Dr Erakat condemns Israel’s provocative attack on worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Press Releases
September 27, 2009

Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Dr Saeb Erakat, today condemned Israeli violence against worshippers at the Al-Aqsa mosque during which a number of Palestinians were injured and several were arrested.

“At a time when President Obama is trying to bridge the divide between Palestinians and Israelis, and to get negotiations back on track, Israel is deliberately escalating tensions in Jerusalem. Providing a police escort for settlers who are against peace at all costs, and whose presence is deliberately designed to provoke a reaction, are not the actions of someone who is committed to peace, but of someone who will go to extraordinary lengths to scuttle all hopes of peace,” Dr Erakat said.

“The events of today are not only reminiscent of Ariel Sharon’s provocative visit to Al-Aqsa in 2000 that set off the second intifada, but are deliberately timed to coincide with the eve of the anniversary of that visit. Emboldened by its ability to fend off calls for a settlement freeze, the fear is that Israel will now try to fan the flames of violence in the Middle East knowing that it has little to worry about when it comes to being held accountable for its actions.”

“We’ve seen this before, and we know what the consequences are. This attack on ordinary civilians and worshippers at Al-Aqsa is unacceptable. Al-Aqsa is not only a place of worship, but one of the Muslim world’s holiest sites. Israel must cease all actions that will only inflame the situation,” Dr Erakat said.

“The fate of Jerusalem lies in negotiations. It will not be decided by violence or brutality, or by Israeli settlers seemingly determined to destroy Jerusalem as it once was, an open and multicultural city, and home to the world’s three great monotheistic faiths,” Dr Erakat said.

Dr. Erakat concluded by calling on the international community to assume their responsibility towards Jerusalem.

“East Jerusalem is occupied under international law, and it is recognized as such by the international community. Yet little is being done to save Jerusalem. Israel’s actions are both illegal and are designed to make Jerusalem a 'united city’ for Israeli settlers only, while Israel continues to target the city’s Christian and Muslim population,” Dr Erakat said.

Palestinians have warned time and again of the consequences of Israeli policies in and around the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, including its excavations under the compound that have inflamed tensions in the past,” Dr Erakat concluded.

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