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Daily Report April 19 2022

Total: 88


 08:00, 18th  April    2022 -08:00, 19th April  2022




At 21:00, the Israeli occupation forces detained the citizen: Abdel Nasser Odeh - residents of Jabal Mukaber neighborhood in Jerusalem


At 22:50, the Israeli occupation authorities in the city of Jerusalem issued a decision to expel the citizen: Bashir Al-Natsheh - residents of Wadi Al-Joz neighborhood in Jerusalem, for a period of one week from Al-Aqsa Mosque.


At 23:40, the Israeli occupation forces, in the Airport Street area in the town of Kafr Aqab, fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.

Physical Assault

At 19:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem assaulted and physically beat two female citizens: Khadija Khuwais and Hanadi Al-Halawani, and as a result left them hospitalized with contusions.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

1. At 06:30, the Israeli occupation forces stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards worshipers in the Al-Qibli prayer hall, in an attempt to evacuate the worshipers from inside. They also attacked women in the vicinity of the Dome of the Rock, in order to secure the storming of groups From the extremist settlers, the courtyards of the mosque, and provocatively wandering in its courtyards and facilities.
2. At 08:00, groups of extremist Israeli settlers, under the protection of the occupation police, stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and made provocative tours of its courtyards and facilities.


Flying Checkpoints

At 08:45, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the junction of the "Halamish" settlement, to search vehicles and check the identities of the citizens.


1. On the evening of 04/ 18/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Beitin and conducted a patrol.
2. At 00:50, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Al-Janiya, where clashes took place with the citizens while they were on patrol.


At 00:50, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun grenades and tear gas at the citizens, on the pretext that they had been pelted with stones while on patrol during their raid into village of Al-Janiya.

Settlers Attacks

At 09:55, a group of Israeli settlers stormed the outskirts of Al-Tira neighborhood in Ramallah (the area between the city of Ramallah and the village of Ein Qinya), and performed the Talmudic rituals in the place, and withdrew at 15:55.



At dawn on 04/ 19/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Sanur, and detained a citizen.


The detainee in the village of Sanur is: Muhammad Fayez Faqha.


At 23:15, the high school student: Hanan Mahmoud Abbas Khaddour, 18 years old - resident of Faqqu’a village, died of serious injuries sustained after she was hit by a Israeli military vehicle while she was on her way to Al-Khansa School in Jenin, during the Israeli occupation forces raid into the city of Jenin and its camp (as mentioned in the report on 04/10/ 2022).


At 11:00, the Israeli occupation forces, assigned to guard the apartheid wall near the village of Tora, fired at a citizen, while he was trying to enter to work inside the Green Line, as a result of which he sustained injuries in the leg and was subsequently transferred to Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin.


The civilian: Momen Jamal Tahiyna was injured after Israeli forces assigned to guard the apartheid wall near the village of Tora opened fire towards him.


Settlement Activities

On 04/18/2022, a group of Israeli settlers in the Ahmir area of ​​Khirbet al-Farisiyah in the northern Jordan Valley, excavated and bulldozed, in preparation for the installation of mobile homes (caravans) in the area on which they established a settlement outpost about a year ago.



At 13:40, the Israeli occupation forces, assigned to guard the racist separation wall near the town of Deir al-Ghusun, fired indiscriminately towards the citizens - workers, while they were trying to enter to work inside the Green Line.


Flying Checkpoints

At 01:35, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Qalqilya, to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 04:00.


At 18:20, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Jayyous, where clashes took place with the citizens, while they were on patrol, and withdrew at 22:50.


1. At 18:20, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning during their raid into the town of Jayyous
2. At 21:20, the Israeli occupation force positioned in the vicinity of the "Eyal" checkpoint, north of Qalqilya, fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.
3. At 22:15, the Israeli occupation forces assigned to guard the apartheid wall near the village of Ezbet Salman, fired, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens - workers, while they were trying to enter to work inside the Green Line.
4. At 02:05, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the entrance to the town of Habla, fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 12:35, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the entrance to the "Shafi Shomron" settlement, to search vehicles and check the identities of the citizens.
2. At 22:45, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the entrance to the village of Bazariya (on the main road from Nablus - Jenin), to search vehicles and check citizens' identities.


1. On the morning of 04/18/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Iraq Burin, temporarily detained a citizen after storming his house, and released him later after assaulting him and as a result was admitted to the government hospital in Nablus for treatment. .
2. At 13:10, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Sebastia, escorting a group of Israeli settlers during their visit to the archaeological area in the village.


