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Daily Report February 13 2021

Total: 71



 08:00, 12th  February  2021 -08:00, 13th February  2021




At 16:30, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Al-Issawiya, where clashes took place with the citizens, and detained a child.


1. At 17:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at the Al-Jib checkpoint detained 2 residents : Laith Barakat and Ahmed Barakat - both are residents of the village of An-Nabi Samwil.
2. At 13:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near Bab al-Amud in the Old City of Jerusalem detained 2 residents : Muhammad Munther Attiyah and Muhammad Ahmad Attiyah.
3. The detainee in the village of Al-Issawiya is: Ahmed Abdel-Hafez Attia, 17 years old.


On 12/02021, the Israeli occupation authorities in the city of Jerusalem issued a decision to deport the citizen: Waheed Shabana from his place of residence in the city of Jerusalem, to the governorates of the West Bank, under the pretext that he holds a West Bank ID card, although he has resided since his birth in the city of Jerusalem, as his wife lives And his sons in the city.


1. At 16:30, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning in the village of Nabi Samwil
2. At 16:30, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning in Al-Issawiya village.
3. At 21:00, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens for alleged stoning in the Al-Tur neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Destruction of Property

At 18:30, the Israeli occupation authorities, forced the family of the citizen: Abu Haddwan, to demolish an outer room of their house built of iron and shades with an area of ​​about 90 square meters in the Silwan neighborhood in Jerusalem for allegedly not having a permit and would have to pay hefty fines in the event that the Israeli military carried out the demolition.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 11:45,the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the "Halamish" settlement junction, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.
2. At 15:30, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Nabi Saleh, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.


1. At 12:30, the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards the citizens demonstrating against the establishment of a settlement outpost in the Al-Shorfa area located in the Ras Al-Qanater area in Deir Jarir village and as a result left several citizens suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
2. At 13:30, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards demonstrators demanding the handover of the body of the martyr: Khaled Nofal (whose body is being held by the occupation forces after a settler shot him in Jabal Al-Risan area)near the village of Ras Karkar
3. At 13:45, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards the citizens demonstrating against the confiscation of lands for settlement projects in Al Mughayer village and as a result left several citizens suffocated from tear gas inhalation.
4. At 17:30, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the “Al Mahkama” checkpoint established near the settlement of Beit El located north of the city of Al-Bireh fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several citizens for alleged stoning.



At 12:35,the Israeli occupation forces raided the town of Ya'bad, and conducted a patrol.

Settlers Attacks

On 12/02/2021, a group of settlers stormed the ruins of the settlement of Homesh, located south of the town of Silat al-Dhahr, and attacked two citizens and as a result left them bruised during which the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and tear gas towards citizens as they were trying to confront the settlers and as a result left 4 residents suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


On 12/02/2021, the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and tear gas towards citizens as they were trying to confront the settlers near the ruins of the settlement of Homesh, located south of the town of Silat al-Dhahr and as a result left 4 residents suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


Physical Assault

On the morning of 12/02/2021, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the village of Ain Al-Bayda in the northern Jordan Valley attacked the citizen: Mahmoud Sawafta - a resident of the city of Tubas, by spraying pepper gas on his face, which led to his suffocation while he was helping victims who were rammed by a Israeli settlers vehicle then detained his son.


On the morning of 1/02/ 2021, the Israeli occupation forces positioned near the village of Ain Al-Bayda in the northern Jordan Valley detained the citizen: Issa Mahmoud Sawafta - a resident of Tubas.


At 16:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned in the Homs area in the northern Jordan Valley, fired stun grenades and tear gas towards demonstrators and as a result left several citizens suffocated from tear gas inhalation.

Settlers Attacks

At 10:00, a settler ran over 3 civilians while driving his vehicle on the main road between the junction of the village of Ein Al-Bayda and the village of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley, while participating in an environmental pathway to support the village of Kordala and the Jordan Valley, killing one of them and wounding 2 others.


