Dr Erakat says 'enough is enough’ in response to Israel’s plans to expand the settlement of Gilo

Press Releases
November 18, 2009

Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Dr. Saeb Erakat today condemned Israeli plans to construct 900 more units in the settlement of Gilo.

“This provides 900 more reasons why hopes for salvaging the two-state solution and restarting genuine negotiations are rapidly fading, and why Israel is not a partner for peace,” Dr Erakat said.

“Israel continues to undermine the very credibility to the Middle East peace process, making a mockery of existing agreements and sabotaging all prospects for a return to genuine negotiations. Throughout the life of the peace process, Israel has taken unilateral steps to consolidate its settlement enterprise at the expense of peace and a viable Palestinian state. Gilo is part of this.”

Dr Erakat welcomed strong statements made by the United Nations, the United States and the United Kingdom and others in response to Israel’s plans to expand Gilo.

“This announcement is a direct slap in the face to the US and the Middle East Quartet. It is also a direct challenge to the international community, which has a duty to uphold international law. Failing to act only creates a culture of impunity when it comes to Israel’s daily violations of international law.”

“The difference between the Palestinian approach to peace and the Israeli approach to peace boils down to this: Palestinians have accepted international law and UN resolutions as the ultimate arbiter of a just and lasting peace. Israel has not.”

Dr Erakat also condemned ongoing home demolitions in occupied East Jerusalem, with at least two more Palestinian families, including 7 children, made homeless in the last two days, and more demolitions occurring today.

“At the same time Israel continues to build more illegal settlement units, it is tearing down more Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem and targeting more Palestinian families. Israel says that it is uniting Jerusalem. In reality, it is dividing Jerusalem through a series of discriminatory policies and laws that are creating a de facto apartheid situation on the ground,” Dr Erakat concluded.

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