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Daily Report August 07 2020

Total: 60




 08:00, 6th August 2020 -08:00, 7th August 2020




1. At 11:30,Israeli forces detained Ahmed Abdel Salam Salah El-Din - resident of the town of Hizma.
2. At 12:30, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Nasser Qarsh, and Isa Qarsh in Beit Hanina town.
3. At 13:30, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Ryan Alqam, and Mohammed Yusef Al-Anati in Shu'fat camp in Jerusalem city.


On 06.08.2020, Israeli authorities in Jerusalem city issued orders to ban Muhanad Al-Ansari {a Security Guard at Al-Aqsa mosque compound} from Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem city for a period of 4 months.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 09:30,groups of extremist settlers, under the protection of the occupation police, stormed the courtyards Al-Aqsa Mosque, and made provocative tours of its courtyards and facilities.



1. On 06.08.2020, Israeli forces raided Kafrit village then stormed and searched several homes.
2. At 02:30, Israeli forces raided Jenin city, clashed with several residents as they stormed several homes and as a result critically injured a woman after being shot by Israeli forces in the chest while inside her home then opened fire towards the ambulance that was attempting to reach the victime leaving the ambulance riddled with bullets.


At 02:30, Israeli forces fired live ammunition, rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents as they stormed and searched several homes during their raid into Jenin city and as a result critically injured a woman after being shot by Israeli forces in the chest while inside her home then opened fire towards the ambulance that was attempting to reach the victime leaving the ambulance riddled with bullets.


Israeli forces critically injured Dalia Ahmad Al-Samoudi {after she was shot in the chest} after opening fire during their raid into Jenin city.

Assault on medical sector

At 02:30, Israeli forces opened fire towards the ambulance that was attempting to reach a critically injured woman and left the ambulance riddled with bullets.



At 15:15, Israeli forces raided Nur Al-Shams camp in Tulkarem city, detained a resident then withdrew at 06:45.


Israeli forces detained Omar Saleh Nayef Abu Al-Rub in Nur Al-Shams camp in Tulkarem city.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 08:45,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the east entrance of Qalqiliya city to search cars and check the identities of citizens.
2. At 10:15,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Izbit Al-Tabib village to search cars and check the identities of citizens.


Flying Checkpoints

At 22:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Deir Sharaf village junction and detained a resident.


1. At 03:35 on 06.08.2020,Israeli forces detained Hamad Maskouni during their raid into Nablus city {as mentioned in the previous report}.
2. On 06.08.2020, Israeli forces positioned at Beit Furiq military checkpoint detained 3 children: Mahmoud Ahmad Abu Sarees, 14, Abd al-Hamid al-Hajj, 14, and Sami Sawalmeh, 16. {all are residents of Balata camp in Nablus city}.
3.Israeli forces positioned at a flying checkpoint near Deir Sharaf village junction {located along the main road connecting Nablus and Tulkarem} detained Jaafar Muhammad Hafez Abu Dayya {a resident of Nur Shams camp in Tulkarem}.

Settlers Attacks

On 06.08.2020, a group of settlers near a water well in Deir Sharaf village (which supplies the city of Nablus and the surrounding villages with drinking water), erected a tent and a caravan, in an attempt to establish a settlement outpost in the area, and the occupation forces also intervened and attacked a number of Citizens from the villages of Deir Sharaf and Sabastiya, as they went to confront the settlers.


Flying Checkpoints

At 20:15,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the North entrance of Salfit city to search cars and check the identities of citizens.


Flying Checkpoints

At 20:55,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the south entrance of Jericho city to search cars and verify citizens identities.

Destruction of Property

On 06.08.2020, Israeli forces demolished 3 irrigation pools which is used to irrigate 70 dunums of agricultural land owned by Muneer Nasasra and Yasser Zibadi.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 08:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Al-Shuwarat village to search cars and check the identities of citizens until 09:00.
2. At 13:25,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near the Al-Nashash Junction (the southern entrance to the city of Bethlehem) to search cars and check the identities of citizens until 14:50.
3. At 13:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Jinata town then searched vehicles and checked the identities of citizens until 14:45.
4. At 14:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the west entrance of Husan village and detained a resident.
5. At 17:05 and again at 00:45, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint in Aqbat Hasna area {located along the main road leading to the west villages of Bethlehem district} then searched vehicles and checked the identities of citizens until 02:00.
6. At 20:10,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the North entrance of Teqou' town to search cars and check the identities of citizens until 21:10.
7. At 20:25, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the west entrance of Beit Fajjar town then searched vehicles and checked the identities of citizens until 21:30.