Bilal Shehadeh Bawatneh, 52 years old - resident of Al-Bireh city in Ramallah governorate was killed after he was run over by a settler while driving his vehicle between the intersection of the village of Ain Al-Bayda and the village of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley.


Farhat Abed - residents of Al-Bireh in Ramallah governorate, and Shadi Abu Ghosh - residents of Jerusalem. were wounded as a result of being run over by a settler while he was driving his vehicle between the junction of the village of Ain Al-Bayda and the village of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley.


Settlers Attacks

1. At 16:20, a group of settlers kidnapped the citizen: Muhammad Nabil Ketana - a resident of al-Nazla al-Gharbiyya, while he was in the Mughraqa area near the village of An-Nazla al-Sharqiya, and took him to the settlement of "Hermesh". The occupation forces released him from the settlers after the intervention of the military link The Palestinian is 16:50.
2. On 12/02/2021, a group of settlers from "Evni Hefetz" settlement entered the citizens' agricultural lands belonging to the village of Shofa, which is located to the west of the settlement. A number of citizens attacked farmers while they were working in the cultivation of olive trees on a land owned by the Hamed family, and prevented them from working and expelled them. Ones at gunpoint.


Flying Checkpoints

At 15:20, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the southern entrance to the city of Qalqilya to search cars and verify citizens' identities.


1. At 12:50, the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards demonstrators in protest against the closure of eastern (closed) entrance in the village of Kafr Qaddum for alleged stoning and as a result wounded 8 citizens and left several others suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
2. At 21:00, the Israeli occupation forces positioned at the entrance of Azzun town fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and tear gas towards citizens for alleged stoning and also assaulted a citizen leaving him hospitalized with contusions.


The 8 wounded during clashes with the occupation forces near the eastern (closed) entrance in the village of Kafr Qaddum are unidentified.

Physical Assault

Ghaleb Ahmed Salim - residents of Azzun town was injured - bruised as a result of the assault and severe beating by the occupation forces during clashes near the entrance to the town of Azzun


Military Checkpoints

At 15:30, the Israeli occupation forces tightened their procedures at Huwara checkpoint, and obstructed traffic.


At 24:00,the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Zemout, and conducted a patrol.

Settlers Attacks

1. At 13:45, a group of settlers stormed the archaeological area of ​​Al-Khan in the eastern village of Laban, and tried to prevent citizens from holding Friday prayers in the khan in solidarity with its companions against settler attacks. The occupation forces also intervened and fired sound and tear gas canisters towards the citizens, while they were trying to stop Of settlers, which resulted in the injury of a number of citizens - suffocation due to inhalation of tear gas
2. At 18:00, a group of settlers from the colony of "Bracha" attacked a citizen severely and pushed him against the rocks, while chasing a number of citizens near the village of Kafr Qalil, which led to his injuries and a broken hand and foot, and he was admitted to the government hospital in the city of Nablus for treatment.


1. At 12:30, the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and tear gas towards citizens participating in a demonstration against the confiscation of land for settlement projects in the village of Beit Dajan and as a result wounded 3 citizens (including a child) and left several others suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.
2. At 13:45, the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and tear gas towards citizens in the eastern village of Laban, as they confronted a group of settlers in the ancient Al-Khan area in the village and left several others suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.

3. At 14:30, the Israeli occupation forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards citizens participating in an activity to plant olive trees on the citizens' lands of Burin village, located near the settlement outpost of "Givat Ronen" built on the village's lands near the village of Burin.


1. The 3 citizens wounded during clashes with the occupation forces in Beit Dajan village, are: Abdullah Zahi Abdul Raouf Hanani, 16 years old, Luay Murad Nayef Hanaysha, and Imad Suleiman Ammari.
2. The citizen Naseer Basil Amer - resident of the village of Kafr Qalil. was injured as a result of being severely beaten and pushed on the rocks by a group of settlers during the pursuit of a number of citizens near the village of Kafr Qalil.


