Dr. Shtayyeh on approval of units for Israeli settlements “This is all Netanyahu and Lieberman have to offer: The destruction of the two-state solution and the imposition of an Apartheid regime”

Press Releases
November 06, 2012

Member of the Political Committee and Fatah Central Committee Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh commented on the latest Israeli decision to construct 1213 new housing units for Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.


“For those who still wonder if there is an Israeli partner for peace, the answer has been given. What has been announced is nothing but the officially endorsed political program of the Israeli government. This is all Netanyahu and Lieberman have to offer: The destruction of the two-state solution and the imposition of an Apartheid regime.”


Dr. Shtayyeh went further: “This is another attempt by the Israeli government to thwart international efforts to achieve peace in the region. They know that regardless of the international condemnation they might receive, there will be no clear steps from the international community to end Israel’s impunity.”


“The Israeli government’s decision to expand settlements, which are illegal under international law, is another reason why Palestine must go to the United Nations. We want to protect our borders that are being violated by Israel’s colonial enterprise. We call upon the world to respond to this systematic Israeli policy with an overwhelming vote of support for the enhancement of Palestine’s observer-state status in the United Nations General Assembly later this month.”


Most of the settlement units were approved for the settlements of Ramot and Pisgat Ze’ev, both built with the aim of separating Occupied East Jerusalem from the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. On this matter, Dr. Shtayyeh concluded: “Israeli policies to isolate our capital from the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory is not only a flagrant violation of international law and previous agreements, but a direct attempt to prevent the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine. This is not an accident but the real intention of the Israeli government.”

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