Dr Erakat calls on Israel not to squander opportunities for peace

Press Releases
June 29, 2009

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr Saeb Erakat today urged the Israeli government not to squander current opportunities for peace given overwhelming international support for the two-state solution.

“The international political will to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has never been so strong or unified. This presents us with a unique opportunity to achieve a comprehensive peace,” Dr Erakat said.

“The Israeli government needs to take advantage of this opportunity, rather than squander it by trying to trade one Road Map obligation for another, without implementing any of its obligations in full.”

“Under the Road Map, Israel agreed to implement a comprehensive freeze on all settlement activity, including in and around occupied East Jerusalem. This includes all 'natural growth’. The decisions the Israeli government makes will determine how genuine Israel’s commitment to peace is,” Dr Erakat said.

Today it was reported that Israel plans to construct additional units in the settlement of Adam, including 50 units intended for residents evicted from the settlement outpost of Migron. The Israeli government is also seeking to consolidate its confiscation of 139,000 dunums of occupied Palestinian land stretching from Ma’ale Adummin to Nabi Mousa to the Dead Sea by registering it as 'state land’.

“In both word and deed, Israel continues to ignore its obligations under the Road Map, as well as defy international demands for a stop to all settlement activity,” Dr Erakat said.

“The Road Map is clear. Either Israel stops all settlement activity, or it continues its settlement activity in contravention of its Road Map obligations. There is no in between.”

On the removal of Israeli checkpoints, Dr Erakat challenged Israeli claims regarding Palestinian ease of movement in the occupied West Bank.

“Claims by the Israeli military that Palestinians can move freely between Jenin and Hebron for example, are patently false. Permanent checkpoints along this and other routes continue to exist, not to mention flying checkpoints and other roadblocks,” Dr Erakat said.

Dr Erakat added that Israeli checkpoints were only one dimension of Israel’s regime of internal closures affecting Palestinian life.

“Israel has devised an entire punitive regime that blocks freedom of movement for Palestinian goods and people, including permits, Israel’s illegal Wall, Israeli-only roads, and Israeli settlements that fragment the occupied Palestinian territory. This regime targets all Palestinians, making everyday life impossible, and it has destroyed the Palestinian economy.”

“Palestinians are not in the game of trading on our rights and freedoms. The removal of a few checkpoints falls far short of Israel’s obligations to restore normal movement and access for Palestinian people and goods,” Dr Erakat concluded.

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