Dr. Erakat Labels today’s Haaretz Report another Disinformation Attempt to Distort Facts and Deflect Responsibility to End Israel’s Inhuman Siege on Gaza

Press Releases
June 13, 2010

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr. Saeb Erakat denied today’s false media reports as if President Mahmoud Abbas asked President Obama to keep Gaza under siege.

“The report is yet another disinformation attempt aimed at distorting facts and deflecting Israel’s responsibility to end the illegal and inhuman siege on Gaza,” adding that “President Abbas has been demanding complete and unconditional lifting of Israel’s illegal siege over Gaza, which he reiterated during his recent meetings with World leaders.”

“The issue has been and will continue to be the main focus in all our discussions until our people in Gaza are free and the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem is ended” Dr. Erakat said.

Referring to the fabricated Haaretz report from today, Dr. Erakat said “It is absurd how a baseless so-called report, which lacks any credible source, can be so irresponsibly published”.

He reminded that “the illegal blockade has nothing to do with the Hamas since Gaza has been closed long before Hamas took control. Israel must end its unlawful blockade. Until then, Israel has certain obligations under international law to provide for the local population”.

Chief Palestinian Negotiator reiterated that “Instead of honoring its obligations under international law, Israel is blocking humanitarian aid flotillas from reaching Gaza, and collectively punishing millions of innocent civilians in blatant disregard to international law.”

Dr. Saeb Erakat concluded "we will never countenance this or any other such illegal Israeli conduct and will continue to advocate against it and call for an international investigation."

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