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Daily Report June 10 2020

Total: 84


  08:00, 9th June 2020  – 08:00,10th June 2020




1. At dawn on 10.06.2020, Israeli forces raided Al-Issawiya village and detained 3 residents.
2. At dawn on 10.06.2020, Israeli forces raided Beit Annan town and detained 2 residents.


1. At 02:40 on 09/06/2060, the Israeli occupation forces arrested 2 citizens while they stormed the town of Abu Dis (in addition to what was mentioned in the previous report): Ahmed Abdullah Mohsen Khanaafah and Muhannad Al-Khatib.
2. At 13:00, the occupation forces arrested near Al-Aqsa Mosque. Citizen: Omar Muhaisen - residents of Al-Issawiya village.
3. At 14:00, the occupation forces detained the old city of Jerusalem, the citizen: Mustafa Abu Ghazala.
4. At 18:40, the Israeli occupation forces arrested 3 citizens while they were participating in a march in protest against the martyrdom of the citizen: Iyad Al-Hallaq (with special needs) in the city of Jerusalem. They were: Hala Marshoud, Wijdan Al-Ghoul, and Zeina Barbar.
5. The 3 detainees in the village of Al-Issawiya are: Muath Nahed Obaid, Amin Omar Hamed, and Alaa Esmat Abeed.
6. The two detainees in the town of Beit Annan are: Uday Abdullah Jamhour and Mahmoud Hamed Bakr Rabee.


1. On 09. 06. 2020, the occupation authorities in Jerusalem submitted a decision to deport the citizen: Anan Najib, for a period of 6 months from the city of Jerusalem, and submitted a map with the decision to deport the citizens, the areas in which he is forbidden to enter or be present.
2. On 06/06/2060, the occupation authorities in Jerusalem handed a decision to deport the citizen: Omar Muhaisen, for a period of 6 months from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as a condition for his release after he had arrested him earlier.

House Demolition

1. On the morning of 09 June 2016, the Israeli occupation forces demolished a house belonging to the citizen, Aisha Hijazi, in the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem, on the pretext of not licensing.
2. On 06/06/2060, the occupation forces demolished 5 houses (built of shantytowns) in the wilderness of the village, under the pretext of not licensing, and forced their residents to leave the area by force, and they belong to the citizens: Ali Salim Zahayqa, Ibrahim Omar Hamadeen, Khalil Ibrahim These two are Hani Shaker Musa Al-Sarkhi and Khalil Zaki Abdul Qadir.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 08:30,groups of extremist settlers, under the protection of the occupation police, stormed the courtyards Al-Aqsa Mosque, and made provocative tours of its courtyards and facilities.



1. At dawn on 10.06.2020, Israeli forces raided Deir Abu Mash'al village and detained a resident.
2. At dawn on 10.06.2020, Israeli forces raided Kafr Ni'ma village and detained a resident.


1. The one detained in the village of Deir Abu Mishaal is: Yousef Rami Zahran.

2. Detained in the village of Kafr Nama: Rami Asem Al-Deek.



1. At 23:50, Israeli forces raided Jenin city.
2. At 03:55, Israeli forces raided Qabatiya town and detained a resident.
3. At dawn on 10.06.2020,Israeli forces raided Deir Abu Da'if village and detained 2 residents.


1. Israeli forces detained Waleed Abu Al-Rub in Qabatiya town.
2. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Wissam Mohammad and Bakr Mohammad Alyat in Deir Abu Da'if village



At 03:00, Israeli forces raided Tubas cit, detained a resident then withdrew at 07:20.


Israeli forces detained Mahmoud Naji Abdel Raheem Salah in Tubas city.



At 16:00, Israeli forces positioned near the gate on the apartheid wall, located near the town of Zita, fired rubber-coated metal bullets and sound and tear gas canisters towards the citizens, under the pretext that they were throwing stones.


Flying Checkpoints

1.At 10:00,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the east entrance of Qalqiliya city to search vehicles and verify citizens identities.
2. At 19:30,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint between the town of Jayyus and the village of Nabi Elias, to search cars and verify citizens ’identities


At 14:30, the Israeli occupation forces, along the bypass road, to the south of Qalqilya, fired rubber-coated metal bullets and sound and tear gas canisters towards the citizens, under the pretext that they were throwing stones.


Military Checkpoints

At 09:50,Israeli forces tightened their procedures at the Hawara checkpoint and impeded traffic.

Flying Checkpoints

1. At 10:00,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Beita town roundabout to search cars and check the identities of citizens
2. At 16:05. Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near "Yitzhar" settlement junction located in North Huwara town to search cars and check the identities of citizens.
3. At 19:15,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Jamma'in town then searched residents and vehicles.


At 01:10, Israeli forces raided Beita town.


1. At 14:15, Israeli forces detained the child: Rami Muhammad Marwah Dwaikat {17 years old}{ a resident of Nablus city} while he was reporting to Israeli intelligence, based on a prior notification.
2. At 22:10, the occupation forces near the Itamar settlement, arrested Mahfouz Ghassan Bakir Nassara - residents of the town of Beit Furik, on the pretext of finding in his possession a knife.