At 05:25, Israeli forces raided Bethlehem city and Al-Duhishat camp, clashed with several residents as they stormed a home in the camp , detained 2 residents then withdrew at 06:00.


1. Israeli forces positioned at a flying checkpoint at the west entrance of Husan village detained Abdel-Qadder Khalil Hamarat.
2. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Mohammed Attia Subuh, and Hamza Bilal Al-Dibs in Bethlehem city.


At 05:25, Israeli forces fired rubber coated steel bullets, stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning as they stormed and searched a home during their raid into Al-Duhishat camp in Bethlehem city.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 08:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Ithna town to search cars and verify citizens ’identities.
2. At 10:35, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Sa'ir town to search cars and verify citizens ’identities.


1. At 09:00 on 06.08.2020, Israeli forces raided Al-Fuwar camp and detained a resident.
2. At 07:45 on 07.08.2020, Israeli forces raided Yatta town and detained a resident.


1. At 21:40, Israeli forces positioned near Al-Ibrahimi mosque compound in the old city of Hebron detained Mahmoud Marwan Banat.
2. Israeli forces detained Mohammad Nasser Mahfouth in Al-Fuwar camp.
3. Israeli forces detained Kamal Issa Al-Dababsa in Yatta town.

House Demolition

On 06.08.2020, Israeli forces demolished a residential room owned by Hisham Khalil Al-Nawa'jat located in Wadi Jahish area located in east Yatta town.

Confiscation of Property

On 06.08.2020, Israeli forces confiscated a concrete pump as its was operating on a home owned by Ziyad Zied Abu Maliya in Khilet Al-Wahish area located in east Yatta town for allegedly being built without a license.

Land Levelling

On 06.08.2020, Israeli forces levelled a plot of agricultural land owned by Al-Shawahin family located in Khillet Al-Adrat area near "Sussiya" settlement in east Yatta town.



• Since 19:00 on 26. 08. 2014 The permanent and comprehensive ceasefire came into effect on the initiative and sponsorship of the Arab Republic of Egypt, after reaching understandings to open the crossings and introduce humanitarian and relief assistance and reconstruction supplies, and to expand the area of fishing for 6 miles with an increase of up to 12 miles with At the end of this year, the area of the "buffer security" area will be reduced from 300 m to 100 m, freedom of movement and the prevention of assassinations, and the remaining issues, including the airport and the port, will be negotiated within a month of the ceasefire.
•Since the Morning of 28. 06. 2019 The occupying forces allowed the expansion of the fishing distance from the oasis area northwest of the town of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza and even to the port of Gaza by 6 nautical miles, and from the port of Gaza to the south of Rafah beach to 15 nautical miles.

• The occupation forces violated the ceasefire after Israeli aircrafts launched 3 missiles {in 2 consecutive airstrikes} towards North Gaza district.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanoun Crossing - "Erez" on 06. 08. 2020 is closed (excluding the passage of emergency humanitarian cases).

Air Strike

On the evening of 06.08.2020, Israeli warplanes fired 3 missiles {in 2 consecutive airstrikes} targeting a site of a Palestinian armed group located north of the town of Beit Lahia.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Mantar-Karni crossing: closed since 02. 03. 2011 once and for all by unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shujaiya Crossing - "Nahal Oz" fuel crossing: closed since 04. 01. 2010 by unilateral Israeli decision.


Closure of Crossing Points

*Yasser Arafat International Airport: Closed.
*Sofa Crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom Crossing - Kerem Shalom: 06. 08. 2020 is partially open (for the introduction of foodstuffs and goods, limited quantities of fuel, building materials for the private sector and internationally funded projects).
* Al-Awda port - Rafah: on 06. 08. 2020 is closed.

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