Dr Erakat: “What we have seen this morning is a war crime”

Press Releases
May 31, 2010

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr. Saeb Erakat has strongly condemned this morning’s “brutal attacks” of Israeli forces against the Gaza Flotilla.

The Gaza Flotilla is an international effort to break the Israeli siege on Gaza, bringing tons of humanitarian aid to help the 1.5 million Palestinians besieged there.

“What we have seen this morning is a war crime. These were civilian ships carrying civilians and civilian goods – medicine, wheelchairs, food, construction materials – intended for the 1.5 million Palestinians holed up under a cruel and criminal siege by Israel. And for that, many have paid with their lives. What Israel does in Gaza is appalling; no informed and decent human can say otherwise.”

“The unarmed civilian activists were attacked on foreign vessels while sailing in international waters. This is another incident confirming that Israel acts as a state above the law. The international community must take swift and appropriate action. ”

Dr Erakat referred to the current status of Gaza. “The Israeli government has been trying to deny that Gaza is under occupation. But the fact that Israel is preventing humanitarian aid to freely access the besieged strip clearly shows that Gaza is still occupied.”

The chief Palestinian negotiator called on the international community to “act immediately to end the illegal Israeli siege and to protect the civilians savagely attacked by Israeli forces.”

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