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Daily Report July 28, 2017

Total: 214



At 03:00, Israeli forces raided Anata town.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

1. At 08:00, a group of Israeli settlers under the protection of Israeli Military and Police Officers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and provoked worshipers.
2. At 17:00, Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound during Afternoon prayers and fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards worshipers and as result left more than 100 worshipers suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
3. At 00:30, Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound and Musalah Al-Qibli {Al-Qibli Prayer area} in an attempt to remove several worshiper inside the mosque fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas canisters and as a result injured 15 residents then detained 21 residents and temporarily detained 80 residents then released them after interrogation by Israeli Intellegnce officers.


1. At 17:00, Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound during afternoon prayers and fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several worshiper as they stormed Al-Aqsa mosque and as a result left 100 worshipers suffocating from tear gas inhalation.
2. At 22:10, Israeli forces positioned in Wadi Al-Juz neighborhood in Jerusalem city fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.
3. On the evening of July 27th 2017, Israeli forces positioned at Bab Al-Absat gate in the old city of Jerusalem fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and as a result injured 9 residents.
4. At 23:40, Israeli forces positioned near the entrance of Hizma town fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.
5. At 00:30, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several worshipers as they stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound to forcibly remove worshipers inside the mosque and as a result injured 15 residents.


1. Israeli forces injured 9 unidentified residents during clashes near Al-Basat gate are in the old city of Jerusalem.
2. Israeli forces injured 15 unidentified resiednts during clashes inside Al-Aqsa mosque compound.


At 21:45, Mohammad Fathi Abdel-Jabbar Kan'an {26 years old}{A resident of Hizma town} died of serious injuries sustained during clashes with Israeli forces {As mentioned in the report of July 25th 2017}.


1. At 19:30, Israeli forces detained Amjad Daoud {A resident of Al-Eisawiya village}
2. At 00:30, Israeli forces detained 21 resiednts {including 2 Security Guards for Al-Aqsa mosque compound}: Khaled Shroana (A mosque Guard), Louay Qawasmeh (A mosque Guard), Mohammed Abu Khalaf, Mahmoud Awadallah, Noureddine Karaki, Anas Seb Laban, Mohamed Shafi and Mohamed Awad during their raid into Al-Aqsa mosque compound in the old city of Jerusalem.

Temporary Detention

At 00:30, Israeli forces temporarily detained 80 unidentified residents during their raid into Al-Aqsa mosque compound then released them after questioning by Israeli Intellegnce officers.

Closure of main Roads

At 01:10, Israeli forces closed the steel gate entrance of Hizma town and impeded the free flow of traffic.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 08:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Sinjil town then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 19:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint beneath Burqa village bridge then searched residents and vehicles until 21:00.
3. At 21:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Ein Sinya village roundabout then searched residents and vehicles until 03:00.
4. At 00:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Um Safa village then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 01:35, Israeli forces raided Abboud town, summoned Raed Riyad Mahmoud Dar Salah to report to Israeli Intellegnce for questioning then withdrew at 01:55.
2. At 03:00, Israeli forces raided Kubar village, served a military order for the demolition of a home owned by the family of Omar Abdel-Khalil Abdel-Jabar Al-Abed {A detainee} then withdrew at 01:55.
3. At 03:55, Israeli forces raided Silwad town until 05:25.
4. At 02:20, Israeli forces raided Ibwein town and detained a resident.
5. At 02:30, Israeli forces raided Beituniya town, opened fire and detained a resident.
6. At 02:45, Israeli forces raided Ni'lin town and detained a Journalist.
7. At 05:30, Israeli forces raided Bir Ziet town and clashed with several residents.


1. At 03:45 on July 27th 2017, Israeli forces detained Mohammad Imad Karakra during their raid into Al-Bireh city.
2. At 23:55, Israeli forces detained 3 residents: Mus'ab Musa Satih, Saher Mohammad Musa Satih and Abdel-Qadder Yusef Abdel-Qadder {All are residents of Deir Qadis village}.
3. Israeli forces detained Wadi' Abbas Mizahim in Eibwein town.
4. Israeli forces detained Riyad Ahmad Shihadeh in Beituniya town.
5. Israeli forces detained Mustafa Al-Khawajah {A journalist} in Ni'lin town.


1. At 02:30, Israeli forces opened fire as they chased unidentified residents during their raid into Beitunia town.
2. At 05:30, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.


Military Checkpoints

On the morning of July 28th 2017, Israeli forces continued their closure of "Dotan" Military checkpoint located along the main road connecting Jenin and Tulkarem from 21:00 until 04:00 {for the 6th consecutive day}.

Flying Checkpoints

At 17:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint in the area between Sanur village and Qabatiya town then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 16:00, Israeli forces raided Al-Mansour village.
2. At 16:55, Israeli forces raided Marka village.
3. At 17:05, Israeli forces raided Al-Jarbah village.
4. At 04:35, Israeli forces raided Einin village and detained a resident.
5. At 04:35, Israeli forces raided Al-Silah Al-Harthiya town, detained a resident then withdrew at 07:00.


