Saeb Erekat: Israel’s response to the Quartet is 1100 no’s

Press Releases
September 27, 2011

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat strongly condemned the Israeli government’s approval of 1,100 new housing units in the illegal settlement Gilo, built on the land of Beit Jala in the Bethlehem District. Dr. Erekat described the approval as a “slap in the face to all international efforts to protect the fading prospects of peace in the region.” He added, “Israel responded to the Quartet Statement and French Initiative with 1100 no’s. Netanyahu has embarrassed all those in the international community who insisted that there was a peace partner in Israel.”

The Israeli decision was announced a day after the United Nations Security Council began deliberations on Palestine’s application for UN membership.

Dr. Erekat also accused Israel of implementing the threats voiced by several senior officials in the government, including Avigdor Lieberman, to annex large parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in and around occupied East Jerusalem, as a response to Palestine’s UN membership application.

“We have asked the international community to support our rightful claims to statehood and independence. Palestine took a peaceful multilateral step, in line with international law, to protect the prospects of peace and the two-state solution from exactly these kinds of illegal and unilateral Israeli measures,” said Dr. Erekat.

Dr. Erekat also said that this announcement reaffirms the need for decisive international action, namely the recognition of Palestine and its admission to the United Nations. He added, “This Israeli government is ardently committed to investing in the occupation while divesting from peace by defying the international consensus and international law.”

Dr. Erekat concluded, “Through its illegal actions, Israel wants to ensure that there will be no land left for a two-state solution. The United Nations, particularly the Security Council, must fulfill its obligations and put an end to these outrageous violations. Israel cannot continue being a state above international law. We invite the Council to take a first step towards that end by upholding Palestinian rights and admitting Palestine as the 194th member of the UN.”

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