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Daily Report February 02 2022

Total: 73


 08:00, 1st  February  2022 -08:00, 2nd  February  2022




1. At 12:20, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem detained 2 citizens: Bilal Al-Jabari and Musa Salim.
2. On 02/01/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the village of Sur Baher detained 3 citizens: Ibrahim Abd Alyan, Hamza Nasser Alyan, and Muhammad Firas Alyan.
3. At 21:20, the Israeli occupation forces detained 2 citizens Firas al-Rishq and Mohi al-Rishq - residents of the Old City of Jerusalem in Bab al-Amoud area in the Old City of Jerusalem

House Demolition

1. At 08:20, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in Shuafat camp in Jerusalem, demolished the interior walls of the house of the family of the martyr: Fadi Abu Shkhaydam, and closed the house instead of completely demolishing it, as they were unable to carry out the complete demolition due to the presence of adjacent houses. Confrontations also took place with the citizens. while trying to prevent the demolition.
2. On 01/02/ 2022, the Israeli occupation authorities in the Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem forced the citizen: Ahmed Amer Al Khalis to personally demolish his house, after notifying him earlier, in order to avoid paying heavy fines in the event that the occupation authorities carried out the demolition, on the pretext that there was no licensing.


At 08:20, the Israeli occupation forces in the Shuafat camp in Jerusalem fired rubber coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens while they were trying to prevent the demolition of the house of the family of the martyr: Fadi Abu Shkhaydam.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 08:00, groups of extremist Israeli settlers, under the protection of the Israeli occupation police, stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and made provocative tours of its courtyards and facilities.

Settlers Attacks

At 16:00, a Israeli settler while he was driving his vehicle near the Mughrabi Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem ran over the citizen: Ahmed Al Abbasi, causing him bruises, while the settler fled.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 21:00, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint under the bridge of Yabroud town, to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 02:50.
2. At 21:05, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the town of Sinjel, to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 02:00.
3. At 21:20, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Nabi Saleh, to search vehicles and check the identities of the citizens.


1. At 02:00, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Silwad, and detained 3 citizens (a citizen and 2 of his sons).
2. At 02:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Deir Ghasana and the villages of Qarawat Bani Zaid and Kafr Ein then clashed with the citizens in the village of Kafr Ein, while they were on patrol.


The 3 detainees in Silwad are: Yassin Sobhi Hamed, and his two sons Imad and Ahmed.


At 02:40, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning during their raid into the village of Kafr Ein,


Destruction of Property

On 02/01/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces demolished, about 25 stands for vegetables and fruits near the Al-Jalama checkpoint, north of Jenin, owned by {of those identified are}:Walid Abu Zaho, Baibars Al-Saadi, Ahmed Ziyadat, Imad Shaban, Muhammad Ajjawi, Abdullah Abu Delight, on the pretext of not licensing.

Confiscation of Property

On 01/02/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces confiscated a stone saw near the Al-Jalama checkpoint north of Jenin, under the pretext of not having a license.


Land Levelling

At 09:50, the Israeli occupation forces in Hammamet El Maleh area in the northern Jordan Valley razed an area of land belonging to the Latin Patriarchate.

Settlement Activities

On 02/01/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces began installing 8 residential rooms (caravans) in the Umm Haraz area, east of Khirbet Hamsa al-Fouqa in the northern Jordan Valley on lands owned by citizens of the town of Tammun.

Settlers Attacks

At 11:00, a group of Israeli settlers in the areas of Khallet Marei and Al Makhoul in the northern Jordan Valley, grazing their cows in the agricultural lands of the citizens, which led to the destruction of rain-fed crops.



1. At 20:35, the Israeli occupation forces raided Saida village, detained a Preventive Security force officer, and withdrew at 05:00.
2. At 00:50, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Kafr Zibad, and stormed and searched 2 houses.


The detainee in the village of Sidon is: Jamal Akram Mustafa Ajaj { a Preventive Security force officer}.


Flying Checkpoints

At 13:00, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the junction of Jit village, to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens.

Settlers Attacks

1. At 14:40, a group of Israeli settlers, near the entrance to the “Karni Shomron” settlement, threw stones at vehicles of citizens passing on the main street of Qalqilya - Nablus, causing material damage to the vehicle of the citizen: Rami Abdel Rahim Qashua - residents of Baqat al-Hatab village, And his injury - wounded.
2. At 06:10, a Israeli settler ran over while he was driving his vehicle near the junction of the village of Al-Nabi Elias (on the main street of Qalqilya - Nablus), the citizen: Bassem Youssef Shawahna - residents of Azzun town and as a result left him hospitalized with at a government hospital in Qalqiliya.


The citizen: : Rami Abdel Rahim Qashua - residents of the village of Baqa al-Hatab was injured - as a result of an attack by settlers near the entrance to the settlement of "Karni Shomron".


Military Checkpoints

At 21:45, the Israeli occupation forces tightened their procedures at the Hawara checkpoint, and obstructed traffic.


At 22:50, the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Nablus, escorting a group of settlers during their visit to Joseph's Tomb and clashed with the citizens then stormed a building, detained 4 citizens, and released them at 05:45.


At 22:50, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards the citizens for alleged stoning while accompanying a group of settlers to visit them (Joseph's Tomb) , during their raid into the city of Nablus.

Temporary Detention

At 22:50, the Israeli occupation forces detained 4 citizens during their raid into the city of Nablus: Yazid Al-Helou, Majed Al-Nweer, Asaad Samhan, and Musa Saadeh, and released them at 05:45.

