Chief Palestinian Negotiator: Israeli actions are blackmail and theft that will not change our course of action

Press Releases
November 01, 2011

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat condemned Israeli government’s approval of 2000 new settlement housing units in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the withholding of Palestinian tax revenues.

“Our condemnation is unequivocal. These steps are illegal and amount to blackmail that we categorically reject,” said Dr. Erekat.  

The Chief Negotiator added, “This further proves that all along, Israel has been defying the will of the international community and illegally expansion settlements on occupied Palestinian land for political reasons. These are actions that expose the arrogance of power and mentality of occupier that drives Israeli actions”.

All Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal under international law and constitute a war crime according to the Rome Statute.  

“The land on which these settlement units are to be built is occupied Palestinian land. The money that Israel is withholding is also Palestinian money. This theft is happening in broad daylight and the international community is bearing witness”, said Dr. Erekat. “The international community has an obligation to confront these violations. It must act.”  

 The Chief Negotiator also reminded that Israel, as an occupying power, has clear responsibilities under international law. He added, “The international community must stand up to its responsibilities and end this arrogant assault on international law and Palestinian rights. These Israeli actions target the credibility of the international community, whose overwhelming majority supports Palestine’s recognition, as much as they affect Palestinian lives and livelihoods”.

“These reckless measures will not intimidate us nor will they change our course of action. We will continue to pursue the Palestinian people’s natural and legal right to statehood and self-determination”, affirmed the Chief Negotiator.

 “Israel is threatening our people in Gaza with a wide-scale offensive and has announced these acts of belligerence against Palestinian rights. These actions are all part of a plan of an Israeli government that has no interest in reaching an agreement based on two-states,” said Dr. Erekat, concluding, “This is a government intent on maintaining and entrenching its occupation and policy of aggression. We call on states that are interested in peace to help us enforce international law and to recognize Palestine on the 1967 border”.

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