Ahead of meeting with Quartet representatives, Dr. Erekat confirms: “For peace to prevail, Israel must be held accountable.”

Press Releases
November 14, 2011

Chief Palestinian negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat confirmed that the Palestinian side will meet with Quartet representatives: “We are meeting with Quartet representatives this morning at the United Nation’s Headquarters in occupied East Jerusalem.”

“We are going to explain our positions. Our vision for peace is in line with international law and international consensus. We will deliver the message that for peace to prevail, accountability is needed,” said Dr. Erekat.  

Dr. Erekat also said the Palestinian delegation will highlight “the illegal Israeli settlement construction in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in and around occupied East Jerusalem, other policies carried out by the state of Israel against Palestinian civilians, as well as the state-sponsored settler terrorism against our people”.

The Chief Palestinian negotiator reaffirmed, “So long as Israel continues to violate previous agreements, including its obligations to freeze settlements and stop attacks against our people, resuming negotiations would be meaningless”.

* Chief Palestinian negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat and Member of Fatah’s Central Committee Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh, along with technical advisers from the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department, will attend the meeting with the Quartet representatives.

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