Statement by Dr. Saeb Erekat after meeting the Heads of Missions of the European Union to Palestine

Press Releases
February 13, 2017

This is a crucial moment in order to save the prospects for justice and peace. The Israeli government believes that they can go ahead with their colonization plans and to finally bury the two-state solution, replacing it for the consolidation of a one state/two-systems reality, known as Apartheid.

We have requested the EU members to uphold their responsibilities, including a few countries that have decided to reward the anti-peace agenda of Benjamin Netanyahu. We have called upon all countries who haven’t recognized the State of Palestine to do so. Also, we believe that it is important to implement UNSC Resolution 2334, including a total separation between Israel and its illegal settlements in Occupied Palestine.

In this regard, while we have welcomed the EU labeling of settlement products, we think it is insufficient. We are talking about one of the most blatant Israeli violations of international humanitarian law. Therefore we demand a total ban on Israeli settlement products, including services.

There is no contradiction between taking action against Israeli violations of international law, implementation of UN resolutions and calls for resumption of negotiations. Our position regarding meaningful negotiations has been clear with our support for the Paris Peace Conference. We are at a crucial moment where concrete measures, rather than recycled statements, are the only way to move forward.