Dr Erakat on Israel’s announcement of more settlement construction in East Jerusalem

Press Releases
December 28, 2009

Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Dr Saeb Erakat, said that plans to construct a further 692 settlement units in occupied East Jerusalem and to confiscate more occupied Palestinian land announced today by Israel, further sabotaged international efforts to resume permanent status negotiations. Israel’s approval of more settlement construction in East Jerusalem closely follows its announcement last month that it planned to construct 900 more units in the settlement of Gilo.

“With each individual action it undertakes on the ground, Israel is saying no to meaningful negotiations, no to a just and lasting peace and no to the two-state solution. Today’s announcement is further proof that this 'policy of three no’s’ still dominates the decisions taken by the Israeli government.”

“Every decision Israel takes to construct more illegal settlements makes a mockery of it’s so called 'settlement moratorium’. If this is what Israel means by a settlement moratorium, then one can only wonder what Israel intends to do once that moratorium has expired.”

During a meeting with the US Consul General this morning, Dr Erakat asked the United States to clarify its position on Israel’s obligation to freeze all settlement construction in line with its 2003 Road Map obligations before meaningful negotiations could resume.

“The credibility of the peace process and the viability of the two-state solution together hinge on whether Israel is prepared to implement a comprehensive settlement freeze in line with international law and its obligations under the 2003 Road Map. Without this, negotiations cannot resume,” Dr Erakat said.

“The international community has a responsibility to uphold international law, and it has ample opportunity to act on that responsibility. Israel continues to violate international law and existing agreements, while making a mockery of current efforts to resume negotiations under the sponsorship of the United States.”

Dr Erakat also condemned Israel’s recent escalation of its military attacks in Gaza and Nablus. “Israel trades in Palestinian life as if it were worthless.

The killing of six Palestinian civilians in Nablus and Beit Hanoun last Friday is unacceptable. By escalating its military provocations in the occupied Palestinian territory, Israel is deliberately trying to fuel tensions and to undermine the Palestinian Authority,” Dr Erakat concluded.

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