1. Israeli forces detained Abdel-Kareem Mustafa Abdel-Raheem Ghazeel in Annin village.
2. Israeli forces detained Ahmad Murshid Sadeq Abu Al-Khier in Al-Silah Al-Harthiya town.


Military Checkpoints

At 08:50 and 22:20, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at Tayassir military checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic.


Military Checkpoints

At 20:30, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at "Enav" military checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic.


1. At 07:10 on July 27th 2017 and again at 18:40, Israeli forces raided Ramin village until 21:05
2. At 15:45, Israeli forces raided Beit Lid town until 17:30.
3. At 00:10, Israeli forces raided Attil town then stormed and searched a home.
4. At 00:35, Israeli forces raided Quffin town until 04:45.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 09:05, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint in the area between Halbah town then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 11:40, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Azzun town then searched residents and vehicles.


At 09:05, Israeli forces raided Halbah town.

House Occupation

On July 27th 2017, Israeli forces renewed their occupation of a home owned by Mohammad Rasim Hussien and conversion of the rooftop into a military post until August 2nd 2017.



At 02:30, Israeli forces raided Assira Al-Shamaliya town stormed and searched 3 homes.


1. On July 27th 2017, Israeli forces positioned at Huwwara Military checkpoint detained 2 residents: Faraj Mansour and Mohammad Ahmad Abu Zaytoun.
2. On July 27th 2017, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Muntasir Mahmud Hashash and Nassar Hashash as they were reporting to Israeli Intellegnce for questioning.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 11:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint beneath Iskaka village bridge then searched residents and vehicles until 12:20.
2. At 21:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Deir Ballout town then searched residents and vehicles.
3. At 21:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Kafr Al-Dik town then searched residents and vehicles.
4. At 07:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the North entrance of Salfit town then searched residents and vehicles.


At 21:30, Israeli forces raided Kafil Harris town.

Closure of main Roads

At 00:45, Israeli forces closed the main road between Kafil Harris town and Harris village with dirt mounds.


Military Checkpoints

At 08:00, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at Al-Hamra military checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic.

Flying Checkpoints

At 19:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the Dead Sea junction then searched residents and vehicles.


At 17:30, Israeli forces raided Jericho city.


At 08:00, Israeli forces positioned at Al-Hamra military checkpoint detained Assad Salah Mohammad Abu Arat {A resident of Tubas city}.


Flying Checkpoints

1.At 20:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Al-Nashash area junction {located at the south entrance of Bethlehem city} then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 21:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint in Ush Al-Ghurab area located in east Beit Sahur city then searched residents and vehicles.
3. At 21:35, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Dar Salah village bridge {located at the east entrance of Beit Sahur city} then searched residents and vehicles.
4. At 23:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Teqou' town then searched residents and vehicles.


1.At 15:40, Israeli forces raided Ayda camp in Bethlehem city until 16:30.
2. At 02:20, Israeli forces raided Teqou' town.


1. At 19:30, Israeli forces positioned near the North entrance of Teqou' town fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.
2. At 19:45, Israeli forces positioned near Al-Nashash area junction {located at the south entrance of Bethlehem city} fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning.


Flying Checkpoints

At 21:25, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the south entrance of Sa'ir town then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 01;500, Israeli forces raided Al-Tabaqa village and detained a resident.
2. At dawn on July 28th 2017, Israeli forces raided Hebron city then stormed and searched several homes.


1. At 10:30, Israeli forces positioned at a checkpoint located along Al-Shuhada road in the old city of Hebron detained Mohammad Abdallah Al-Matour {A resident of Sa'ir town}
2. Israeli forces detained Anas Nassar Abu Atwan in Al-Tabaqa village.

Temporary Detention

At 21:25, Israeli forces positioned at a flying checkpoint located at the south entrance of Sa'ir temporarily detained Mohammad Khalid Salama {A security Force officer} then released him at a later time.



• Since 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the seaport and airports and on May 3rd 2017, Israeli authorities increased the fishing limit to 9 nautical miles from Wadi Gaza until the south border of the Gaza strip.

•Israeli Naval vessels broke the ceasefire agreement by opening fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of North Gaza District.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanun (Erez) crossing is partially open for the passage of critical patients, journalists, NGO staff, businesspersons and passengers travelling abroad through Al-Karama crossing with previous coordination.


At 20:00 on July 27th 2017, Israeli Naval vessels broke the ceasefire agreement by opening fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of Al-Sudaniya area located in west Beit Lahiya town.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.



At 04:00 on July 28th 2017, Israeli forces detained a unidentified resident in east Gaza city as he was attempting to climb the border fence into Israel.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
* Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is closed.
* Sufa Crossing is closed.
* Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is partially open for the entry of goods, fuel, construction material for the private sector and internationally funded projects.

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