Dr. Erekat: “Giv’at Hamatos project makes a mockery of the Quartet Statement.”

Press Releases
October 14, 2011

“Israel’s plan to build 2610 housing units in  the illegal settlement of Giv’at Hamatos, between Bethlehem and Jerusalem, makes a mockery of the Quartet statement and other international efforts to bring about a just and lasting peace,” said Chief Palestinian negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat.

“The Quartet must hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law and previous agreements. Israel is obviously immune to the Quartet’s statements and criticisms. Real action is needed, without which there is little hope for meaningful negotiations, let alone peace.”

Giv’at Hamatos is located between the illegal settlements of Gilo and Har Homa. It serves as a link between both settlements thus physically severing the Palestinian cities of Bethlehem and Jerusalem around the area of the Mar Elias monastery (where the Christmas procession to Bethlehem starts every year).  

Much of the land between Gilo and Har Homa belongs to Palestinians from the Bethlehem district who are unable to access their property due to the construction of the Israeli apartheid wall and checkpoints. This includes many dunums of property belonging to Palestinian churches.   

“The location of Giv’at Hamatos makes of it one of the most damaging settlements in occupied Palestine. It will turn the Palestinian town of Beit Safafa into a ghetto. It will sever the connection between Bethlehem and Jerusalem.   As we approach Christmas, for the Palestinians in Bethlehem, who live just a few kilometers away from the Holy City, Jerusalem might as well be on another continent.” 

Dr. Erekat added that “recognizing the State of Palestine on the 1967 border and admitting it to the United Nations sends a message to Israel that the world will not recognize the legitimacy of its illegal and unilateral actions. The international community, including the Quartet, must take serious action if it wishes to see a peace based on two-states. This solution will not be available indefinitely.”    

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