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Daily Report February 16 2022

Total: 87


 08:00, 15th  February  2022 -08:00, 16th  February  2022




1. At 15:50, the Israeli occupation forces detained the citizen: Ahmed Khweis, in Al-Tur neighborhood in Jerusalem.
2. At 20:10 the Israeli occupation forces detained the citizen: Muhannad Abu Asba – a resident of Qalandia camp.


At 15:50, the Israeli occupation forces charged with guarding the racist separation wall near Al-Quds University in the town of Abu Dis, fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.

Destruction of Property

At 16:00, the Israeli occupation forces demolished a storage den belonging to the citizen: Bashar al-Kiswani, in the town of Beit Hanina under the pretext of not having a license.

Settlers Attacks

At 01:00, a group of Israeli settlers in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem attacked a number of vehicles of the residents of the neighborhood.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 08:00, groups of extremist Israeli settlers, under the protection of the Israeli occupation police, stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and made provocative tours of its courtyards and facilities.


Flying Checkpoints

At 20:20, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the entrance to the village of Beit Sira, to search vehicles and check the identities of the citizens.


1. At dawn on 02/15/2022, the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Al-Bireh, and detained a citizen, after he was injured- as a result of being bitten by a trained (police) dog, which the Israeli occupation soldiers unleashed towards him.
2. At 11:55, , the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Silwad, stormed the Al-Junaidi Company, and detained 3 citizens from inside it.


The citizen Malik Mualla after injured after he was bitten by a trained (police) dog that was unleashed by the Israeli occupation soldiers during his detention in the city of Al-Bireh.


1. The detainee in the city of Al-Bireh is: Malik Maalla {after being wounded - as a result of being bitten by a trained (police) dog that the occupation soldiers fired at him during his arrest}.
2. The 3 detainees in Silwad town are: Muhammad Faraj Ajaj - residents of Deir Jarir village, Muhammad Rawhi Shujaiya - residents of Deir Jarir village, and Mahran Walid Hassan Al-Khatib - residents of the city of Hebron.


1. At 13:40, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the vicinity of the entrance to the settlement of "Psagot", which is built on the eastern outskirts of Al-Bireh city, fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.
2. At 14:15, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the Jalazun camp, fired stun grenades and tear gas at canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning and detained 4 children, and released them after the intervention of the Palestinian military liaison at 17:45.
3. At 14:15, the Israeli occupation forces near the entrance to the village of Nabi Saleh fired live ammunition and rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning which led to the death of a citizen.


The martyr Nihad Amin Al-Barghouti, 20 years old - a resident of Kafr Ein village was killed during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces near the entrance to the village of Al-Nabi Saleh.

Temporary Detention

At 14:15, the Israeli occupation forces temporary detained 4 children : Muhammad Rami Sharakah {15 years old}, Muhammad Ezz Abu Nasri {13 years old}, Majd Musa Hassouna {12 years old}, and Ahmed Ashraf Abu Al-Eis {9 years old}during confrontations near Al-Jalazun camp and released them after the Palestinian military liaison intervened at 17:45.



1. At 16:45, the Israeli occupation forces raided the city of Jenin until 17:40.
2. At 07:30, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Rummana, and detained 2 civilians.
3. At 07:45, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Jaba, and detained a citizen.
4. At dawn on 02/ 16/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Qabatiya, and detained 2 civilians.


1. The two detainees in the village of Rummana are: Nizam Jamil Abdul Rahim Amour and Zuhair Rashid Al Ahmad.
2. The detainee in the town of Jaba is: Marwan Saleh Shreim.
3. The two detainees in the town of Qabatiya are: Muhammad Ali Abu al-Rub, and Muhammad Husayn Faris Kamil.


Military Checkpoints

At 20:45, the Israeli occupation forces tightened their procedures at Tayseer checkpoint, and obstructed traffic until 22:30.


1. At 06:00 on 02/15/2022, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Ain al-Bayda in the northern Jordan Valley, and raided and searched a house.
2. At 11:20, the Israeli occupation forces raided the villages of Kardala and Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley, and handed demolition notices to a house owned by the citizen: Nabil Aref Fuqaha, and two agricultural storage dens owned by citizens: Muhammad Ali Radwan Fuqaha and Jihad Nimr Hussein Sawafta, and the work was stopped. A housing caravan building, owned by: Khaled Rushdi Sawafta, and an agricultural barracks, owned by: Fares Sawafta, under the pretext of not having a license.


At 18:25, the Israeli occupation forces on Line 90 in the northern Jordan Valley, detained 2 citizens: Fouad Suleiman Bani Odeh, and Muhammad Qassem Ahmed Suleiman - (both of them are residents of Tammun town).

Settlers Attacks

At 11:40, a group of Israeli settlers in the Muqsala area, located to the northeast of Khallet Makhoul in the northern Jordan Valley, built a tent and a barn for livestock, on the lands of Tubas residents.


Military Checkpoints

At 16:55, the Israeli occupation forces tightened their procedures at the Shufa checkpoint, and obstructed traffic.


At 11:50, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Kafr Jamal until 17:25.


Confiscation of Property

At 12:40, the Israeli occupation forces confiscated a concrete mixer owned by: Faleh Abdel Rahman Yamin, near the village of Jit.


Military Checkpoints

At 12:20, the Israeli occupation forces closed the Beit Furik checkpoint, in front of traffic, and reopened it at 13:30.

Flying Checkpoints

At 23:50, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the town of Jama'in, to search vehicles and check the identities of the citizens.