At 12:10, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the village of Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, detained the child: Omar Kamal Fathi Adili, 16, while returning from Al-Sawiya and Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya School, on the pretext of throwing stones at the occupation forces.

Physical Assault

The civilian: Muhannad Qaadan was hospitalized with contusions as a result of being severely beaten by the Israeli occupation forces during his detention in the village of Iraq Burin


At 22:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the entrance to the town of Beit Furik, fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.

Closure of main Roads

At 18:00, the Israeli occupation forces closed the Al-Masoudia area, located near the village of Burqa, with earth mounds.


Settlers Attacks

At 23:30, a group of Israeli settlers entered Khallet Hassan, in the town of Bidya, and smashed the windows of a private vehicle owned by the citizen: Muhammad Ali Omar Salama, and withdrew at a later time.



On the evening of 04/18/2022, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the entrance to the village of Fasayel fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 20:35, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the Al-Furadis village roundabout, to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 00:20.
2. At 20:35, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the junction of the Nashash area (the southern entrance to the city of Bethlehem), to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens until 24:00.
3. At 23:35, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Marah Rabah, to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 01:25.


1. At 17:40 and again at 04:30, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Husan, and examined the CCTV recordings of the shops and detained 5 citizens (including a child).
2. At 21:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the Khirbet al-Deir area in the town of Teqou' (on the pretext that settlers' vehicles were being thrown with stones), and forced the shop owners to close their shops, and withdrew at 02:25.
3. At 04:05, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Al-Khader and detained a citizen.
4. At 04:05, the Israeli occupation forces raided the Dheisheh camp in Bethlehem, where clashes took place with the citizens as they stormed a number of houses, and detained a citizen.
5. At 04:35, the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Bethlehem and detained a citizen.


1. The five detainees in the village of Husan are: Hassan Sari Hamamra, Abdel Hakim Amer Sabateen, Muhammad Youssef Zaghoul, Qusai Muhammad Sabateen 17 years old, and Muhammad Fuad Hamamra.
2. The detainee in the town of Al-Khader is: Khaled Ali Mustafa Al-Wahsh.
3. The detainee in Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem is: Thaer Mezher.
4. The detainee in the city of Bethlehem is: Hani Farsan Basharat.


At 04:05,the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning as they stormed a number of houses during their raid into Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem.

Closure of main Roads

At 23:35, the Israeli occupation forces closed the iron gate located at the western entrance to the town of Tekoa, in front of traffic, and reopened it at 02:00.

Settlers Attacks

1. At 09:45, a group of Israeli settlers, under the protection of the occupation forces, stormed the area of ​​Barak Suleiman in Artas village, performed Talmudic rituals there, and withdrew at 16:00.
2. At 09:45, a group of Israeli settlers entered the al-Zir forest near the town of Tekoa, and set up a market where goods were displayed, to celebrate the "Feast of Passover" among the Jews.


Flying Checkpoints

At 20:55, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the Farsh al-Hawa area, north of Hebron (branched from the bypass line 35), to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens until 02:25.


1. At 20:35, the Israeli occupation forces, near the Beit Ainun junction, north of Hebron, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning and as a result injured two civilians.
2. At 24:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in Bab Al-Zawiya area in Hebron city, fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning and as a result injured a child.
3. At 00:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned on Al-Shallala Street in the city of Hebron,fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning and as a result injured a citizen.


1. The two civilians: Murad Shehadeh Mutawar, and Qusai Muhammad Jaradat were injured during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces, near the Beit Ainun junction, north of Hebron.
2. The civilian: Muhammad Abu Sneina during confrontations with the occupation forces in the Bab Al-Zawiya area in Hebron city.
3. The civilian: Muhammad Nader Hakim Abu Rumaila was injured during confrontations with the occupation forces in the Shallala Street area in the city of Hebron.

Confiscation of Property

At 12:15, the Israeli occupation forces confiscated a special vehicle for transporting Al-Fakhit School teachers, located southeast of Yatta in the Masafer Yatta area.

Closure of main Roads

At 12:15, the Israeli occupation forces closed the entrance to the village of Beit Ainun, in front of traffic.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

Since 22:00 on 04/17/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces have closed the Ibrahimi Mosque in the old city of Hebron, and prevented them from performing prayers inside, under the pretext of enabling settlers to celebrate and perform Talmudic rituals inside the compound on the occasion of the “Easter holiday” for the Jews, and the closure continues until 4/20/ 2022.

