Dr. Erekat on the Latest Israeli Settlement and the Murder of Palestinian Teenagers

Press Releases
February 01, 2011

“I cannot understand Israel’s thinking-- rather than re-evaluating their stance given the changing regional dynamics, Israel continues to entrench its belligerent occupation of the Palestinian people and the colonization of our land,” stated Dr. Saeb Erekat, Chief Palestinian Negotiator. 

“During the last week, a Palestinian teenager was murdered by settlers who attacked him while he tended his land outside of Nablus.  Another teenager was killed when settlers raided his village outside of Hebron.  Dozens more were injured by illegal settlers and the Israeli authorities.” 

“Settlement activity also continued unabated.  Only yesterday, a cornerstone was laid for a new illegal settlement in East Jerusalem.  The ceremony was attended by several Israeli government officials and American political figure, Mike Huckabee.”

“These incidents are only recent examples of the unprecedented and escalating violence in the occupied Palestinian territory. Such illegal activities render the two-state solution impossible and further threaten regional stability.  If the world continues to believe in the two-state solution, I urge them to take active steps to end Israel’s occupation.  The upcoming Quartet meeting in Munich on February 5th is a golden opportunity to put words into action, recognize the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders and change our regional dynamics for the better.” 


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