Dr Erakat on comments by Israel’s Foreign Minister criticizing President Abbas

Press Releases
July 13, 2009

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr Saeb Erakat said that comments by Israel’s Foreign Minister attacking President Mahmoud Abbas were an attempt to deflect attention away from Israel’s refusal to implement its Road Map obligations.

“By criticizing the presidency of Mahmoud Abbas, Israel’s Foreign Minister is hoping to deflect attention away from Israel’s refusal to implement its obligations under the Road Map, including a comprehensive settlement freeze,” Dr Erakat said.

“I doubt such diversion tactics will wash with the international community, and certainly do not deserve much attention from those of us who are committed to peace.”

“Palestinians stand ready to negotiate with an Israeli government committed to the two-state solution and to honoring existing agreements between Israel and the PLO,” Dr Erakat said.

“Israel’s refusal to implement its obligations under existing agreements has undermined the very credibility of the peace process. For negotiations to be credible, Israel must implement those obligations it has already agreed to. This includes a comprehensive settlement freeze, including all so-called 'natural growth’, and lifting restrictions on Palestinian movement and access, including ending the siege on Gaza.”

“Israel is not being asked to do anything that it has not already agreed to do. The Road Map is not a document riddled with Palestinian preconditions, but with mutual obligations and responsibilities that Israel is now trying to back out of. What we have today is the spectacle of an Israeli government trying to trade one Road Map obligation for another, without implementing any of its obligations in full.”

“Both Palestinians and Israelis deserve peace, and Palestinians will continue to support international demands that parties implement their Road Map obligations to restore credibility to negotiations and create an environment conducive to peace,” Dr Erakat concluded.

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