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Daily Report August 5, 2016

Total: 91



1. At 10:00, Israeli forces detained Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed Musa {A resident of Al-Khader town in Bethlehem district} in Jerusalem city.
2. At 11:30, Israeli forces detained 6 employees from Committee for the reconstruction of Al Aqsa Mosque: Sam al-Hallaq (Director of the reconstruction committee at Al-Aqsa Mosque), Mohammed al-Dabbagh, Anas al-Dabbagh, Salman Abdul Latif, Mahmoud Karama and Mutasim Karama inside Al-Aqsa mosque compound.

Assaults on Property

At 20:30, Israeli forces positioned in the old city of Jerusalem forced business owners to close down their shops in order to allow Israeli settlers to demonstrate in the city.

Obstruction of Places of Worship

At 09:30, a group of Israeli settlers under the protection of Israeli Military and Police officers stormed Al-Aqsa mosque compound and provoked worshipers.


Flying Checkpoints

At 09:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Al-Nabi Saleh village then searched residents and vehicles until 10:30.


1. At 18:45, Israeli forces raided Abboud town, clashed with several residents then withdrew at 20:30.
2. At 00:40, Israeli forces raided Al-Bireh city, stormed the headquarters of "Toob" Elevator company owned by Khatab Al-Takrouri and confiscated surveillance camera footage then withdrew at 06:00.


At 18:45, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents during their raid into Abboud town.

Confiscation of Property

At 00:40, Israeli forces confiscated surveillance camera footage after storming the headquarters of "Toob" Elevator company owned by Khatab Al-Takrouri during their raid into Al-Bireh city.

Settlers Attacks

At 09:15, a group of Israeli settlers positioned in Wadi Qatf located near "Rimonim" settlement in east Al-Taybeh town assaulted a woman as she was herding her goats and as a result left her hospitalized with contusions and killed 11 goats after settlers stabbed them with knives and then set fire to the area.

Destruction of Property

At 09:15, a group of Israeli settlers positioned in Wadi Qatf located near "Ramunim" settlement in east Al-Taybeh town killed 11 goats after settlers stabbed them with knives and then set fire to the area.


Flying Checkpoints

At 09:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Beit Qad village junction and detained a resident.


At dawn on August 5th 2016, Israeli forces raided Bi'r Al-Basha village then stormed and searched a home.


1. At 12:00, Israeli forces positioned at Al-Jalma crossing point detained Fayez Rateb Fayez Yassin {A resident of Deir Abu Da'if village}.
2. Israeli forces detained Jameel Mohammed Najib Yassin {A resident of Deir Abu Da'if village} near Beit Qad village junction.


At 19:55, Israeli forces positioned near Jaba' town junction fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning.


Military Checkpoints

At 20:25, Israeli forces intensified their restrictions at "Enav" military checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic until 20:45.



At 00:30,Israeli forces raided Kafr Qaddum village, clashed with several residents for alleged stoning as they stormed and searched a home.


At 00:30, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several resiednts as they stormed and searched a home during their raid into Kafr Qaddum village.


Military Checkpoints

At 03:10, Israeli forces closed Huwara military checkpoint and impeded the free flow of traffic for those exiting Nablus city until reopening it at a later time.

Flying Checkpoints

1. At 19:50, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint as they raided Jama'in town then searched residents and vehicles until 20:30.
2. At 03:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near "Yitshar" settlement junction and impeded the free flow of traffic until 06:00.


1. At 10:30, Israeli forces raided Beita town, stormed and searched 2 merchant shops then withdrew at 12:00.
2. At 19:50, Israeli forces raided Jama'in town, set up a checkpoint then withdrew at 20:30.
3. At 23:15, Israeli forces raided Awarta village as they escorted a group of Israeli settlers who stormed archaeological sites then withdrew at 05:30.

Assaults on Property

On August 4th 2016, Israeli forces in Duma village prevented several farmers from paving an agricultural road in the village.

Closure of main Roads

On the evening of August 4th 2016, Israeli forces closed the main road connecting Huwara town and Odala village with dirt mounds.


Military Checkpoints

At 03:10, Israeli forces closed at Za'tara checkpoint junction and impede the free flow of traffic for those exiting Nablus city then reopened it at a later time.

Flying Checkpoints

At 22:00, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Bruqin town junction then searched residents and vehicles until 22:30.


Flying Checkpoints

At 03:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the south entrance of Jericho city then searched residents and vehicles until 03:50.

House Demolition

At 06:25 on August 4th 2016, Israeli forces demolished 2 residential dens owned by Ali Suliman Malhiet and Mohammad Ali Malahiet in Arab Al-Qa'abna area located along Al-Mu'arajat road in North West Jericho city.

