Dr. Erekat on the approved expansion of Ramat Shlomo illegal settlement: “Israel regards itself as a state above international law and accountability.”

Press Releases
August 11, 2011

Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Dr Saeb Erekat, slammed Israel’s approval of the construction of 1600 housing units in the illegal settlement Ramat Shlomo in occupied East Jerusalem as an assault on international legitimacy and the prospect of the two-state solution.

“This approval and the reported plan for additional expansion in illegal settlements across the occupied Palestinian Territory, especially occupied East Jerusalem, is further proof that this government is committed to investing in occupation rather than peace”, said Dr. Erekat.

He added, “In the past few days, members of the international community, including all members of the Quartet, condemned the expansion of the illegal settlement of Har Homa. Today, Israel has responded to this international consensus with intransigence and willful disregard”.

All Israeli settlement activity is illegal under international law and international humanitarian law and has been declared an obstacle to peace by the international community. By constructing in these settlements, Israel is also violating its Roadmap obligations, which clearly stipulate that Israel must cease all settlement activity, including so-called natural growth, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. Recent international reports have also shown that the continuation of Israel’s illegal settlement activities would undermine the prospects of a two-state solution and could render the possibility of the Palestinian state unviable.

The Chief Palestinian negotiator also said Israel’s impunity is the product of the international community’s lack of accountability, adding, “Israel regards itself as a state above international law and accountability. It counts on the assured protection from international reproach, extended to it  time and again”. 

Dr. Erekat added, “It is now abundantly clear that with the continued illegal settlement expansion, Israel aims to turn its occupation of Palestine into a permanent annexation. Without effective and proactive measures from the international community, Israel will be further encouraged to stay on the path of colonization and further entrench its enterprise of occupation, land grab, and impunity” “The international community has a permanent responsibility to uphold international law, protect the Palestinian people, support the Palestinian State and hold Israel accountable for its persistent violations.”

Dr Erekat concluded, “Recognizing the State of Palestine State on the 1967 border and supporting our admission to the UN is the appropriate response to Israel’s rejectionist and expansionist agenda. We call on all countries who have yet to take this positive measure to join the overwhelming world majority in protecting the two-state solution and inalienable Palestinian right to self-determination and recognize Palestine”.

Last year, Israel announced the first approval of the new illegal housing units in question during the visit of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. At the time, a diplomatic rift developed between the US Administration and Israel. Reports now indicate that Israel plans the approval of almost three thousand additional housing units in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.

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