Settlers Attacks

At 22:20, a group of Israeli settlers in the Old City of Hebron threw stones at a vehicle owned by Hazem Ishaq Skafi, smashing its windows.



• At 02:00 on 05/21/ 2021, the comprehensive ceasefire entered into force at the initiative and sponsorship of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
• On the morning of 07/30/ 2021, the Israeli occupation forces allowed the expansion of the marine fishing area from 9 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles.
• The Israeli occupation forces violated the cease-fire agreement by storming our areas in the North Gaza governorate, and by firing from their positions on the Green Line in the Central Gaza and Khan Yunis governorates, and by firing at the boats of fishermen while chasing them at sea in the northern Gaza and Rafah governorates, and by Air strikes by launching 4 missiles in (3 consecutive air raids) in Khan Yunis.
• Palestinian armed groups violated the cease-fire agreement by launching projectiles towards the Green Line.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanoun crossing - “Erez”: On 04/18/ 2022, it is partially open (for the passage of humanitarian cases, foreign journalists, workers of international humanitarian organizations, merchants, businessmen and travelers through the Al-Karama Crossing “Allenby” - previously coordinated for them).


At 10:00 on 04/18/ 2022, several vehicles and bulldozers of the Israeli occupation military under the cover of reconnaissance planes, stormed our areas at a depth of about 70 meters northeast of the town of Beit Hanoun, and carried out excavation and bulldozing work, and withdrew at 17:00.


1. At 19:00 on 04/18/ 2022, Israeli gunboats fired at the fishermen’s boats while they were chasing them in the open sea off the coast of Al-Sudaniya area, west of the town of Beit Lahia.
2. At 01:00 on 04/ 19/ 2022 Israeli gunboats fired towards the fishermen’s boats while chasing them in the open sea off the coast of the Sudaniya area, west of the town of Beit Lahia.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar-Karni crossing: closed since 02/03/2011, permanently and by a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shejaiya Crossing - “Nahal Oz” for fuel: closed since 04. 01. 2010, by unilateral Israeli decision



At 20:45 on 04/18/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired from their positions on the Green Line, towards agricultural lands east of Al-Maghazi camp.



1. At 08:00 on 04/18/2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired from their positions on the Green Line, towards agricultural lands east of Abasan town, east of Khan Yunis.
2. At 08:00 on 04/18/2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired from their positions on the Green Line, towards agricultural lands east of the town of Qarara, northeast of Khan Yunis.
3. At 15:45 on 04/18/2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired and fired tear gas canisters from their positions on the Green Line, towards a number of citizens near the border fence east of Abasan town, east of Khan Yunis.
4. At 15:45 on 04/18/2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired and fired tear gas canisters from their positions on the Green Line, towards a number of citizens near the border fence east of the town of Khuza’ah, east of Khan Yunis.
5. At 20:45 on 04/18/2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired from their positions on the Green Line, towards agricultural lands east of Abasan town, east of Khan Yunis.

Air Strike

1. At 01:25 on 04/ 19/ 2022 Israeli fighter jets launched a missile towards a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups, west of Khan Yunis.
2. At 01:30 on 04/ 19/ 2022Israeli fighter jets launched two missiles towards a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups, west of Khan Yunis.
3. At 01:35 on 04/ 19/ 2022, Israeli fighter jets launched a missile towards a site belonging to one of the Palestinian armed groups, west of Khan Yunis.

Palestinian Attacks

At 20:20 on 04/18/ 2022, members of the Palestinian armed groups launched towards the Green Line.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser Arafat International Airport: closed.
* Sofa crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom crossing - “Kerem Shalom”: on 04/18/ 2022 is partially open (for the entry of foodstuffs and goods, limited quantities of fuel and cooking gas, and building materials for the private sector and for internationally funded projects).
* Al-Awda- Rafah crossing: on 04/18/ 2022 is open in both directions (for citizens to leave and enter).


1. At 12:00 on 04/18/ 2022, Israeli gunboats fired at the fishermen’s boats while chasing them in the open sea off the shore of Rafah.
2. At 18:00 on 04/18/ 2022, Israeli gunboats fired at the fishermen's boats while chasing them in the open sea off the shore of Rafah.
3. At 01:00 on 04/19/ 2022 Israeli gunboats fired at the fishermen’s boats while chasing them in the open sea off the shore of Rafah.

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