Israeli Official Incitement: August 2024

Israeli Incitement Reports
September 11, 2024


I. Against the Palestinian people/endorsing genocide and forceful transfer of Palestinians within the Gaza Strip


Itamar Ben Gvir, Minister of National Security, MK, Chairman of Jewish Power Party

“I extended for another month the order preventing visits to security detainees. The damned terrorists deserve the minimum provided by law, this is how I act, and this is how I will continue to act.”

X Platform 4 August 2024

May Golan, Minister of Social Equality & Women’s Advancement, MK, Likud Party

“Our heroic fighters this morning uncovered another shaft of a murderous terrorist tunnel of the Nazi Hamas underneath the Philadelphia Axis (….) I support the prime minister, Netanyahu, in his firm stand on these very important essentials for our security in the face of the increasing hypocritical international pressure. Only if we adhere to our position, where there is no compromise, shall we secure the safety of all the Israeli citizens and the return of all the hostages.”

X Platform 4 August 2024

Tally Gotliv, MK, Likud Party

“I waited patiently and nervously. That’s enough. It's already embarrassing. Are we the sheep before slaughter? Threats come from all sides; we are still waiting (…). We have lost the basic principle of fighting without mercy and restoring deterrence (…). Our enemies must know not to mess with the State of Israel. We should attack fiercely. We have the ammunition, and we have the brave warriors. So, let’s attack ruthlessly. We’re fed up (…)”

X Platform 6 August 2024

Avigdor Lieberman, MK, Head of Yisrael Beiteinu Party

“It is not our job to take care of the civil humanitarian effort in Gaza, those who brutally murdered and kidnapped our sons and daughters.[1] The security establishment is stuck on October 6 and continues with the same policy of turning the other cheek with the government’s approval. The only arrangement that should be in place with Gaza is to stop all transfers of humanitarian aid, equipment, fuel, electricity, and water and leave operational freedom of action to the IDF to prevent renewed military intensification.”

X Platform 28 August 2024

Hanoch Dov Milwidsky, MK, Likud Party

“We must neither forget nor rest as long as our heroic reservists are detained because of complaints filed against them by the scum of Nukhba[2]

X Platform 4 August 2024

Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister, MK, Chairman of Religious Zionism Party

“We are conducting this interview in Sderot. Right next to us, the IDF soldiers and their heroic, brave, and determined commanders continue to destroy Hamas. We are currently operating in Rafah and other places in the Gaza Strip. Anyone who climbs up to the roof and looks over the Gaza Strip will not recognize it from what it was ten months ago and will not recognize it in a few months. We are working, and we need to work more (…)”

Arutz 7   7 August 2024

Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister, MK, Chairman of Religious Zionism Party

“You have to read it to believe it and, above all, to understand the distorted and dangerous starting point of those who pressure us to stop the war and surrender. The ‘mediators’ actually wrote in their announcement yesterday that ‘the time has come to conclude the cease-fire agreement in Gaza and the release of the hostages and prisoners’ while creating an imaginary symmetry between the Israeli hostages- men, women, and children - who were abducted from their beds with terrible cruelty, and despicable terrorists who murdered Jews and are serving their sentences in prison (….) The time had come a long time ago to release the hostages, and the time hadn’t come to release the terrible terrorists who killed Jews. And above all, the time has not come for a surrender deal that would stop the war before the destruction of the Nazi Hamas and ISIS. Such a deal would allow them to rehabilitate and return to murdering Jews again (.…) I call upon the prime minister not to fall into this trap and not to back down from the red lines he lately defined, no matter how slight they might be, noting that those red lines pose a big problem, too.”

X Platform 9 August 2024

II. Against President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Leadership

Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister, MK, Chairman of Religious Zionism Party

“The fight against terrorism is not only a military fight but a combined fight that includes a war against the wild incitement of the Palestinian Authority and the terrorist funds that it directs from its budget to the families of terrorists[3]. As I have done since taking, I will continue to protect the security of the citizens of Israel and fight with all the tools at my disposal against terrorism and its supporters.”

X Platform 4 August 2024

Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister, MK, Chairman of Religious Zionism Party

“A Palestinian state means to abandon, God forbid, the center of the country to the Nazis and the next massacre. We are working on the ground to remove this threat from the agenda to ensure security for the residents of the seam line, Gush Dan, and everywhere in the country. We do this through strengthening settlements via construction and development, regulating establishing settlements and their infrastructure, stopping the Arabs from taking over open areas, fighting the terrorist finance of the Palestinian Authority and its leaders, and completing the Israeli control of the territory. This is the only way.”

