At 16:30, Israeli forces raided Al-Eizariya town.
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Daily Report January 1, 2017
Daily Report January 1, 2017
1. At 10:30, Israeli forces positioned at Qalandiya checkpoint detained 2 residents: Mohammad Khalil Abu Rahma and Majdi Ayed Abu Rahma { Both residents of Bil'in village}.
2. On December 31st 2016, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Ahmad Ziyad Kan'an and Mahran Mohammad Subieh {Both residents of Hizma town}.
1. At 13:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Ur Al-Tahta village then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 18:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Deir Abu Mash'al village then searched residents and vehicles.
3. At 18:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Atarah town bridge then searched residents and vehicles until 20:00.
4. At 18:45, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Um Safaa village then searched residents and vehicles until 22:30.
5. At 00:40, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint in the area between Khirbit Abu Falah and Turmus'aya town then searched residents and vehicles.
1. At 13:30, Israeli forces raided Kafr Ein village and summoned 2 residents: Imad Nidal Abdel-Rahman Al-Eissi and Misiem Nather Sa'ed Khurma to report to Israeli Intelligence for questioning.
2. At 03:00, Israeli forces raided Al-Jalazoun camp, stormed and searched a home then withdrew at 06:00.
At 15:15, Israeli forces positioned near "Talmoun" settlement located in Al-Mazra'a Al-Gharabiya village fired stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning and also temporarily detained Ibrahim Niziya Lutfi Al-Dawada {16 years old} then released him at a later time.
At 15:15, Israeli forces positioned near "Talmoun" settlement located in Al-Mazra'a Al-Gharabiya village temporarily detained Ibrahim Niziya Lutfi Al-Dawada {16 years old} then released him at a later time.
1. At 16:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Arna village junction then searched residents and vehicles until 17:25.
2. At 21:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint in the area between Rumana and Al-Taybeh villages then searched residents and vehicles until 07:50.
1. At 11:40, Israeli forces raided Ya'bad town, detained 3 residents including a child and assaulted Hadi Nour Al-Din Amarnah {19 years old} and as a result left him hospitalized with contusions then withdrew at 07:50.
2. At 20:00, Israeli forces raided Turat village until 23:40.
3. At 20:10, Israeli forces raided Jalboun village until 07:50.
4. At 21:50, Israeli forces raided Rumana village until 07:50.
5. At 00:40, Israeli forces raided Aranat and Al-Jalmat villages until 07:50.
Israeli forces detained 3 residents: Mohammad Firas Abu Baker {17 years old}, Yusef Qusay Amarnah and Hazim Mohammad Salem Amarnah in Ya'bad town.
At 04:30, Israeli forces assaulted Hadi Nour Al-Din Amarnah {19 years old} and as a result left him hospitalized with contusions during their raid into Ya'bad town.
At 01:00 on December 31st 2016, Israeli forces raided Al-Aqaba village and summoned 2 residents: Khattab Mohammad Salah Talib and Hisham Husni Ali Subieh to report to Israeli Intelligence for questioning.
At 09:55, a group of Israeli settlers riding motorcycles stormed Khirbeit Samara area located in the North Jordan valley and raced through agricultural land owned by Na'im Burhan Hafith Masa'id and Nimr Husni Masa'id.
At 11:15 and again at 23:05, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at "Enav" checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic until 00:20.
On December 31st 2016, Israeli forces detained Wael Hassan Abdel-Kareem Al-Ghazawi {A resident of Shwikiya neighborhood in Tulkarem city} and confiscated his vehicle.
On December 31st 2016, Israeli forces confiscated a vehicle owned by Wael Hassan Abdel-Kareem Al-Ghazawi {A resident of Shwikiya neighborhood in Tulkarem city} after detaining him.
At 16:40, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near "Kedumim" settlement then searched residents and vehicles.
1. At 11:25, Israeli forces raided Aqraba town until 12:20.
2. At 13:25, Israeli forces raided Beita town until 13:50.
3. At 01:40, Israeli forces raided the east neighborhoods on Nablus city until 04:55.
At 03:25, Israeli settler driving his vehicle stormed Nablus city in an attempt to enter Joseph's Tomb then was chased away by Palestinian Police officer guarding the tomb site.
At 18:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the North entrance of Salfit city then searched residents and vehicles until 19:30.
At 12:20, Israeli forces raided Aqbat Jaber camp in Jericho city, temporarily detained 2 residents {including a child}: Ibrahim Faysal Ibrahim Abu Dahouq {16 years old} and Mohammad Soliman Ibrahim Abu Dahouq then released them at a later time then withdrew at 13:45.
At 12:20, Israeli forces temporarily detained 2 residents {including a child}: Ibrahim Faysal Ibrahim Abu Dahouq {16 years old} and Mohammad Soliman Ibrahim Abu Dahouq then released them at a later time during their raid into Aqbat Jaber camp in Jericho city.
1. At 20:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the west entrance of Beit Fajjar town then searched residents and vehicles until 20:55.
2. At 20:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Al-Nashash junction {located at the south entrance of Bethlehem city} then searched residents and vehicles until 23:30.
1. At 16:20, Israeli forces raided Ayda camp in Bethlehem city, clashed with several residents and withdrew at 00:40.
2. At 20:40, Israeli forces raided Teqou' town until 22:30.
At 16:20, Israeli forces fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas grenades towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Ayda camp in Bethlehem.
At 19:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Ithna town then searched residents and vehicles until 19:50.
1. At 00:35, Israeli forces raided Beit Awwa town, detained a resident then withdrew at 05:40.
2. At dawn on January 1st 2017, Israeli forces raided Al-Aroub camp and detained a child.
1. At dawn on January 1st 2017, Israeli forces detained Zied Zidan Al-Rajabi in the old city of Hebron.
2. Israeli forces detained Bajes Hassan Al-Sawiti in Beit Awwa town.
3. Israeli forces detained Rani Mohammad Abdel-Rahman Hadeeb {15 years old} in Al-Aroub camp.
• Since 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the sea port and airports in the coming month.
* Beit Hanun (Erez) crossing is closed.
* Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
* Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is closed.
* Sufa Crossing is closed.
* Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is closed.