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Daily Report February 9, 2017

Total: 100



1. At 09:20, Israeli forces raided Abu Dis town until 16:15.
2. At 10:15, Israeli forces raided Al-Ram town until 16:50.
3. At 02:00, Israeli forces raided Al-Sawahra Al-Sharqiya village until 03:00.
4. At 03:00, Israeli forces raided Al-Eizariya and Abu Dis towns until 06:10.
5. At 03:00,Israeli forces raided Kafr Aqab town , stormed several homes and detained 2 residents.


1. At 12:00, Israeli forces detained Saleh Ayman Salem {A residents of Jabal Mukaber neighborhood in Jerusalem}.
2. At 16:30, Israeli forces detained 4 residents :Jawad Siam, Diya Beydoun, Mohammed Siam and Omar Siam{All are residents of Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem city}.
3. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Samer al-Disi and Mohammed al-Disi

Physical Assault

At 16:30, Israeli forces assaulted 4 residents: Jawad Siam, Diya Beydoun, Mohammed Siam and Omar Siam{All are residents of Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem city}.

Closure of main Roads

At 23:30, Israeli forces closed the west entrance of Hizma village {for alleged stoning of a Israeli settlers vehicle}.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 10:00, a group of Israeli settlers under the protection of Israeli Military and Police officers stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound and provoked worshipers.

Settlement Activities

1.On February 8th 2017, Israeli authorities approved the construction of 1162 new settlement unites on land occupied in 1967.
2. On February 8th 2017, Israeli authorities in Jerusalem city approved plans for the construction of 181 new settlement unites in "Ramat Shlomo" and "Gilo" settlements located in south Jerusalem city on land occupied in 1967.



1. At 12:15, Israeli forces raided Awarta town, temporarily detained 2 residents {including a Police officer}:Obeida al-Khasib, and his brother Muhammad then withdrew at 13:00.
2. At 04:35, Israeli forces raided Mazar' Nubani village and detained 2 residents {including a child}.


Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Odah Ahmed Odeh al-Qadi {50 years old}, and his son Mostafa is {16 years old }in Mazar' Nubani village.

Temporary Detention

At 12:15, Israeli forces temporarily detained 2 residents {including a Police officer}:Obeida al-Khasib, and his brother Muhammad during their raid into Awarta town.

Land Confiscation

On October 10th 2016, Israeli forces issued military order T/71/06 for the confiscation of 0.28 dunums of land in Safa village for security purposes and will extend the order until December 31st 2019.

Settlers Attacks

At 21:15, Israeli settler stormed agricultural land located in the area between Mukhmas and Burqa villages and installed several tents.



1. At 03:40, Israeli forces raided Ya'bad town then stormed and searched 5 homes.
2. At dawn on February 9th 2017, Israeli forces raided Jenin camp and detained a resident after storming his home.


Israeli forces detained Ahmad Fayez Al-Sa'di in Jenin camp.



1. At 13:45, Israeli forces raided Shuwikiya camp in Tulkarem city, detained a resident then withdrew at 14:15.
2. At 17:00, Israeli forces raided Baqa Al-Sharqiya town.


1. On February 7th 2017, Israeli forces positioned at a checkpoint located along the main road connecting Nablus and Ramallah detained 3 residents Hayel Sa'id Saleh Khawli {A resident of Tulkarem city}, Ahmed Mohammed Mahmoud Abu Abed {A resident of Tulkarem refugee camp}, and Hassan Ahmed Zoghib {A resident of Tulkarem refugee camp}.
2. On February 7th 2017, Israeli forces positioned at Al-Jabra checkpoint located in south Tulkarem city detained
Mohammed Yousef Abdullah {A resident of Bal'a town}, Assid Jameel Saqr Omar {A resident of Bal'a town} Izz al-Din Yusuf Muhammad Farah {A resident of Bal'a town} and Muhammad Husam Khader {A resident of Kafr Rumman village}.
3. Israeli forces detained Abdel-Salam Mustafa Bidawi in Shuwikiya camp in Tulkarem city.


At 14:30, Israeli forces positioned at the western area of Far'oun village fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 11:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Kafr Qaddum village then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 11:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Jit village junction then searched residents and vehicles.

Confiscation of Property

At 14:00, Israeli forces confiscated Solide wast truck owned by Haja village council near the area between Jayyous town and Sir village.


Military Checkpoints

At 14:20, the Israeli military intensified their restrictions at Huwara military checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic until 15:45.

Flying Checkpoints

1. At 09:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Qussin village junction then searched residents and vehicles until 13:05.
2. At 10:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Sarah village junction then searched residents and vehicles until 13:05.
3. At 13:05, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Deir Sharaf village junction {located along the main road connecting Nablus and Tulkarem} then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 20:25, Israeli forces raided Orif village until 20:35.
2. At 22:50, Israeli forces raided Awarta village as they escorted a group of Israeli settlers who stormed religious sites in the village then withdrew at 01:10.

Settlers Attacks

On February 8th 2017, a group of Israeli settlers leveled 15 dunums of residential owned land in Jallud village.


Military Checkpoints

At 15:10, the Israeli military intensified their restrictions at Za'tara junction checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic until 15:45.

Flying Checkpoints

At 10:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint beneath Iskaka village bridge then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 11:30, Israeli forces raided Al-Zawiya town, stormed a home {under construction} then withdrew at 12:30.
2. At 19:20, Israeli forces raided Marda village until 20:30.


Military Checkpoints

At 20:15, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at Al-Hamra military checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic until 21:20.

Flying Checkpoints

At 13:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the North entrance of Jericho city then searched residents and vehicles until 13:35.


