east Al-Buriej camp.


Israeli forces injured 2 unidentified residents in east Al-Buriej camp.



At 15:00 on July 28th 2017, Israeli forces opened fire and launched tear gas grenades from their positions behind the Green Line towards several demonstrators in east Khuza'a town.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
* Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is closed.
* Sufa Crossing is closed.
* Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is closed.

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