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Daily Report 28 July 2016

Total: 82


Flying Checkpoints

• At 10:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of the town of Izariyye and searched civilians and vehicles.


(i) At 09:30, Israeli forces raided the towns of Izariyye and Abu dis and patrolled them until 12:40.
(ii) At 22:00, Israeli forces raided the town of Hizma and clashed with civilians during patrol.
(iii) At 03:00, Israeli forces raided the town of Abu Dis, clashed with civilians during search of a blacksmiths workshop and then withdrew at 03:20.
(iv) At 04:00, Israeli forces raided Qalandia refugee camp, stormed into and searched 1 civilian home and withdrew at 06:00.


(i) At 11:30, Israeli forces arrested in the compound of Al-Aqsa Mosque 2 guards: Hamza Nabhan and Hamza Disi, and delivered a notification to civilian Raed Zughair from the Islamic waqf to report to the Israeli intelligence.
(ii) At 19:20, Israeli forces arrested in Jerusalem civilian Talat Mohammad Hussein Hamamreh from Husan village in Bethlehem for illegal entry into Jerusalem.
(iii) At 04:00, Israeli forces arrested in Shufat refugee camp in Jerusalem the civilian Anas Rajabi.
(iv) The civilian arrested in Qalandia refugee camp is Bassam Abdel Karim Manasra Shoani.


(i) At 20:00, Israeli forces positioned in Wadi Qadum in Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem fired tear gas canisters, stun grenades and rubber coated steel bullets for alleged atoning.
(ii) At 20:30, Israeli forces at the entrance of Al-Ram town fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters at civilians for alleged stoning.
(iii) At 22:00, Israeli forces fired during raid on Hizma rubber coated steel bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters at civilians for alleged stoning.
(iv) At 03:00, Israeli forces fired during raid on Abu Dis town rubber coated steel bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters at civilians for alleged stoning.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

• At 10:30, a group of extremist settlers guarded by Israeli forces raided the compound of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Settlement Activities

On 27 July 2016, the Israeli authorities issued bids for tender for the construction of 323 new housing units in Jerusalem settlements (130 in Har Homa settlement, 89 in Gilo, 68 in Pisgat Ze’ev and 36 in Neve Yacov).


Flying Checkpoints

(i) At 18:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Attara Bridge and searched civilians and vehicles until 19:30.
(ii) At 18:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the junction of Um Safa village and searched civilians and vehicles until 19:30.


• At 04:15, Israeli forces raided al-Amari refugee camp in Al-Bireh city and clashed with civilians during house search injuring civilian ala Mohammad Daoud Al-Hilu, and then withdrew at 05:30.


• At 14:20, Israeli forces arrested civilian Abdelfattah Kamal Ajrab from Qubeibeh village.


• At 04:15, during raid on Al-Amari refugee camp Israeli forces fired tear gas canisters and stun grenades towards civilians for alleged stoning during house search resulting in the injury of 1 civilian.


The civilian injured in Al-Amari refugee camp is Ala Mohammad Daoud Al-Hilu.



At 03:50 on 27 July 2016, Israeli forces arrested during raid on Jenin (as mentioned in the last report) civilian Faraj Shihab Sanouri.


Military Checkpoints

• At 21:25, Israeli forces intensified restrictions at Einav checkpoint, impeded traffic and reopened it at 22:35.

Flying Checkpoints

At 19:25, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the junction of the village of Bazaria and searched civilians and vehicle until 22:10.


Flying Checkpoints

(i) At 11:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Imatin village and searched vehicles and civilians.
(ii) At 12:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Azun village and searched civilians and vehicles.
(iii) At 15:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint between the town of Azun and the village of Izbet al-Tabib and searched civilians and vehicles.


(i) At 20:20, Israeli forces raided the town of Azun and stormed into and searched 2 civilian homes.
(ii) At 04:00, Israeli forces raided and patrolled Kafr Qadoum village.


• The 2 civilians arrested in Izbet Al-Tabib village are Nidal Abdelrahman Abdelhalim Hussein and Abdallah Imran Abdallah Hussein.



(i) At 02:20, Israeli forces raided the city of Nablus, clashed with civilians during house search, arrested 7 civilians (including 1 child) and then withdrew at 04:20.
(i) At dawn on 28 July 2016, Israeli forces raided the town of Qiblan and arrested 1 civilian.