At 13:00, Israeli forces positioned at Allenby bridge detained Eyad Jasser Dweikat {A resident of Nablus city} as he was travelling to Jordan.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 09:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the west entrance of Teqou' town, temporarily seized and searched a vehicle for the Palestinian General Intelligence Agency then allowed it to pass through and withdrew at 15:00.
2. At 18:50, Israeli forces set up 2 Military checkpoints at the east and west entrances of Husan village then searched residents and vehicles until 21:00.


1. At 08:00 and again at 03:30, Israeli forces raided Teqou' town, occupied the home of Taysir Ahmad Sa'di Al-Sha'er and converted its rooftop into a military post , detained a resident then withdrew at 04:55.
2. At 13:15, Israeli forces raided Ayda camp in Bethlehem city and detained a child.
3. At 01:25, Israeli forces raided Al-Duhisheh camp in Bethlehem city, clashed with several residents as they stormed and searched several homes and summoned Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Rafati to report to Israeli Intellegnce for questioning then withdrew at 04:35.


1. Israeli forces detained Ali Mohammad Ibrahim Jawarish {15 years old} in Ayda camp in Bethlehem city.
2. Israeli forces detained Mohammad Ibrahim Mohammad Al-Amour in Teqou' town.


1. At 17:35, Israeli forces positioned near the entrance of Al-Khader town fired tear gas canisters towards several residents as they were participating in the funeral of Suliman Hamad Mohammad Hamad {81 years old}{A resident of Al-Khader} {who was killed after a Israeli settler's vehicle ran him over near "Dana'il" settlement located in Al-Khader town.
2. At 19:15, Israeli forces positioned in Um Rakaba area located in Al-Khader town fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning.
3. At 19:35, Israeli forces positioned at the entrance of Teqou' town fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning.
4. At 01:25, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets,stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning as they stormed and searched several homes during their raid into Al-Duhisheh camp in Bethlehem city.

Settlers Attacks

At 13:50, a Israeli settler driving his vehicle along road 60 near "Dana'il " settlement located in Al-Khader town ran over and killed Suliman Hamad Mohammad Hamad {81 years old}{A resident of Al-Khader} .


Suliman Hamad Mohammad Hamad {81 years old}{A resident of Al-Khader} was killed after a Israeli settler's vehicle ran him over near "Dana'il" settlement located in Al-Khader town.

Provocation of Palestinian Forces

At 09:30, Israeli forces positioned a checkpoint at the west entrance of Teqou' town, temporarily seized and searched a vehicle for the Palestinian General Intelligence Agency then allowed it to pass through at 10:00.

House Occupation

At 08:00, Israeli forces occupied the home of Taysir Ahmad Sa'di Al-Sha'er and converted its rooftop into a military post during their raid into Teqou' town.


Flying Checkpoints

At 10:45, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Halhul town bridge then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 09:55, Israeli forces raided Yatta and Al-Samou' towns until 13:30.
2. At 10:00, Israeli forces raided Raq'a area in Yatta town then stormed and searched a home and a scrap collection shop.
3. At 17:45, Israeli forces raided Ras Al-Arroud area located in Sa'ir town.
4. At dawn on February 9th 2017, Israeli forces raided Deir Al-Assal village , detained 2 residents and confiscated a vehicle.


Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Nafez Rasmi Al-Shawamra and Mohammed Kamel Aqteel in Deir Al-Assal village.

Assaults on Property

At 09:10, Israeli forces positioned at Al-Shuhada road located in the old city of Hebron sealed off a home {owned by Mohammad Yassin Ibrahim Khalil Abu Munshar with Iron and steel for alleged security reasons,

Confiscation of Property

At dawn on February 9th 2017, Israeli forces confiscated a vehicle owned by Nafez Rasmi Al-Shawamra after detaining him as they stormed and searched his home during their raid into Deir Al-Assal village.



• Since 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the sea port and airports in the coming month.

•The Israeli Military broke the ceasefire agreement by raiding and opening fire towards North Gaza.
•The The Israeli Military broke the ceasefire agreement by opening fire from their positions behind the Green Line towards North Gaza , Gaza, Khan Yunis and Rafah districts.
• Israeli Naval vessels broke the ceasefire agreement by opening fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of North Gaza and Rafah Districts.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanun (Erez) crossing is partially open for the passage of critical patients, journalists, NGO staff, businesspersons and passengers travelling abroad through Al-Karama crossing with previous coordination.


At 10:00 on February 8th 2017, Israeli forces escorting several military bulldozers stormed 70 m into the vicinity of North Beit Hanoun town and opened fire as they leveled a plot of land then withdrew at 10:50.


1. At 06:30 on February 8th 2017, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line opened fire towards agricultural land in east Jabaliya town.
2. At 22:20 on February 8th 2017,Israeli Naval vessels opened fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of Al-Sudaniya area located in West Beit Lahiya town.
3. At 22:25 on February 8th 2017, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line opened fire towards agricultural land in North Beit Hanoun town.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.


At 17:40 on February 8th 2017, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line opened fire towards agricultural land in east Jahr Al-Dik town located in south east Gaza city.



At 08:40 on February 8th 2017, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line opened fire towards agricultural land in east Al-Fakhari town.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
* Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is closed.
* Sufa Crossing is closed.
* Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is partially open for the entry of goods, fuel, construction material for the private sector and internationally funded projects.


1. At 08:50 on February 8th 2017, Israeli forces positioned behind the Green Line opened fire towards Sufa crossing point located in North east Rafah city.
2. At 20:30 on February 8th 2017, Israeli Naval vessels opened fire towards Palestinian fishing boats off the shores of Rafah city.

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