Dr Erakat: speculation on proximity talks unhelpful

Press Releases
February 08, 2010

Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Dr Saeb Erakat, today said that recent media speculation concerning US facilitated proximity talks was both premature and unhelpful.
“President Abbas has consulted widely with his brothers, the Arab leaders, and our friends in the international community, regarding the obstacles Israel has put in the way of negotiations. These consultations will continue,” Dr Erakat said.

“Middle East Envoy George Mitchell has made repeated visits to the region. We have reciprocated with several visits to Washington. For its part, Israel continues to impose a series of preconditions on negotiations that prevent their resumption and narrow the political horizon for peace. This includes saying no to a settlement freeze, no to recognizing the 1967 borders, no to the rights of Palestinian refugees and no to Jerusalem as the capital of two states.”

“These are all permanent status issues that establish a framework for peace based on the two-state solution. Israel wants negotiations, but not the two-state solution. As Ehud Barak recently warned, the only outcome is an apartheid state.”

“We are waiting to hear from the United States on the terms of reference, objectives and timelines for proximity talks. Only then will they be considered, and only President Abbas will announce his decision. Until that time, media speculation is both premature and unhelpful,” Dr Erakat concluded.

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