Dr. Erakat welcomed President Obama’s Cairo speech

Press Releases
June 04, 2009

US President Obama’s speech in Cairo

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr Saeb Erakat today welcomed President Obama’s Cairo speech, and applauded his strong commitment to the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

“This was a very important speech, in which President Obama reinforced the message that ending the occupation and establishing a viable and independent Palestinian state was in the mutual interest of Palestinians, Israelis and indeed the entire world. Progress towards peace hinges on both parties implementing their obligations under existing agreements,” Dr Erakat said.

“For Palestinians, that means continuing with the progress we have made in the areas of governance, security and financial sector reforms. For Israel, it includes implementing an immediate and comprehensive settlement freeze, including all 'natural growth’, and lifting all restrictions on freedom of movement for Palestinian goods and people.”

“President Obama’s speech reinforced the international consensus that exists today in support of the two-state solution, and its crucial importance to achieving a comprehensive peace in the region. Israel’s refusal to endorse the two-state solution, or to implement its obligations under existing agreements, remains the key obstacle to moving the peace process forward.”

“President Obama also expressed the need to address the daily injustices that Palestinians face. This includes the dislocation, dispossession and insecurity that millions of Palestinian refugees face, the intolerable realities of Israel’s occupation, especially in Gaza, as well as the importance of Jerusalem to all faiths and peoples, including Palestinian Christians and Muslims.”

“Along with borders, settlements, security, and water, Palestinian refugees and the status of Jerusalem are core permanent status issues whose resolution, in accordance with international law, holds the key to a just and lasting peace in the region.”

“The guidelines are already in place for a just and lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis. International law, existing UN resolutions and prior agreements all converge around the establishment of a viable and sovereign Palestinian state based on the June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, as well as a just and agreed upon solution for Palestinian refugees in accordance with UNGA 194.”

“Palestinians and the international community speak today with one voice in favor of the two-state solution, based on a shared interest in regional stability and comprehensive peace,” Dr. Erakat concluded.

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