Chief Palestinian Negotiator: “Israeli Occupation, Settlements Threaten Palestinian Lives and Rights, Must be Stopped”

Press Releases
September 15, 2011

Chief Palestinian Negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat strongly condemned the latest Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians conducted by Israeli settlers and occupation forces. In particular, Dr. Erekat condemned the demolition of a home in Al Aqaba in the Jordan Valley, which brings to 5 the number of Palestinian homes demolished during September.

Dr. Erekat also accused Israel of escalating the situation on the ground in an attempt to derail the Palestinian UN bid. He added,“Israel’s occupation and illegal settlement enterprise are a threat to Palestinian aspirations and lives. They must be stopped”

“These home demolitions are further proof of Israel’s commitment to its policies of occupation and annexation. These actions entrench the occupation and bolster those who are interested in perpetuating conflict in the region,” said the Chief Negotiator. 

Dr. Erekat also pointed to the increasing number, frequency, and ferocity of attacks carried out by armed Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians and property. According to Dr. Erekat, during the past two weeks alone, 51 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians have been recorded.

He added, “Israeli settlers are armed with guns and impunity. We are aware of reports that suggest the Israeli occupation army is arming these settlers. This is a cause of great concern. These militias enjoy protection from accountability and have been set loose to vandalize mosques and fields; to terrorize village residents, and spray-paint their hate on our walls”. 

“We are going to the United Nations. This increase in Israeli violence, brutality, and racism only adds to our determination. The PLO is turning to the international community to advance our people’s national goals and protect the prospects of peace from this kind of aggression,” he said.

Dr. Erekat concluded, “Next week, the international community will be offered an opportunity to stand united and vote for peace by recognizing Palestine and consecrating the two-state solution. We are certain they will stand by the principles of the UN Charter and vote for Palestine’s UNadmission”. 

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