Destruction of Property

At 06:25 on August 4th 2016, Israeli forces demolished a kitchen, bathrooms, a live stock den and 3 water tanks owned by Ali Suliman Malihat and a kitchen and water tanks owned by Mohammad Ali Malihat in Arab Al-Qa'abna area located along Al-Mu'arajat road in North West Jericho city.


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 13:00 and again at 22:45, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Al-Nashash area junction {located at the south entrance of Bethlehem city}, detained a woman then searched residents and vehicles until 23:10.
2. At 20:20, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Dar Salah village bridge {located at the east entrance of Beit Sahour city} then searched residents and vehicles until 20:30.
3. At 23:05, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint near Beit Sahur city then searched residents and vehicles until 23:45.
4. At 00:55, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at Teqou' town junction and detained a resident.


1. At 14:50, Israeli forces positioned in Al-Arouj area in Teqou' town, detained 2 residents then withdrew at 15:40.
2. At 16:50, Israeli forces raided Al-Abiyat area in Bethlehem city, stormed and searched a home then withdrew at 17:30.
3. At 02:05, Israeli forces raided Marah Rabah village then stormed and searched a home.
4. At 02:10, Israeli forces raided Teqou' town until 04:45.
5. At 04:30, Israeli forces raided Bethlehem city until 06:00.


1. At 15:00, Israeli forces detained the child: Ibrahim Khaled Jamil Ziyada {16 years old} {A resident of Al-Duhisheh camp in Bethlehem city} as he was reporting to Israeli Intelligence for questioning based on a prior summon.
2. Israeli forces positioned at a flying checkpoint near Al-Nashash area junction {located at the south entrance of Bethlehem city} detained Randa Mohammad Yusef Al-Shahatiet {A resident of Dura town in Hebron city}.
3. Israeli forces detained Issam Jamal Al-Jammal in Teqou' town junction.
4. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Samir Ali Al-Arouj, and his son Mohammed in in Al-Arouj area in Teqou' town


Flying Checkpoints

1. At 19:45, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Dura town then searched residents and vehicles.
2. At 21:10, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Al-Fa'hs area located in south Hebron city and detained 2 residents.
3. At 22:15, Israeli forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Al-Nabi Yunis area {located along the main road connecting Hebron and Bethlehem} then searched residents and vehicles.


1. At 10:45, Israeli forces raided Hebron city , detained a resident then withdrew at 11:25.
2. At dawn on August 5th 2016, Israeli forces raided Beit Awwa town and fired stun canisters in the area.


1. Israeli forces detained 2 residents: Thaer Ghaleb Abu Qubayta and Muhammad Sami Abu Qubayta (both residents of Yatta) at the entrance of Al-Fa'hs area located in south Hebron city
2. Israeli forces detained Yassin Mahmoud Al-Zghal in Hebron city.


1. At 10:55, Israeli forces positioned in Al-Thaher area in Beit Ummar town fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning.
2. At dawn on August 5th 2016, Israeli forces fired stun and tear gas canisters towards several residents for alleged stoning during their raid into Beit Awwa town.



• Since 19:00 on August 26th 2014, Palestinian Gunmen and the Israeli military agreed to a cease fire agreement (brokered by the Arab Republic of Egypt) which includes the opening of border crossings to allow the entry of emergency supplies and humanitarian goods as well as construction material and agreed to increase the fishing limit to 6 nautical miles with possibility of increase to 12 nautical miles by the end of the year and to decrease the Military area to 100 meters, allow freedom of movement and a halt to targeted killings and assassinations and negotiations will be held for discussion on rebuilding the seaport and airports and on April 3rd 2016, Israeli authorities increased the fishing limit to 9 nautical miles from Wadi Gaza until the south border of the Gaza stripe and on June 26th 2016


Closure of Crossing Points

* Beit Hanun (Erez) crossing is partially open for the passage of critical patients, journalists, NGO staff, businesspersons and passengers travelling abroad through Al-Karama crossing with previous coordination.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Al-Muntar (Karni) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 02 March 2011, the Crossing has been effectively closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.
* Al-Shija’iya (Nahal ‘Oz) Crossing is closed. Beginning on 04 January 2010, the Crossing has closed following a unilateral Israeli decision.



At 19:0 on August 4th 2016, Israeli forces detained a unidentified residents in east Al-Maghazi camp as he was attempting to climb the border fence into Israel.


Closure of Crossing Points

* Yasser ‘Arafat International Airport remains closed.
* Rafah (Al ‘Awdah) Crossing is closed.
* Sufa Crossing is closed.
* Karm Abu Salem (Karem Shalom) Crossing is partially open for the entry of goods, fuel, construction material for the private sector and internationally funded projects.

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