Ahead of Quartet – Palestinian consultations, Dr. Erekat: “We look forward to hearing from the Quartet about their vision”

Press Releases
October 26, 2011

Chief Palestinian negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat confirmed: “We are attending a meeting with the Quartet representatives this afternoon in Jerusalem.”

“We look forward to hearing from the Quartet representatives about their vision and how will they reconcile it with the Israeli refusal to stop illegal settlement construction. We expect to hear from the Quartet how the international community will hold Israel accountable for the failure of peace talks due to their repeated refusal accept the 1967 border and to adhere to international law and previous agreements, including the Road Map.”

Dr. Erekat said that the Palestinian side “will press the urgency for a complete cessation of all Israeli settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory, especially in and around East Jerusalem.”

Chief Palestinian negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat and Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh member of Central Committee will attend the meeting with the Quartet representatives.

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