Dr. Saeb Erakat: “This is the moment for the occupation to end and for Palestinians to be free”

Press Releases
November 14, 2010

On November 15, 1988, the Palestinian National Council declared the State of Palestine within the 1967 internationally-recognized borders, with East Jerusalem as our capital. In the process, we relinquished our claim to 78 percent of our historic homeland. Twenty-two years after this declaration, Israel continues to do all it can to undermine the possibility of a Palestinian state.

Dr. Saeb Erakat, the Chief Palestinian Negotiator stated that “in 1988, we called for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on only 22 percent of our territory. This was a historic compromise made in an effort to reach a genuine and lasting peace.”

“In response, Israel has deepened its occupation by building more settlements and doubling the number of settlers on our land. Unfortunately, Israel has used the negotiations process as a guise to entrench its occupation and deny us our freedom.”

“Today, we ask that the international community help us put an end to these blatant violations of international law; it’s time to recognize the Palestinian state on the borders of June 4th 1967, and call for the full implementation of our refugees’ rights in accordance with international law and UN General Assembly Resolution 194. This is the moment for the occupation to end and for Palestinians to be free.”

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