Dr. Erakat on Israel’s announcement of residency revocation and expulsion of four PLC members

Press Releases
June 20, 2010

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr Saeb Erakat condemned the announcement of Israel’s revocation of residency and expulsion of four Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) members from East Jerusalem, Mohammad Abu Teir, Mohammad Totah, Khaled Abu Arafah, and Ahmad Atoun.

“We strongly condemn the recent orders to deny Jerusalemites their right to live in their own city. This revocation of rights is hardly an isolated policy. Since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory began in 1967, it has carried out a systematic policy aimed at expelling Palestinians from East Jerusalem.’’

'’In the past two years alone, over 5000 Palestinians have been stripped of their residency rights in Jerusalem. And today, hundreds of Palestinian families live under the threat of having their homes demolished while illegal settlements continue to be built on occupied land.” Last year, 103 homes were demolished in East Jerusalem alone.

Referring to the Israeli reports that the decision was made based on security considerations, Dr. Erakat said “the order has nothing to do with security but with the consolidation of an Apartheid system where Jews from all over the world are allowed to enter freely and enjoy rights in Jerusalem, while the indigenous Palestinians of the city are denied the right to live on their own land. The world can no longer look on in silence as these policies continue. This order is not only a threat to the individuals affected, but also a threat against the two state solution and the entire peace process. Israel cannot continue to act above the law.”

“Upon President Mahmoud Abbas’ request, I conveyed the message to the American administration and to the Israeli side that revocation of identity cards is a form of collective punishment. It results in severing families, and it constitutes an attack against Palestinian democracy.’’

Dr. Erakat concluded “our vision for peace includes a shared Jerusalem that is the capital of two states. The Israeli vision for the city as evidenced by Israeli actions is an exclusive one. Until Israel recognizes Palestinian rights in the city, peace will be elusive for all involved.”

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