X Platform 5 August 2024

III. And against the Indigenous Palestinian Citizens of Israel


Itamar Ben Gvir, Minister of National Security, MK, Chairman of Jewish Power Party

“I fully support the police and the Israel Land Authority in the activity it is carrying out now in implementing the law through the demolition of illegal construction in the unrecognized village of Um Btein in the Negev. Israel policy doesn’t fear the riot makers who try to sabotage the police work and will act against them with a steel fist. I am proud to lead a strong policy of demolishing illegal houses. The Negev is not anyone's private property. We will destroy as many such houses as possible until we restore to the Negev the government and sovereignty that had been violated for years.”

X Platform 7 August 2024

VI. Against UN Organizations

Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN

“I told the audience a personal story about my first conversation with UN Secretary-General Guterres shortly after I arrived in New York. Already in this conversation, I was exposed with astonishment to his bias against Israel and his support for the Palestinians at the expense of the Jewish people. What a disgrace!” X Platform 8 August 2024

Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN

“What I am going to say is impolite. But today was a Shit Show {UNSC}[4], you saw me I was angry because to see the Palestinian Representative there, and everyone knows they know the other ambassadors he does not represent Hamas if he enters Gaza they will throw him from rooftops as well, but he speaks there politically motivated , he speaks for the corrupt Palestinian authority everyday continues to pay terrorists and he is lecturing everyone talking about morality , how much you can sit there and listen to all these and continue to behave like business as usual, so I decided that one of my goals is to truly erode the UN credibility to expose its true face to show the world that they cannot serve the original purpose(sic…)”

X Platform 16 August 2024

V. Additional Examples


Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister, MK, Chairman of Religious Zionism Party

"I want to believe and hope that the pressure exerted on us by our American friends to establish a Palestinian state simply stems from a lack of understanding of how much this endangers our existence, as the overwhelming majority of our people understand today, certainly after the 7th of October (…) With all our respect and appreciation for the Biden administration, we will continue to make decisions based on what is good and right for us, even at the cost of disagreements. This includes continuing the war until Hamas and Hezbollah are destroyed and the security threats over Israel are removed, in addition to enhancing the settlements to prevent the establishment of a terrorist state in the heart of the Land of Israel.”

Arutz 7 16 August 2024

Israel Katz, Israel’s Foreign Minister, MK, Likud Party

“Today, I ordered the cancellation of the diplomatic status of 8 Norwegian diplomats in Israel who dealt with the Palestinian Authority affairs. Instead of fighting Palestinian terrorism after October 7 and supporting Israel's fight against the Iranian axis of evil, Norway chose to reward the Hamas murderers in the form of recognition of a Palestinian state. Still, it was not satisfied with that and joined the unfounded lawsuit against us at the ICC, demanding the issuance of arrest warrants against the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister. Norway conducts a one-sided policy on the Palestinian issue and, therefore, will be excluded from the Palestinian cause. Whoever attacks us and follows a one-sided policy against us shall pay the price.”

X Platform 7 August 2024

Tzvi Succot, MK, Religious Zionism Party

“It starts with vile plots[5] by extreme leftist organizations against agricultural farms in Judea & Samaria (the biblical name Israel uses for the West Bank.) Then come sanctions without any evidence or ability to defend themselves. (…) I will continue to promote my bill, which will open up the Bank of Israel option of banking services for private individuals affected by this crazy step.”

X Platform 29 August 2024



[1] Israeli allegations that were debunked by Israeli and international media investigations/ reports.

[2] Referring to Hamas Islamic movement. Back in July, nine occupation soldiers’ were arrested for raping of a Palestinian detainee in ‘Sde Teiman’ detention center in southern Israel's Negev desert.

[3] Referring to monthly social allowances paid by the Palestinian Government to Palestinian Prisoners, Martyrs and their families

[4]Referring to the UN Security Council session on 16 August to discuss the catastrophic conditions in the Gaza Strip.

[5] A reference to the US decision to block bank accounts of Israeli settler agricultural organizations in response to settlers’ violence against Palestinian civilians living in the West Bank.


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