Closure of main Roads

At 10:15, the Israeli occupation forces closed the main road, Nablus - Jenin (near the "Shavi Shomron" settlement junction), to traffic, and reopened it at 11:40.



At 02:15, the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Salfit and withdrew at 05:00.


At 21:30, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at the Za'tara Junction checkpoint detained the citizen: Laith Bassem Kasabreh - residents of Beit Anan town, Jerusalem governorate.

Settlers Attacks

1. At 22:30, a group of Israeli settlers was located in the Al-Ras area, west of Salfit, and fired indiscriminately at the citizen: Rami Shams, while he was on his farm.
2. On 01/02/ 2022, a group of Israeli settlers, west of the city of Salfit, attacked a livestock den and stole 3 heads of sheep at gunpoint, owned by the citizen: Hassan Balasmah.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 12:20, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint between the town of Nahalin and the village of Al Jaba'a, to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens until 14:30.
2. At 14:05, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint in the Aqabat Hasna area (on the main road leading to the western villages in the Bethlehem governorate), to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 16:20.


1. At 09:45, the Israeli occupation forces raided the Khallet Hajji area near the town of Beit Fajjar, raided a number of stone mills, and confiscated heavy equipment control, under the pretext that the land on which the stone mills were built was “state property,” and withdrew at 12:30.
2. At 04:05, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Za'tara and detained a citizen.


1. At 20:30, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at the Al-Container checkpoint detained 2 citizens: Thaer Jamil Madiya and Ibrahim Khalil Aqel (both of them are residents of Halhoul town).
2. The detainee in the town of Za'tara is: Muhammad Daoud Dhuib.

Confiscation of Property

At 09:45, the Israeli occupation forces confiscated the Khallet Hajji area, east of the town of Beit Fajjar, control devices for heavy equipment, the value of which is estimated at more than 100,000 shekels, for a number of stone mill owners, under the pretext that they are on “state property” lands.

Closure of main Roads

On 02/01/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces closed the main road leading to the industrial zone for stone extraction and industry in the Khallet Hajji area, east of the town, with earth mounds.

Settlers Attacks

On 01/02/ 2022, a group of Israeli settlers threw stones at a number of shepherds, and chased them with trained (police) dogs, while they were grazing their sheep in the pastoral lands near the settlement of "Ma'ali Amos".


Military Checkpoints

At 16:20, the Israeli occupation forces closed the Abu al-Rish checkpoint near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City of Hebron, to traffic, and reopened it at a later time.

Flying Checkpoints

1. At 19:10, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the Al-Fahs area, south of Hebron, to search vehicles and check the identities of the citizens.
2. At 21:40, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint in the Wadi al-Joz area (at the entrance to the town of Bani Naim), to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens.


1. At 11:05, Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Sa'ir, and raided and searched 2 houses.
2. At 16:20, Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Qalqas and the Wadi Al-Saman area, south of Hebron, and stormed and searched a house, and detained 4 civilians (including 2 brothers).
3. At 21:55, Israeli occupation forces raided the Sumarah area, north of the town of Al-Zahiriyah, and stormed and searched a house.

House Demolition

At 15:30, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the Igtet area, located between the towns of Al-Dhahirah and Al-Ramadin, demolished 3 houses, and destroyed the electricity network in the area, under the pretext of not having a license then detained a citizen.


1. The 4 detainees in the village of Qalqas and the Wadi Al-Saman area south of Hebron are: Hassan Walid Abu Hussein, Mujahid Zuhair Ismail Abu Daoud, Samir Arafat Youssef Abu Hussein, and his brother Samer.
2. The detainee in the Igtet area, located between the towns of Al-Dhahiriya and Al-Ramadin, is: Dia Al-Samarra.



• At 02:00 on 05/21/ 2021, the comprehensive ceasefire entered into force at the initiative and sponsorship of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
• On the morning of 07/30/ 2021, the Israeli occupation forces allowed the expansion of the marine fishing area from 9 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles.
• The Israeli occupation forces violated the cease-fire agreement by storming our areas in the northern Gaza governorates and Khan Yunis, and by firing gunboats at fishermen's boats at sea in the northern Gaza governorate.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanoun crossing - “Erez”: On 02/01/ 2022, it is partially open (for the passage of humanitarian cases, foreign journalists, workers of international humanitarian organizations, merchants, businessmen and travelers through the Al-Karama Crossing “Allenby” - previously coordinated for them).


On the morning of 01/02/ 2022, several vehicles and bulldozers from the Israeli occupation military, under the cover of reconnaissance aircraft, stormed our areas northeast of Beit Lahia, and carried out excavation and bulldozing work.


On the morning of 02/02/2022, Israeli gunboats fired at the fishermen's boats while they were chasing them in the open sea off the coast of the Sudaniya area, west of the town of Beit Lahia.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar-Karni crossing: closed since 02/03/2011, permanently and by a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shejaiya Crossing - “Nahal Oz” for fuel: closed since 04. 01. 2010, by unilateral Israeli decision.



On the morning of 01/02/2022, several vehicles and bulldozers from the Israeli occupation military, covered by reconnaissance aircraft, stormed our areas about 100 meters deep east of the town of Qarara, northeast of Khan Yunis, and carried out excavation and bulldozing work.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser Arafat International Airport: closed.
* Sofa crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom crossing - “Kerem Shalom”: on 02/01/ 2022 is partially open (for the entry of foodstuffs and goods, limited quantities of fuel and cooking gas, and building materials for the private sector and for internationally funded projects).
* Al-Awda- Rafah crossing: on 02/01/ 2022 is open in both directions (for citizens to leave and enter).

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