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Daily Report April 25 2022

Total: 64


 08:00, 24th April    2022 -08:00, 25th April 2022




1. At 13:00, the Israeli occupation forces detained 3 citizens - residents of Qalandia camp: Amr Adwan, Ali Adwan and Amir al-Saqa.
2. At 13:00, the Israeli occupation forces detained the citizen: Fawaz Al-Sharha, in Bab Al-Amoud area in Jerusalem.
3. At 17:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem detained 2 civilians (including a child): Muhammad Sadiq Ghaith, 15, and Mahmoud Jamal Ghaith.


Flying Checkpoints

On 04/24/2022, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the junction of the town of Arraba, to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens.


1. At 03:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Qabatiya, detained a citizen, and withdrew at 08:00.
2. At 04:20,the Israeli occupation forces raided Masliya village, detained a citizen, and withdrew at 04:55.
3. At 05:40,the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Al-Zababda, clashed with the citizens and as a result injured a citizen and assaulted a citizen leaving him hospitalized with contusions and withdrew at 07:40.


1. The detainee in the town of Qabatiya is: Amjad Saleh Khader Lubani.
2. The detainee in the village of Musliya is: Salim Rasem Abu Al-Rub.


At 05:40,the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning during their raid into town of Al-Zababda and as a result injured a citizen leaving him hospitalized with contusions .


The civilian: Rabie Amjad Farah Al-Far was injured during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces in the town of Zababdeh.

Physical Assault

At 05:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the town of Al-Zababdeh assaulted the citizen: Majdi Al-Sharqawi and as a result was hospitalized with contusions.


Military Checkpoints

At 20:35, the Israeli occupation forces tightened their procedures at the Tayseer checkpoint, and obstructed traffic.

Settlement Activities

On 04/24/ 2022, a group of Israeli settlers stormed Ahmir area of ​​Khirbet al-Farisiyah in the northern Jordan Valley, razed an area estimated at 10 dunums of land, in favor of expanding a settlement outpost that was established about a year ago.


Military Checkpoints

At 10:30, the Israeli occupation forces tightened their procedures at the Ainaf checkpoint, and obstructed traffic until 11:10.



At 12:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at one of the military checkpoints detained the citizen: Sakher Tawfiq Abdel Aziz Hanoun - a resident of the village of Al-Nabi Elias, while he was returning from Jenin.



At 14:55, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the "Barakhah" settlement, located south of Nablus detained the citizen: Wael Hamza Qadous - a resident of Iraq Burin village, while he was on his land near the settlement.

Land Levelling

On 04/24/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces in the village of Burin razed an area of ​​land south of the village, in favor of settlement projects.

Settlers Attacks

1. At 18:20, a group of Israeli settlers positioned Nabe` al-Mayah area in Qaryut village, and severely beat a child and as a result left him hospitalized with fractured foot.
2. On 04/24/ 2022, a group of Israeli settlers stormed agricultural lands belonging to the residents of Azmut village, and uprooted 35 newly planted olive seedlings, owned by the citizen: Murad Muhammad Amer.


The child: Mahmoud Majali Issa, 14 years old was hospitalized with a fractured foot after he was assaulted by settlers in the village of Qaryut.



At 00:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Marda, clashed the citizens, while they were on patrol, and withdrew at 02:20.


At 00:40, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning during their raid into Marda village.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 09:50, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to Janata town, to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 11:00.
2. At 10:20, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the western entrance to Husan village. The checkpoint was repeated at 21:40 to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 00:45.
3. At 15:50, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the junction of the Nashash area (the southern entrance to the city of Bethlehem), to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens until 17:00.


At 21:25, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Al-Khader, clashed with the citizens and withdrew at 03:25.


At 21:25, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning during their raid into the town of Al-Khader.

Closure of main Roads

On 04/24/2022, the Israeli occupation forces closed the entrance to the village of Minieh, south of the town of Tekoa, with dirt mounds.



1. At 02:30, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Ithna, clashed with the citizens as they stormed a number of houses, and detained a citizen.
2. At 03:45, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Deir Samet, and detained 9 civilians.
3. At dawn on 04/25/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Beit Ummar, and detained 4 citizens (an Elderly citizen and 3 of his sons).


1. The detainee in the town of Ithna is: Khalil Al-Shawabkeh.
2. The 9 detainees in the village of Deir Samet are: Khader Muhammed Theeb Al-Hroub, Youssef Muhammad Theeb Al-Hroub, Ismail Hussein Al-Hroub, Khedr Muhammad Theeb Al-Hroub, Tawfiq Muhammad Abdul-Fattah Al-Hroub, Issa Muhammad Theeb Al-Hroub, Adam Arafat Odeh Al-Hroub, Muhammad Youssef Theeb Al-Hroub, and Iyad Awawdeh.
3. The 4 detainees in the town of Beit Ummar are: Murshid Muhammad Zaqeq, and his sons Muhannad, Majdi and Muhammad.


At 02:30, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning as they stormed a number of houses during their raid into the town of Ithna.



• At 02:00 on 05/21/ 2021, the comprehensive ceasefire entered into force at the initiative and sponsorship of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
• On the morning of 07/30/ 2021, the Israeli occupation forces allowed the expansion of the marine fishing area from 9 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles.
• The Israeli occupation forces violated the cease-fire agreement by firing from their positions on the Green Line towards Central Gaza and Khan Yunis, and by firing at fishermen's boats at sea in the northern Gaza and Rafah governorates.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanoun crossing - “Erez”: On 04/24/ 2022 is closed until further notice base on Israeli decision.


1. At 08:30 on 04/24/2022, Israeli gunboats opened fire towards fishermen’s boats while they were chasing them in the open sea off the coast of the Sudaniya area, west of the town of Beit Lahia.
2. At 18:30 on 04.24. 2022, Israeli gunboats opened fire towards fishermen’s boats while they were chasing them in the open sea off the coast of the Sudaniya area, west of the town of Beit Lahia.
3. At 00:15 today 04.25. 2022, Israeli gunboats opened fire towards fishermen’s boats while chasing them in the open sea off the coast of Al-Sudaniah area, west of the town of Beit Lahia.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar-Karni crossing: closed since 02/03/2011, permanently and by a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shejaiya Crossing - “Nahal Oz” for fuel: closed since 04. 01. 2010, by unilateral Israeli decision.



At 13:30 on 04/24/2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired from their positions on the Green Line, towards agricultural lands east of Deir al-Balah.



1. At 13:15 on 04/24/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired from their positions on the Green Line, towards agricultural lands east of Abasan town, east of Khan Yunis.
2. At 18:30 on 04.24. 2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired from their positions on the Green Line, towards agricultural lands east of Khan Yunis.


Closure of Crossing Points

Yasser Arafat International Airport: closed.
* Sofa crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom - Kerem Shalom Crossing: 04/24/ 2022 closed until further notice (by an Israeli decision).
* Return port - Rafah: on 04/24/ 2022 is open in both directions (for citizens to leave and enter).


At 09:30 on 04/24/ 2022, Israeli gunboats fired at the fishermen's boats while chasing them at sea off the shore of Rafah.

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