Following the Meeting with Quartet Representatives, Dr. Erekat: Settlements and the Two-State Solution are Mutually Exclusive

Press Releases
November 14, 2011

Following the meeting with Quartet representatives today, attended by Dr. Saeb Erekat and Dr. Mohamad Shtayyeh, Dr. Erekat summarized the proceedings, “In line with the timeline set out by the Quartet in its 23 September 2011 statement, we explained the PLO positions on permanent status issues”.

Dr. Erekat added, “We are ready to discuss all final status issues once Israel proves its seriousness and commitment by freezing all its illegal settlement construction in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in occupied East Jerusalem, and accepting clear terms of reference, specifically the 1967 border. We cannot understate the importance of this issue. There is no doubt about the fact that Israeli settlements and the two-state solution are mutually exclusive”. 

The Palestinian delegation also reaffirmed that in order for any direct negotiations to begin, Israel must honor its obligations in accordance with international law and the Road Map. “These are not favors that Israel is doing for us. This is an integral component of the formula for a credible exchange that would ensure a speedy and successful conclusion to the occupation and conflict”, said Dr. Erekat.

The Palestinian side also repeated its request for support from the Quartet to release Palestinian political prisoners, particularly those imprisoned before the Oslo Accords. During the previous meeting with the Quartet, Dr. Erekat delivered a letter, on behalf of the PLO Executive Committee, asking for it to support Palestinian efforts to have the Israeli government implement its obligations under a 2008 prisoner agreement between President Abbas and former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.  

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat and Member of Fatah’s Central Committee Dr. Mohamad Shtayyeh attended the meeting, supported by technical advisors from the PLO’s Negotiations Affairs Department.

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