Dr. Saeb Erekat on the Formation of the new Israeli Governmen

Press Releases
May 07, 2015

With the dust beginning to settle on the new Israeli coalition government, the face of a new form of racist, discriminatory Israel has been revealed. Benjamin Netanyahu, vehemently leading the charge to bury the two state solution and impose a perpetual Apartheid regime, Neftali Bennet a new minister boasting the murder of Palestinians, and the new Minister of Justice, Ayelet Shaked, openly calling on the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

Congratulations Israel, your new government has ensured that peace is not on their agenda. This new right-wing, extremist government is not a partner for peace when such leaders call for the annexation of Palestinian land, forcible transfer of the Palestinian population, and the genocide against our people. The time is well overdue for the International community to face the reality and hold Israel accountable for the crimes and violations made against our people.

We call on the international community to safeguard the two state by ending Israeli impunity and treatment as a state above the law, supporting Palestinian rights and diplomatic initiatives, including within the UN Security Council, ensuring the application and respect for the Fourth Geneva Convention in the Occupied State of Palestine, supporting our efforts in the International Criminal Court, and recognizing the State of Palestine without reservations.

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