1. At 11:50, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Tal, and clashes took place with the citizens in the vicinity of the village school, while they were on patrol.
2. At 17:40, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Deir al-Hatab, where clashes took place with the citizens, while they were on the patrol, and withdrew at 22:30.
3. At 02:00, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Beita, detained 2 civilians, and withdrew at 07:00.
property destruction.

Destruction of Property

At 10:50, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the village of al-Lubban al-Sharqiya, demolished garages, storage dens, and parking lots located near the main street of Nablus - Ramallah, and owned by the citizens: Jihad Faisal Awaisa and Majed Samih Daraghmeh.


1. The two detainees in the town of Beita are: Ayoub Hammad Hamayel and Adham Ghaleb Abu Zaitoun.
2. The detainee near the eastern al-Lubban village is: Mahmoud Ali Owais - resident of al-Lubban al-Sharqiya village.


1. At 11:50, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning in the vicinity of the village school during their raid into Tal village.
2. At 17:40, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters at the citizens, under the pretext that they had been pelted with stones while on patrol during their raid into Deir Al-Hatab village.

Settlers Attacks

At 16:40, a group of Israeli settlers set up a tent on the citizens' agricultural lands located between the town of Qusra and the village of Jalud.


Flying Checkpoints

At 13:00, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the northern entrance to the city of Salfit, to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens.

Settlement Activities

At 12:00, the Israeli occupation forces razed an area of agricultural lands in the Dahr Sobh area, located between the towns of Kafr ad-Dik and Bidya, and uprooted about 50 olive trees, with the aim of seizing the land and using it for settlement purposes.



At 02:05, the Israeli occupation forces raided Ain al-Sultan camp and Aqabat Jabr camp in Jericho, detained a citizen in Ain al-Sultan camp, and withdrew at 03:15.


The detainee in Ain Al-Sultan camp in Jericho is: Taha Farraj - residents of Al-Jalazun camp in Ramallah governorate


Flying Checkpoints

At 18:45, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the western entrance to Husan village, to search vehicles and check citizens' identities until 19:20.


1. At 02:30, the Israeli occupation forces raided the Jabal al-Mawaleh area in the city of Beit Sahour, stormed and searched 3 houses, and withdrew at 04:45.
2. At 03:15, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Beit Fajjar, stormed and searched a house, and withdrew at 04:45.


At 08:15, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the northern entrance to the town of Teqou', fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 17:15, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint in the neighborhood of the municipality housing in Hebron city, to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens until 18:30.
2. At 17:55, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the junction of the town of Al-Samou’, to search vehicles and check the identities of citizens until 1:00.


1. At 13:35, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Beit Awa, and arrested a citizen. The raid was repeated at 00:35, they raided and searched a house, and withdrew at 01:15.
2. At 24:00, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Halhoul, stormed a gas station, and confiscated its surveillance camera recordings.
3. At 01:15, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Deir Samet, stormed and searched 2 houses, and withdrew at 01:45.
4. At dawn on 02/16/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Beit Ummar, and detained a citizen.


1. At 11:15, the Israeli occupation forces detained the citizen: Kamel Ayo Sneina (the owner of the house) while demolishing his house in the village of Zif,
2. At 03:00, the Israeli occupation forces in the village of Al-Tawani, east of Yatta detained 2 citizens: Rebhi Jibril Al-Rabei, and Osama Fadel Al-Rabei.
3. The detainee in the town of Beit Awa is: Raafat Talib Muhammad Attia.
4. The detainee in the town of Beit Ummar is: Youssef Abdel Fattah Al-Tait.


1. At 09:30, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in front of Al-Aroub camp, fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens at the entrance to the camp for alleged stoning.
2. At 21:50, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the entrance to Al-Fawwar camp fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning.

House Demolition

At 11:15, the Israeli occupation forces demolished a house owned by Kamel Abu Sneina in the village of Zif, under the pretext of not having a permit.

Destruction of Property

At 09:25, the Israeli occupation forces demolished a livestock den owned by the citizen: Fouad Al-Amour in the Al-Fakhit area, southeast of Yatta.



• At 02:00 on 05/21/ 2021, the comprehensive ceasefire entered into force at the initiative and sponsorship of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
• On the morning of 07/30/ 2021, the Israeli occupation forces allowed the expansion of the marine fishing area from 9 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles.
• The Israeli occupation forces violated the cease-fire agreement by firing from their positions on the Green Line in the Gaza Governorate, and by firing at the boats of fishermen at sea in the North Gaza and Central Gaza governorates.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanoun crossing - “Erez”: On 02/15/ 2022, it is partially open (for the passage of humanitarian cases, foreign journalists, workers of international humanitarian organizations, merchants, businessmen and travelers through the Al-Karama Crossing “Allenby” - previously coordinated for them).


At 10:15 on 02/15/ 2022, Israeli gunboats fired at the fishermen's boats while they were chasing them in the open sea off the coast of Al-Sudaniya area, west of the town of Beit Lahia.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar-Karni crossing: closed since 02/03/2011, permanently and by a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shejaiya Crossing - “Nahal Oz” for fuel: closed since 04. 01. 2010, by unilateral Israeli decision.


At 14:00 on 02/15/ 2022, the Israeli occupation forces fired from their positions on the Green Line, towards agricultural lands east of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.



At 10:20 on 02/15/ 2022, Israeli gunboats fired at fishermen's boats while chasing them at sea off the beach of Deir al-Balah.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser Arafat International Airport: closed.
* Sofa crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom crossing - “Kerem Shalom”: on 02/15/ 2022 is partially open (for the entry of foodstuffs and goods, limited quantities of fuel and cooking gas, and building materials for the private sector and for internationally funded projects).
* Al-Awda- Rafah crossing: on 02/15/ 2022 is open in both directions (for citizens to leave and enter).

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