Israeli Criminal Attack on Gaza Strip is a "Christmas gift to our isolated civilians in Gaza Strip" Dr. Erekat: “We hold Israel fully responsible for the consequences of this new act of aggression”

Press Releases
December 24, 2013

Member of the PLO Executive Committee and Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat condemned in the strongest terms the killing of Hala Ahmad Abu Sbejh (3 years old) and injuring her family in attack on Gaza by Israeli Occupation Forces.

He added: “We condemn in the strongest terms this new Israeli war crime against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza Strip which aims to initiate a bloody escalation. We hold the Israeli government fully responsible for the consequences of this new act of aggression against our occupied civilian population”

“Today the Israeli government proved to the entire world that they have an agenda of war, not for peace and are only interested in committing crimes against our defenseless civilians.”

Dr. Erekat is calling on the United States, European Union, Russia, United Nations and the Arab countries to act fast to stop the crimes committed against the besieged and isolated Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

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