Flying Checkpoints

At 11:40, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the northern entrance to the city of Salfit, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.


At 13:00, the Israeli occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades and tear gas towards citizens participating in a demonstration against the confiscation of lands for settlement projects in the Al-Ras area, west of Salfit, which resulted in 3 civilians injured and a number of citizens suffocated from tear gas inhalation.


The 3 wounded during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces in the Al-Ras area, west of the city of Salfit, are: Ahmed Othman Bayan Tabib, Ibrahim Khalil Al-Bahrawi, Muhammad Musa Deeb Shtayyeh.

Settlers Attacks

On 12/02/ 2021, a group of settlers entered the citizens' agricultural lands in Khallet Hassan, west of the town of Bidya, and attacked a number of citizens after performing Friday prayers in the area. They also detained a young man who was documenting the settlers ’assault, and released him at a later time.


Flying Checkpoints

At 08:20, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint near the Al-Nashash area junction (the southern entrance to Bethlehem), to search cars and check citizens' identities until 09:20.


1. At 01:45, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village of Al-Shawamrah, and handed a notice toHamdi Ahmad Darawi to be reviewed by the Israeli intelligence, and withdrew at 03:05.
2. At 02:20, the Israeli occupation forces raided delivered a notice to Muhammad Hassan Al-Amor to be reviewed by the Israeli intelligence, and withdrew at 03:45.

Destruction of Property

On the morning of 12/02/2021, the Israeli's occupation authorities in the village of Al-Fureidis forced the citizen: Suleiman Ahmed Al-Wahsh, to personally demolish a stockyard for raising livestock of 60 square meters, after notifying him earlier, in order to avoid paying heavy fines in case the occupation authorities carry out an operation Demolition, under the pretext of not being licensed.


Flying Checkpoints

At 14:30, the Israeli occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the town of Sa'ir, to search cars and verify citizens' identities.

Settlers Attacks

On 12 02. 2021, a group of settlers from "Carmiel" settlement entered the Al-Tha`la area, east of Yatta, and attacked the family of the citizen: Mahmoud Shanran, and tried to prevent them from living in caves owned by the family, under the pretext that they are state lands leased by the occupation forces to settlers.



• At 19:00 on 26/08/2014, the permanent and comprehensive ceasefire came into effect with the initiative and patronage of the Arab Republic of Egypt, after reaching understandings to open the crossings, the introduction of humanitarian and relief aid and reconstruction requirements, and expanding the fishing area to a distance of 6 miles with the increase in distance Up to 12 miles by the end of this year, reducing the "security buffer" zone from 300 meters to 100 meters, freedom of movement and preventing assassinations. Other issues, including the airport and the port, will be negotiated within a month of the ceasefire.

• On the morning of June 28, 2019, the occupation forces allowed the expansion of the fishing distance from opposite the Al-Waha area northwest of the town of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza governorate and up to the Gaza port by a distance of 6 nautical miles, and from opposite the Gaza port to the south of the coast of Rafah to 15 nautical miles.
• On 01/09/2020, the occupation forces re-expanded the fishing distance from the front of the Al-Waha area northwest of the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza governorate and up to the Gaza port by a distance of 6 nautical miles, and from opposite the Gaza port to the south of the coast of Rafah to 15 nautical miles. After it imposed on 08/16/2020 a complete closure on the maritime domain in front of the fishermen's boats in front of the Gaza Strip.


Flying Checkpoints

* Beit Hanoun Crossing - "Erez": 12/ 02/2021 is closed (except for the passage of emergency humanitarian cases).


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar-Karni crossing: closed since 02/03/2011, permanently and by a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shejaiya Crossing - “Nahal Oz” for fuel: closed since 04. 01. 2010, by unilateral Israeli decision.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser Arafat International Airport: closed.
* Sofa Crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom Crossing - "Kerem Shalom": on 12/02/2021 is closed (due to a Friday holiday).
* Al-Awda- Rafah crossing: on 12/02/2021 is closed.

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