Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Dr. Saeb Erekat strongly condemns the Forcible transfer issued against Ahmad Attoun, member of the Palestinian parliament and resident of the occupied East Jerusalem.

Press Releases
December 07, 2011

“This forcible transfer order is an assault against democracy and an objectionable attempt to intervene in domestic Palestinian politics,” said Dr. Erekat, adding that “this is another war crime committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in general, and the people of Jerusalem in particular.” 

Dr. Erekat reminded that “this criminal order comes on the heels of  an accelerated process of settlement construction that is effectively separating occupied East Jerusalem from the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory. The thousands of buildings either approved or under construction in Gilo, Har Homa, Giv’at Hamatos, Pisgat Ze’ev, or the Wall in Cremisan and Qalandia, are all part of the same policy: to ethnically cleanse occupied East Jerusalem from its indigenous Palestinian population.”

Dr. Saeb Erekat called upon the international community to take action: “The international community has a legal and moral responsibility to protect the Palestinian people.” “We expect them to fulfill this obligation and to hold Israel accountable for this illegal act of aggression.”

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