Press Release:Senator George Mitchell

Press Releases
April 17, 2009

Senator George Mitchell

Following today’s meeting between President Abbas and Senator George Mitchell, Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr Saeb Erakat emphasized the importance of US diplomatic efforts to secure a just and comprehensive peace in the region.

“The Obama Administration has a crucial role to play as an even-handed and honest broker between Palestinians and Israelis. The success of its diplomatic efforts to reinvigorate the peace process rest largely on its ability to fulfil that role,” Dr Erakat said.

“Both Senator George Mitchell and President Abbas emphasized the shared commitment of the Obama Administration and the Palestinian leadership to the two-state solution.”

“Until the Netanyahu government unequivocally affirms its support for the two-state solution, implements Israel’s Road Map obligations and abides by previous agreements, Palestinians have no partner for peace.”

“This includes an immediate and complete freeze on all Israeli settlement activity, particularly in and around Palestinian East Jerusalem, and the reopening of Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem; the lifting of restrictions on Palestinian movement both in and out of, as well as within, the occupied Palestinian territory; and an immediate end to Israel’s siege of Gaza.”

“The demand that Palestinians first recognize Israel as a Jewish State before negotiations can commence is an admission by Netanyahu that he cannot deliver on peace. The PLO has already recognized the state of Israel. Netanyahu refuses to even mention a Palestinian state.”

The precondition that Israel be recognized as a Jewish State is not included in any previous agreements signed between Israel and the PLO, has never been part of any previous peace treaties signed between Israel and other Arab states, and does not conform to the standards of international law, UN practice or state practice when it comes to the recognition of states.

“Netanyahu’s new 'condition’ serves no other purpose than to stall progress towards negotiations, and to save his government from having to deal with the real issues, namely Israel’s refusal to end its occupation, to freeze all settlement activity, to lift restrictions on Palestinian movement, and to unequivocally support the two-state solution,” Dr Erakat said.

Dr Erakat further stressed that Netanyahu’s slogan of 'economic peace’ was no substitute for a just and lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis, and should not be conflated with economic development.

“Economic development is a right to which Palestinians are entitled, but which we are denied as a direct result of Israel’s occupation. 'Economic peace’, on the other hand, is a slogan fashioned by Netanyahu to suit his own ends,” Dr Erakat said.

“The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is first and foremost about Israel’s occupation and its daily violations of Palestinian rights and international law. Only by working toward a political settlement and an end to the occupation can we bring about the conditions needed for genuine economic development in Palestine.”

President Abbas conveyed his appreciation to Senator Mitchell for his continued efforts in the region.

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