Dr. Saeb Erekat on the Collective Punishment of the Families of Palestinian Martyrs

Press Releases
March 24, 2016

The Israeli government has approved the illegal collective punishment of the families of Palestinian martyrs in direct violation of international human rights and international humanitarian law.  The bill approves a long-standing illegal policy to allow Israeli occupying forces to forcibly exile and relocate Palestinian families from their homes in direct violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the 1907 Hague Regulations.

We fervently condemn Israel’s actions and their continued targeting of Palestinian civilians.  The right-wing extremist Netanyahu government’s legitimization of their Apartheid regime through national legislation shows a complete disregard for human rights and demonstrates a systematic policy of subjugation and suppression of the Palestinian people.  

Our leadership will not stand idly by while Israel continues to target our families, and the will of our people will not be broken.  We will continue to report all violations to the international community, whose responsibilities it is to support their obligations in favor of human rights.  We call upon the international community to come together and defend Palestinian inalienable rights.

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