Military Checkpoints

At 09:30,Israeli forces tightened their procedures at the Za'tara Junction checkpoint, and impeded traffic.

Flying Checkpoints

1. At 10:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the northern entrance to the city of Salfit to search cars and check the identities of citizens until 11:00.
2. At 15:30, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Kafr Al-Deek town to search cars and check the identities of citizens until 16:20.
3. At 20:00,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Al-Zawiya town then searched residents and vehicles.
4. At 23:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Deir Ballout town then searched residents and vehicles.


At 23:50, Israeli forces raided Masahat village.

Settlers Attacks

At 23:20, a group of settlers entered the agricultural lands of the citizens on the northern side of Kafr Al-Dik town, and cut down the branches of a number of olive trees owned by Ali Abdel Hamid Ali Ahmed.



الساعة 02:00 اعتقلت قوات الإحتلال على حاجز عسكري قرب البحر الميت، المواطن: يزن ماجد أبو عودة - سكان محافظة رام الله.
At 02:00, Israeli forces positioned at a military checkpoint near the Dead Sea detained Yazan Majed Abu Odeh {a resident of Ramallah district}.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 08:55,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Teqou' town to search cars and check the identities of citizens until 14:00.
2. At 09:30,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near the Al-Nashash Junction (the southern entrance to the city of Bethlehem) then searched vehicles and checked the identities of citizens until 10:55.
3. At 21:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Jinata town then searched vehicles and checked the identities of citizens until 21:10.


On 09.06.2020, Israeli forces raided Al-Waljat village and served notifications for the demolition of a number of inhabited houses and houses on which construction was added (known by their owners): Hassan Shehadeh Khalifa, Khaled Mahmoud Abu Khayara, Muhammad Nasr Abu al-Tin, and Khaled Muhammad Jibril, as well as a notification of the demolition of a staircase and a livestock den {housing horses} and retaining walls.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 11:45,Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Ithna town junction to search cars and check the identities of citizens.
2. At 17:30,Israeli forces set up 6 checkpoints at the entrance Al-Nabi Younis area (on the main road to Hebron - Bethlehem), at the junction of the Beit Enoun area and at the southern entrance to the city of Hebron - (near the “Hagai colony”) and at the entrance to the examination area south of the city of Hebron and at the entrances to the town of Dhahria and the Al-Fawar camp to search cars and verify citizens identities.


1. At 01:30, Israeli forces raided Yatta town, detained 3 residents and confiscated workshop equipment.
2. At 02:35, Israeli forces raided Karisat village then stormed and searched a home.
3. At 04:15, Israeli forces raided Al-Shiyoukh town and detained 2 residents.
4. At dawn on 10.06.2020, Israeli forces raided Bani Na'im town.


1.On 08.06.2020, Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Abd Kamel Al-Ajlouni and Ammar Kamel Al-Ajlouni in the old city of Hebron.
2. Israeli forces detained 3 residents: Iyad Mahmoud Rashid, his brothers Rashid and Omar in Yatta town.
3. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Amer Aweidat and Muhannad Musa Naeem Al-Halaiqa in Al-Shiyoukh town.


At 20:00, Israeli forces positioned in Hebron city fired rubber coated steel bullets,stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents participating in demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinian detainees for alleged stoning and as result left them suffocating due to inhaling tear gas.

Confiscation of Property

At 01:30, the occupying forces confiscated the equipment of a workshop belonging to Iyad Mahmoud Rashid, his brothers Rashid and Omar during their raid into Yatta town.



• Since 19:00 on 26. 08. 2014 The permanent and comprehensive ceasefire came into effect on the initiative and sponsorship of the Arab Republic of Egypt, after reaching understandings to open the crossings and introduce humanitarian and relief assistance and reconstruction supplies, and to expand the area of fishing for 6 miles with an increase of up to 12 miles with At the end of this year, the area of the "buffer security" area will be reduced from 300 m to 100 m, freedom of movement and the prevention of assassinations, and the remaining issues, including the airport and the port, will be negotiated within a month of the ceasefire.
•Since the Morning of 28. 06. 2019 The occupying forces allowed the expansion of the fishing distance from the oasis area northwest of the town of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza and even to the port of Gaza by 6 nautical miles, and from the port of Gaza to the south of Rafah beach to 15 nautical miles.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanoun Crossing - "Erez" on 09. 06. 2020 is closed (excluding the passage of emergency humanitarian cases).


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Mantar-Karni crossing: closed since 02. 03. 2011 once and for all by unilateral Israeli decision.
* Shujaiya Crossing - "Nahal Oz" fuel crossing: closed since 04. 01. 2010 by unilateral Israeli decision.


Closure of Crossing Points

*Yasser Arafat International Airport: Closed.
*Sofa Crossing: closed.
* Kerem Shalom Crossing - Kerem Shalom: 09. 06. 2020 is partially open (for the introduction of foodstuffs and goods, limited quantities of fuel, building materials for the private sector and internationally funded projects).
* Al-Awda port - Rafah: on 09. 06. 2020 is closed.

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