(i) At dawn on 27 July 2016, Israeli forces arrested during raid on Awarta village (as mentioned in the last report) civilian Omar Ahmad Wasfi Abdat.
(ii) The 7 civilians arrested in Nablus are Mujahed Ali Ashour, 16, Mohamad Amin Halabouni, Ihab ashour, Abdel Rahman Wadi, Fawzi Bashkar, Bara Dhuqan and Abdel Rahman Bashtawi.


• At 02:20, Israeli forces fired during raid on Nablus stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards civilians for alleged stoning.

Settlers Attacks

At 08:00, settlers near Yitzhar settlement stoned civilian vehicles but Israeli forces interfered and evacuate the settlers.



(i) At 19:00, Israeli forces raided the town of Kafl hares to guarding a group of settlers during visit to religious sites and withdrew at 05:00.


Flying Checkpoints

• At 23:35, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the south entrance of the city of Jericho and searched civilians and vehicles until 00:45.


(i) At 11:30, Israeli forces arrested at al-Karama Crossing (Allenby) civilian Youssef Mohammad Abu Latife from Qalandia refugee camp while he was traveling to Jordan.
(ii) On 27 July 2016, Israeli forces arrested at Al-Karama Crossing (Allenby) civilian Aslan Majed Qaran while he was traveling to Jordan.

Temporary Detention

At 20:30, Israeli forces detained at Al-Karama crossing (Allenby) university student Amal Habes Hussein Dureidi from Beit Lid in Tulkarem while she was traveling to Jordan and released her after investigation in Ariel settlement at 21:30.


Flying Checkpoints

(i) At 08:25, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Al-Manasheer area in the town of Al-Khader and searched vehicles and civilians until 10:30.
(ii) At 14:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Dar Salah village on the east entrance of Beit Sahour and searched civilians and vehicles.
(iii) At 18:40, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the west entrance of Teqoa town and searched civilians and vehicles until 20:15.


(i) At 12:40, Israeli forces raided the town of Teqoa (for alleged stoning of a settler vehicle), clashed with civilians and withdrew at 13:30.
(ii) At 03:55, Israeli forces raided the city of Bethlehem, Dheisheh refugee camp and Al-Khader town, clashed with civilians injuring 4 civilians (including 1 child. And arrested 4 civilians from the camp.


• The 4 civilians arrested in Bethlehem are Ragh Raed Abdelhadi Shamroukh, Bilal Miwewi, Karam Nasri Abed Rabbo and Hamdi Marouf Al-Atrash.


(i) At 12:40, Israeli forces fired during raid on Teqoa town stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards civilians for alleged stoning.
(ii) At 03:55, Israeli force fired during raid on Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem live bullets, rubber coated steel bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters, injuring 4 civilians (including 1 child).


The 4 civilians injured in Dheisheh refugee camp are Yazan Yousef Balawi, 17, Haidar Mohammad Abu Dayyeh, Mohammad Khalil Al-Lahham and Ashraf Mohammad Hasan.


Flying Checkpoints

(i) At 08:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Al-Fahs area south of the city of Hebron and searched civilians and vehicles.
(ii) At 10:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the junction of Al-Fawwar and searched civilians and vehicles until 11:25.


• At 22:45, Israeli forces raided and patrolled the town of Beit Awwa.


At 15:15, Israeli forces arrested civilian Bilal Abu Rmeileh from Jabal Johar in the old city of Hebron while he was reporting to the military intelligence.



• At 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area from 300 to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the sea port and airports in the coming month. On 3 April 2016 the decision to expand the fishing area from 6 to 9 nautical miles entered into effect but the Israeli authorities reduced the area back to 6 nautical miles on 26 June 2016.


Closure of Crossing Points

Beit Hanun (Erez) is partially open for humanitarian cases, international journalists, employees working for humanitarian agencies, businessmen and passengers traveling though Al-Karama Crossing.


Closure of Crossing Points

(i) Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
(ii) Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.


Closure of Crossing Points

(i) Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
(ii) Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is closed.
(iii) Sufa Crossing is closed
(iv) Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is partially open for the entry of goods, fuel, construction material for the private sector and internationally funded projects.

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